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Outstanding Achievement Award for Excellence in Environmental Document Preparation


The biennial FTA Outstanding Achievement Award for Excellence in Environmental Document Preparation seeks to promote efficient development of useful environmental documents.  The award recognizes environmental documents that exemplify best practices for a well-managed environmental documentation process, comply with prevailing requirements and expectations, and achieve the objective of paperwork reduction.

Who is eligible?

FTA-funded project sponsors and their consultants are eligible to submit environmental impact statements and environmental assessments that meet the selection criteria.

What are the selection criteria?

The environmental documents submitted for the award are evaluated based on:

  • Content – Are the content requirements of the NEPA implementing regulations and relevant guidance satisfied?
  • Utility – Is the document designed to be truly useful to the public and decision-makers?
  • Practicality – Have procedures to reduce paperwork and delay been effectively employed?  (See 40 CFR §1500.4 and §1500.5 (PDF)

Please refer to Keys to Efficient Development of Useful Environmental Documents (PDF) as a helpful reference.

FTA created the Outstanding Achievement Award for Excellence in Environmental Document Preparation to promote efficient development of useful environmental documents.  The award recognizes environmental documents that exemplify best practices for a well-managed environmental documentation process, comply with prevailing requirements and expectations, and achieve the objective of paperwork reduction.

Who evaluates the documents?

FTA, in cooperation with recognized experts in the field, evaluates submissions and determines award winners. 

How can we apply?

A project sponsor interested in applying should work with their FTA Region in which the project is located. An eligible submission includes an electronic copy of the environmental document and a brief cover letter (no more than three pages) explaining how the document meets the selection criteria.

When are winners announced?

Winners are notified by the end of the summer.  Awards are presented at the American Public Transportation Association’s Annual Meeting (September/October timeframe).

What documents exemplify outstanding achievement?


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Updated: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
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