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Publication Details

Freeze/Thaw Monograph for LTPP Research/Reference: useful for researchers doing further work in the pavement area as well as those developing improved testing and design procedures. Includes documents of historical value.

Primary Topic: Pavement Maintenance

Description: To study the effect of freezing/thawing conditions on pavement performance, data from three electrical resistivity (ER) measurements (resistivity, resistance, and voltage) are collected approximately every month, every other year at selected Seasonal Monitoring Program (SMP) sections. In addition, soil temperature data are collected daily. An interactive procedure was developed and used to interpret ER and temperature data and to derive the freeze state and frost penetration parameters. The data are contained in two tables: SMP_FREEZE_STATE and SMP_FROST_PENETRATION. The SMP_FREEZE_ STATE table characterizes the freeze state as frozen or non-frozen at each measurement depth. SMP_FROST_PENETRATION translates the freeze state at each measurement depth into starting and ending depths of frozen layer(s).

FHWA Publication Number: FHWA-RD-98-177

Publication Year: 1998

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Updated: 10/21/2015
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000