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Air Quality and Climate Change Highlights

April - May 2016

Announcements and Recent Events

FHWA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Performance Measures

On April 22, 2016, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register to propose national performance management measure regulations to assess the performance of the National Highway System, Freight Movement on the Interstate System, and the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, as required by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (“FAST Act”). The two proposed CMAQ measures address traffic congestion and on-road mobile source emissions reductions. The rule proposes travel time reliability measures for traffic congestion, while the proposed emissions reduction measure focuses on the total emissions reduced per fiscal year by all CMAQ-funded projects by criteria pollutant and applicable precursors in nonattainment and maintenance areas. The FHWA also is seeking comment on whether and how to establish a greenhouse gas emissions measure in the final rule. The FHWA is conducting a series of webinars to present the details of the proposed rulemaking. Recordings and slides from the webinars are available on the FHWA website. The public is encouraged to review the NPRM and submit comments to the rulemaking docket (FHWA-2013-0054). The comment period closes on August 20, 2016. For information on the NPRM and the webinars, please visit

FHWA Seeks Green Infrastructure Research Projects

The FHWA announced a research funding opportunity for State Departments of Transportation (DOTs), metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), federally recognized tribal governments, and Federal Lands Management Agencies (FLMAs) to conduct assessments of green infrastructure solutions to improve the resilience of coastal highways and bridges to climate change impacts. The primary research question for the project is: How can transportation agencies (through transportation planning, project development, and operations and maintenance) harness the resilience benefits of green infrastructure (i.e., protection from sea level rise, storm surge, coastal flooding) to protect coastal highways and improve ecosystem function? The research pilot projects will provide information and analysis on green infrastructure techniques, benefits, costs, feasibility, and implementation considerations that transportation professionals need to make decisions on transportation infrastructure projects. It is anticipated that two to four applied research projects will be selected. Proposals are due to FHWA Division offices by May 25, 2016. Informational webinars for potential applicants will be on May 10 and May 19, 2016. For more information, please visit If you have any questions regarding this research opportunity, please contact Tina Hodges at or (202) 366-4287.

U.S. EPA Publishes Final Determinations for 2008 Ozone NAAQS Classification for 36 Areas

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) is taking final action on three separate and independent types of determinations for each of the 36 areas that are currently classified as “Marginal” for the 2008 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). First, the U.S. EPA is determining that 17 areas attained the 2008 ozone NAAQS by the applicable attainment date of July 20, 2015, based on complete, quality-assured, and certified ozone monitoring data for 2012-2014. Second, the U.S. EPA is granting one-year attainment date extensions for eight areas on the basis that the requirements for such extensions under the Clean Air Act (CAA) and the EPA’s implementing regulations have been met. Third, the U.S. EPA is determining that 11 areas failed to attain the 2008 ozone NAAQS by the applicable attainment date of July 20, 2015, and thus are reclassified by operation of law as “Moderate” for the 2008 ozone NAAQS. States containing any or any portion of these new Moderate areas must submit State Implementation Plan (SIP) revisions that meet the statutory and regulatory requirements that apply to 2008 ozone nonattainment areas classified as Moderate by January 1, 2017. More information on the rule can be found at

U.S. Court of Appeals Rules in Favor of U.S. EPA over MOVES2014 Model

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected the challenge by two states to the U.S. EPA MOVES2014 model to estimate vehicle emissions, finding that the states did not sufficiently show they were harmed by U.S. EPA’s model and therefore do not have legal standing to sue the agency. Kansas and Nebraska, along with two nonprofit groups, argued that EPA’s model was illegal because the agency failed to give the public notice and an opportunity to comment before requiring states to use it to demonstrate they are in compliance with air pollution laws. Kansas and Nebraska said certain areas within their states may be in nonattainment with the ozone air pollution standard EPA set in October 2015. However, EPA won’t make initial attainment designations until October 2017, and initial data show ozone levels in Kansas and Nebraska won’t exceed those limits. “The future injury in question here is the likelihood of state petitioners’ nonattainment designations; without such designations, they will not have to use MOVES2014” to develop state cleanup plans, the judges said. “With the only evidence showing no impending nonattainment designation, petitioners’ primary standing theory fails.”

