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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

This report is an archived publication and may contain dated technical, contact, and link information
Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-06-089
Date: July 2006

PBCAT—Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool

Version 2.0

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Every year, scores of pedestrians and bicyclists are killed or injured in collisions with motor vehicles, exacting a terrible toll on individuals, families, businesses, and communities throughout the country. To respond to this national problem, the transportation community continues to develop innovative approaches to enhance the capacity of State and local coordinators, planners, and engineers to address traffic fatalities and injuries. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT): Version 2.0 offers a dynamic and practical method for recording vital information about pedestrian and bicyclist crashes to produce diverse and useful reports. PBCAT also gives access to engineering, education, and enforcement countermeasures that represent promising procedures for mitigating crashes. The details PBCAT captures about crashes between motor vehicles and pedestrians or bicyclists, and the resources it presents, will further efforts of agencies nationwide to identify and select appropriate practices to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety.

Michael Trentacoste, Director
Office of Safety Research and Development


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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to serve Government, industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information. FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure continuous quality improvement.



1. Report No.


2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient’s Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle

Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT): Version 2.0 Application Manual

5. Report DateMarch 2006
6. Performing Organization Code
7. Author(s)

David L. Harkey, Sean Tsai, Libby Thomas, and William W. Hunter

8. Performing Organization Report No.
9. Performing Organization Name and Address

University of North Carolina
Highway Safety Research Center
730 ML King Jr. Blvd., CB #3430
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
11. Contract or Grant No.


12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

Federal Highway Administration
Office of Safety Research and Development
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101-2296

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

User’s Manual 2001–2005

14. Sponsoring Agency’s Code
15. Supplementary Notes

Carol Tan (COTR) and Ann Do (COTM)

Produced under the FHWA contract "Development, Operation and Maintenance of the Highway Safety Information System (HSIS IV)." LENDIS Corporation was a subcontractor and provided programming support.

16. Abstract

In 2004, 4,641 pedestrians and 725 bicyclists were killed, accounting for 13 percent of all traffic fatalities in the United States. An additional 68,000 pedestrians and 41,000 bicyclists were reported to be injured as a result of collisions with motor vehicles. PBCAT is a software product intended to assist State and local pedestrian and bicycle coordinators, planners, and engineers in addressing pedestrian and bicyclist crash problems.

PBCAT accomplishes this goal through the development and analysis of a database containing details associated with crashes between motor vehicles and pedestrians or bicyclists. One of these details is the crash type, which describes the pre-crash actions of the parties involved. With the database developed, the software can then be used to produce reports and select countermeasures to address the problems identified. Features of PBCAT Version 2.0 include:

  • Form Design—users can customize the data entry form for inputting crash data; the form can be designed to match the local police crash report.
  • Group Typing—an alternative version of crash typing is available for users who do not wish to have the level of crash type detail offered in the traditional version.
  • Location Data—users have the option of recording specific location information (e.g., approach leg and travel direction) for pedestrian crashes occurring at intersections.
  • Crash Reports—users have more table options and the capability to export results to Microsoft® Excel®.
  • Countermeasures—links are provided to access the engineering, education, and enforcement countermeasures in PEDSAFE and BIKESAFE, which are Websites developed for FHWA that include a number of expert system tools for selecting the most appropriate countermeasures.
17. Key Words

Pedestrian crashes, bicycle crashes, crash typing, crash analysis, pedestrian countermeasures, bicycling countermeasures

18. Distribution Statement

No restrictions. This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.

19. Security Classification (of this report)


20. Security Classification (of this page)


21. No. of Pages


22. Price
From DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of form and completed page is authorized


SI* (Modern Metric) Conversion Factors












APPENDIX A. Installation Instructions

APPENDIX B. Pedestrian Location Scenarios

APPENDIX C. Crash Types and Crash Groups

APPENDIX D. Database Structure

APPENDIX E. Data Entry Forms

APPENDIX F. Crash Typing Definitions

APPENDIX G. Crash Typing Examples

APPENDIX H. Pedsafe and Bikesafe Groups




Figure 1. Image. Extract the installation files

Figure 2. Image. Use pull-down menus and toolbars for navigation

Figure 3. Image. Step 1

Figure 4. Image. Step 2

Figure 5. Image. Set default database and choose default data entry forms

Figure 6. Image. Step 3

Figure 7. Image. Set database options and user profiles

Figure 8. Image. Create, add an existing, or remove a database

Figure 9. Image. Search for and open a database to be added

Figure 10. Image. Enable or disable pedestrian location option and group typing options

