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FHWA Home / Policy & Governmental Affairs / Highway Policy Information / September 2015 Traffic Volume Trends – Travel Monitoring and Traffic Volume

September 2015 Traffic Volume Trends

Click here for lists of state by region

Region Total Travel Percentage Change
North-East 38.7 2.9
South-Atlantic 53.1 4.6
North-Central 60.3 4.0
South-Gulf 52.0 5.0
West 55.8 4.8


  1. Travel Trends (September 2015)
  2. Individual Monthly Motor Vehicle Travel in the U.S. for September 2015
  3. Changes on Rural Arterial Roads by Region and State
  4. Changes on Urban Arterial Roads by Region and State
  5. Changes on All Estimated Roads by Region and State
  6. Volume Trends – Rural
  7. Volume Trends – Urban
  8. Figure 1 – Moving 12-Month Total on All Highways
  9. Figure 2 – Travel on U.S. Highways By Month
  10. Figure 3 – Seasonally Adjusted Vehicle Miles Traveled


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Page last modified on November 10, 2015
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000