Three Additional Climate Change Resilience Pilot Reports Published

The FHWA posted three more final pilot reports that describe approaches for conducting climate change and extreme weather vulnerability assessments of transportation infrastructure and analyze options for adapting and improving resiliency. The studies were conducted by transportation agencies across the country and funded in part by the FHWA.

The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), in partnership with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), wrote Climate Vulnerability and Economic Assessment for At-Risk Transportation Infrastructure in the Lake Champlain Basin, New York. The NYSDOT and TNC developed tools and approaches to assess vulnerability primarily focused on one asset – culverts. They evaluated vulnerability, criticality, and risk, and developed a method to apply an environmental importance score to each culvert. Finally, they developed a benefits valuation approach to help decision makers prioritize infrastructure and assess when to undertake culvert replacements considering social, economic, and environmental factors. The final report conveys details on their approach, findings, lessons learned, and recommendations for next steps on how to build resiliency into NYS infrastructure. The project report is available at

The Hillsborough County MPO: Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Pilot Project identifies cost-effective strategies to mitigate and manage the risks of coastal and inland inundation for incorporation into the Hillsborough County MPO’s 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan, into the County’s Post Disaster Redevelopment Plan, and into transportation planning and decision-making processes more generally. The project built on previous resilience and emergency preparedness planning work performed by agencies in the Tampa Bay region, and leverages the insights and expertise of a broad host of partners. Lessons learned include the value of a more regional approach to considering the potential losses associated with significant inundation, as well as the importance of a strong project partnership. The project report is available at

Integrating Storm Surge and Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Assessments and Criticality Analyses into Asset Management at MaineDOT identifies transportation assets that are vulnerable to flooding from sea level rise and storm surge in six coastal towns. MaineDOT developed depth-damage functions and adaptation design options at three of the sites and evaluated the costs and benefits of the alternative design structures. The project report is available at

FHWA Publishes 2016 Transportation Air Quality Selected Facts and Figures Brochure

The updated Transportation Air Quality Selected Facts and Figures brochure provides an overview of facts and figures regarding the linkages between transportation and air quality. The focus is primarily on transportation-related emissions trends, policies, technologies, and standards that effect on-road mobile sources, including automobiles, light-duty trucks, and heavy-duty trucks. The publication is a handy reference for transportation practitioners and an information resource for citizens on transportation air quality issues. The brochure is available at

Guidebook for Developing Pedestrian and Bicycle Performance Measures

In March 2016, the FHWA published the Guidebook for Developing Pedestrian and Bicycle Performance Measures to help communities develop performance measures that can fully integrate pedestrian and bicycle planning in ongoing performance management activities. It highlights a broad range of ways that walking and bicycling investments, activity, and impacts can be measured and documents how these measures relate to goals identified in a community’s planning process. The guidebook discusses how the measures can be tracked and what data are required, while also identifying examples of communities that are currently using the respective measures in their planning process. The guidebook is available at:

2016 Transportation Planning and Air Quality Conference

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is sponsoring the Transportation Planning and Air Quality Conference on August 4-5, 2016, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The conference will focus on the theme of “The Changing Landscape of Transportation and Air Quality: Confronting the Challenges at the Global, Regional, and Local Scales.” Topics include: multimodal passenger transportation and air quality issues, greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategies, emissions and air quality impacts of alternative fuels, innovative vehicle and information technology solutions to transportation air quality, and more. Visit for more information.

Conference on Use of Scenario Planning in Transportation Planning

The TRB is convening a conference on August 14-17, 2016, in Portland, Oregon, focused on practical applications of scenario planning for transportation. This event will bring together state DOT, MPO, and local agency staff, consultants, and researchers to share knowledge, experiences, and the latest research on using scenario planning approaches. This conference will build upon scenario planning research and application – particularly the TRB NCHRP Foresight series. Case studies from across transportation will be used in a variety of settings to demonstrate the use of scenarios. Interactive exercises will be used to demonstrate the application of scenarios in planning, programming, public involvement, and many other transportation arenas including climate change and freight. For more information and to register, please visit