Figure 11. Image. Add, delete, or edit fields in the database

Figure 12. Image. Enter field name, alias, data type, field length, entry type, and default value

Figure 13. Image. Select a field entry type

Figure 14. Image. Edit a field

Figure 15. Image. Set user profiles, passwords, and editing options

Figure 16. Image. Create a new profile

Figure 17. Image. Select a profile

Figure 18. Image. Enter a password and hint information

Figure 19. Image. Enter a password

Figure 20. Image. Set values for speed groups and choose units of measurement

Figure 21. Image. Establish as few as two groups

Figure 22. Image. Set values for pedestrian, bicyclist, and motorist age groups

Figure 23. Image. Set values and numbers of groups for three modes

Figure 24. Image. Create, edit, delete, and copy forms

Figure 25. Image. Select forms for editing

Figure 26. Image. Create a form using the New Form function

Figure 27. Image. Create a form using the Edit Form function

Figure 28. Image. Insert a field on a form

Figure 29. Image. Insert text and group boxes on a form

Figure 30. Image. Resize a box

Figure 31. Image. Set the sequence of tabs for a new or existing form

Figure 32. Image. Rename and save a form

Figure 33. Image. Overwrite an existing form

Figure 34. Image. Delete a form

Figure 35. Image. Copy a form

Figure 36. Image. Enter pedestrian or bicyclist crash data

Figure 37. Image. Access the Crash Typing function

Figure 38. Image. Save a data entry record

Figure 39. Image. Open a new data entry form

Figure 40. Image. Navigate to, delete, search, and browse records in a table

Figure 41. Image. Search the database for specific records

Figure 42. Image. Browse all records in the database

Figure 43. Image. Preview the data form that can be printed

Figure 44. Image. Start the crash typing process

Figure 45. Image. Identify where the crash occurred

Figure 46. Image. Page 1 of Florida Crash Report for example 1

Figure 47. Image. Page 2 of Florida Crash Report for example 1

Figure 48. Image. Page 3 of Florida Crash Report for example 1

Figure 49. Image. Open a bicyclist crash data entry form then begin the crash typing process

Figure 50. Image. Click on Intersection to indicate where crash occurred

Figure 51. Image. Indicate where the bicyclist was initially positioned

Figure 52. Image. Indicate travel direction of the bicyclist

Figure 53. Image. Indicate unusual/specific circumstances

Figure 54. Image. Indicate initial approach paths

Figure 55. Image. Indicate maneuvers made by the parties

Figure 56. Image. Indicate type of traffic control at the intersection

Figure 57. Image. Describe the circumstances of a sign-controlled intersection crash

Figure 58. Image. Enter crash typing data into the entry form

Figure 59. Image. Page 1 of North Carolina Crash Report for example 2

Figure 60. Image. Page 2 of North Carolina Crash Report for example 2

Figure 61. Image. Page 3 of North Carolina Crash Report for example 2

Figure 62. Images. Pedestrian crash data entry forms

Figure 63. Image. Indicate where the crash occurred

Figure 64. Image. Indicate position of pedestrian when struck

Figure 65. Image. Indicate initial direction of travel of the motorist

Figure 66. Image. Indicate the motorist maneuver

Figure 67. Image. Indicate where the crash occurred at the intersection

Figure 68. Image. Select the scenario that illustrates the pedestrian’s movement when struck

Figure 69. Image. Indicate no unusual circumstances

Figure 70. Image. Indicate no unusual vehicle types or vehicle actions

Figure 71. Image. Indicate no unusual pedestrian action

Figure 72. Image. Describe the typical pedestrian action in the crash

Figure 73. Image. Describe the circumstances of the crash

Figure 74. Image. Describe the circumstances of the crash in more detail

Figure 75. Image. Enter crash typing data into data entry form

Figure 76. Image. Enable group typing for bicyclist crashes

Figure 77. Image. Open a bicyclist crash data entry form then begin the crash typing process

Figure 78. Image. Indicate initial approach paths for bicyclist and motorist

Figure 79. Image. Describe the circumstances of the crash in this case

Figure 80. Image. Enter crash typing data into form

Figure 81. Image. Select analysis options

Figure 82. Image. Produce a list of crash types or crash groups in order of frequency

Figure 83. Image. Produce single-variable and multivariate tables

Figure 84. Image. Produce a single-variable table

Figure 85. Image. Produce a graph of a single-variable table

Figure 86. Image. Export results to Excel

Figure 87. Image. Produce a multivariate table

Figure 88. Image. Present results as percentages

Figure 89. Image. Import and export data

Figure 90. Image. Import a PBCAT Version 1.0 database

Figure 91. Image. Select the database to be imported

Figure 92. Image. Select database and fields to be exported and choose format

Figure 93. Image. Access the PEDSAFE and BIKESAFE Web sites

Figure 94. Image. Access the PEDSAFE and BIKESAFE Web sites

Figure 95. Image. View countermeasures for 12 pedestrian crash groups

Figure 96. Image. View countermeasures for 13 bicyclist crash groups

Figure 97. Image. View countermeasure descriptions

Figure 98. Step 1

Figure 99. Step 1 completed

Figure 100. Step 2

Figure 101. Step 2—setup file

Figure 102. Step 3

Figure 103. Step 4

Figure 104. Step 5

Figure 105. Step 6

Figure 106. Step 7

Figure 107. Step 8

Figure 108. Step 9

Figure 109. Step 9—sample installation screen

Figure 110. Step 10

Figure 111. Step 11

Figure 112. Step 11—setup file

Figure 113. Step 12

Figure 114. Step 13

Figure 115. Step 14

Figure 116. Step 15

Figure 117. Step 16

Figure 118. Motorist traveling straight through

Figure 119. Motorist turning right

Figure 120. Motorist turning left

Figure 121. Ped_All_Data_Milepost Form

Figure 122. Ped_All_Data_Refpost Form

Figure 123. Ped_All_Data_RouteName Form

Figure 124. Ped_All_Data_LinkNode Form

Figure 125. Ped_Crash_Type Form

Figure 126. Bike_All_Data_Milepost Form

Figure 127. Bike_All_Data_Refpost Form

Figure 128. Bike_All_Data_RouteName Form

Figure 129. Bike_All_Data_LinkNode Form

Figure 130. Bike_Crash_Type Form

Figure 131. Codes for North Carolina Commission Report Forms

Figure 132. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 1

Figure 133. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 2

Figure 134. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 3

Figure 135. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 4

Figure 136. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 5

Figure 137. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 6

Figure 138. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 7

Figure 139. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 8

Figure 140. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 9

Figure 141. North Carolina Crash Report—Number 10

Figure 142. Florida Crash Report—Report 1

Figure 143. Florida Crash Report—Report 2

Figure 144. Florida Crash Report—Report 3

Figure 145. Florida Crash Report—Report 4

Figure 146. Florida Crash Report—Report 5

Figure 147. Florida Crash Report—Report 6

Figure 148. Florida Crash Report—Report 7

Figure 149. Florida Crash Report—Report 8

Figure 150. Florida Crash Report—Report 9

Figure 151. Florida Crash Report—Report 10



Table 1. Values for Crash Typing Fields for Example 1

Table 2. Values for Crash Typing Fields for Example 2

Table 3. Values for Crash Typing Fields for Example 3

Table 4: Pedestrian Crash Types and Crash Groups

Table 5. Bicyclist Crash Types and Crash Groups

Table 6. Pedestrian Table Structure for PBCAT.MDB Database

Table 7. Bicyclist Table Structure for PBCAT.MDB Database

Table 8. Pedestrian Crash Location Definitions

Table 9. Bicyclist Crash Location Definitions

Table 10. Pedestrian Crash Type Definitions

Table 11. Pedestrian Crash Group Definitions

Table 12. Bicyclist Crash Type Definitions

Table 13. Bicyclist Crash Group Definitions

Table 14. Correct Responses to the Crash Typing Logic for the 10 Sample Pedestrian Crashes

Table 15. Correct Responses to the Crash Typing Logic for the 10 Sample Bicycle Crashes

Table 16. PEDSAFE—PBCAT Mapping

Table 17. BIKESAFE—PBCAT Mapping


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