Northern Transportation & Air Quality Summit 2016

The Northern Transportation & Air Quality Summit 2016 will take place August 30-31, 2016, at the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) in Baltimore, Maryland. The Summit will bring together stakeholders from the transportation and air quality communities to discuss the current and upcoming regulatory environment, new technologies, and current practices. The content is geared toward practitioners in the northern and Mid-Atlantic states involved with public agencies at all levels. A host of speakers from the national and regional levels will present on key topics, best practices, and latest information vital to transportation, planning, and air quality professionals. For more information, please contact: Kevin Black (FHWA), at (410) 962-2177,, or Sara Tomlinson (BMC) at (410) 732-0500 x1035,


TRB Webinar: Economic and Financial Dimensions to a Climate Resilient Transportation Infrastructure

The TRB will conduct the Economic and Financial Dimensions to a Climate Resilient Transportation Infrastructure webinar on May 12, 2016, that examines the financial impacts to transportation arising from extreme weather events and the subsequent recovery. These events can present long-term risks and disruptions to communities, governments, and future projects. This webinar will examine the operationalization of resilience, considering social and economic perspectives, as well as private sector, regional, and national dimensions. To register for this webinar, please visit

TRB/ACSM Webinar: Health Impact Assessments – Their Role in Transportation Planning

On May 4, 2016, the TRB and the American College of Sports Medicine conducted a webinar on Health Impact Assessments - Their Role in Transportation Planning. Health Impact Assessments (HIAs) are a means of assessing the health impacts of policies, plans, and projects in various economic sectors using quantitative, qualitative, and participatory methods. Transportation systems contribute to traffic injuries, air pollution, diseases resulting from physical inactivity, and noise. However, these risks may be reduced by “healthy transport policies” that promote walking and cycling. For more information please contact Rachael McLaughlin

Emissions Modeling with MOVES and EMFAC to Assess the Potential for a Transportation Project to Create Particulate Matter Hot-Spots

In particulate matter (PM) nonattainment and maintenance areas, quantitative hot-spot analyses are required to assess air quality impacts of transportation projects that are identified as projects of local air quality concern (POAQC). In its 2006 rulemaking, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency identified sample projects that would likely be POAQCs. The objective of this study was to identify project characteristics that could reasonably exclude the project from consideration as a POAQC. Scenario analyses were performed for a hypothetical project that featured a new freeway with four mixed-flow lanes and baseline traffic activity of 125,000 AADT and 8% diesel truck traffic. See


National Transportation Asset Management Conference

The 11th National Transportation Asset Management Conference will take place July 10-12, 2016, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The conference will cover a broad range of topics on surface transportation modes of interest to agencies in all stages of implementation of asset management practices. Themes will include adaptation of transportation to extreme weather events and climate change. This meeting will serve as the forum for moving MAP-21 asset management initiatives into practice and will be the venue for a wide range of federal, state, MPO/local, and transit agencies, as well as private sector practitioners and university researchers to share knowledge, sponsor peer-to-peer learning, and work together. More information can be found at

The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program Cost Effectiveness Tables

In March 2016, the FHWA posted the Cost Effectiveness Tables Summary on its website. The summary tables provide a broad range of project cost-effectiveness values for CMAQ-eligible project types. The tables are intended to assist states, MPOs, and other project sponsors make the most efficient use of their CMAQ dollars in reducing on-road vehicle emissions and traffic congestion. The tables are available at For more information, please contact Mark Glaze at or (202) 366-4053.

CMAQ Project Tracking and Public Access Systems Update Complete

The upgraded CMAQ Project Tracking (PTS) and Public Access (PAS) Systems is available on the FHWA website. Improvements and updates include a full program rewrite and expanded reporting features such as increased number of reporting categories and enhanced project descriptions; simple and advanced search features; and improved bulk project upload feature. Access to the PAS is through the FHWA CMAQ webpage or the following link: For more information, contact Mark Glaze at or (202) 366-4053.

Life-Cycle Cost Estimation Tool for Intersection Designs

The TRB conducted a webinar on April 19, 2016, focused on the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 220: Estimating the Life-Cycle Cost of Intersection Designs, which describes the Life-Cycle Cost Estimation Tool (LCCET). The LCCET spreadsheet allows users to compare alternative intersection designs based on initial construction costs, ongoing maintenance and operations costs, operational efficiencies for a variety of modes, safety effects, and emissions. Alternative designs include roundabouts and traditional intersections using stop signs and traffic signals. The tool includes criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the cost calculations. Use of the tool is designed to help provide a consistent approach to these comparisons based on benefits and costs. The report is available at

FHWA Releases Primer on Climate Change Adaptation Guide for Transportation Systems Management, Operations, and Maintenance

The Climate Change Adaptation Guide for Transportation Systems Management, Operations, and Maintenance: A Primer provides information and resources to help transportation management, operations, and maintenance staffs incorporate climate change into their planning and ongoing activities. It is intended for practitioners involved in the day-to-day management, operations, and maintenance of surface transportation systems at State and local agencies. Incorporating climate change considerations into how agencies plan and execute their transportation system management and operations (TSMO) and maintenance programs helps the agency become more resilient to unanticipated shocks to the system. The report is available at In addition, the FHWA has provided introductions to the guide for transportation agency executives and technical staff at and

Health in Transportation Corridor Planning Framework

Intended to help transportation agencies identify when and how to consider public health, the Framework for Better Integrating Health into Transportation Decision Making (Framework) poses questions to practitioners to identify issues to consider, suggests partnership strategies, and identifies data and tools needed to support these decisions. Using examples from current practice, the Framework Case Studies highlight real-world accomplishments of five communities that tested it in their corridor studies. The Framework and Case Studies are available at Please contact Victoria Martinez at or (787) 771-2524 for more information.

FHWA Climate Change Questions and Answers Webpage Updated

In January 2016, the FHWA Sustainable Transport and Climate Change Team updated the Climate Mitigation Questions and Answers webpage. The questions and responses provide a one-stop resource for transportation and greenhouse gases (GHGs) information, issues, reports, and State and local efforts in addressing GHG emissions. The Q&A is available at

Transportation Conformity Guidance for 2012 PM2.5 Nonattainment Areas

The U.S. EPA released guidance for meeting transportation conformity requirements in areas designated nonattainment for the 2012 primary annual PM2.5 national ambient air quality standards (2012 PM2.5 NAAQS). The guidance is intended to take the information contained in the transportation conformity rule (40 CFR Part 93) and U.S. EPA’s existing guidance for implementing conformity in multi-jurisdictional areas, and demonstrate how conformity specifically applies in the context of the 2012 PM2.5 NAAQS. It should be noted by State and MPO staff that in areas designated nonattainment under the 2012 PM2.5 standard that transportation conformity requirements for the standard applied on April 15, 2016 (one year after the designation effective date) for metropolitan transportation plans (MTPs), TIPs, and projects. The guidance can be downloaded at:

U.S. EPA Strengthens the Air Quality Standards for Ground-Level Ozone

On October 1, 2015, the U.S. EPA strengthened the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ground-level ozone to 70 parts per billion (ppb), based on extensive scientific evidence about ozone’s effects on public health and welfare. The updated standards will improve public health protection, particularly for at-risk groups including children, older adults, people of all ages who have lung diseases such as asthma, and people who are active outdoors, especially outdoor workers. For more information, including a version of the final rule, please see:

EPA Releases MOVES2014a

On November 4, 2015, U.S. EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality released MOVES2014a, a minor revision to EPA’s Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES2014) emission modeling tool. State and local agencies that have already completed significant work with MOVES2014 do not need to redo or revise that work with MOVES2014a. Because the differences between MOVES2014 and MOVES2014a are small for on-road emissions, EPA does not consider it a new emissions model for SIP and transportation conformity purposes and there will be no new grace period for either regional or project-level conformity analyses using MOVES2014a. The current MOVES2014 grace period for conformity analyses will apply to MOVES2014a as well. The two-year grace period for MOVES2014 and MOVES2014a ends on October 7, 2016. The revised model, supporting documentation, and more information on the model revision can be found on the MOVES website:

New EMFAC2014 Motor Vehicle Emission Factor Model for Use in the State of California

The U.S. EPA approved the EMFAC2014 emissions model for State Implementation Plan (SIP) and conformity purposes, effective December 14, 2015. The new model, which is based on new and improved data, calculates air pollution emissions factors for passenger cars, trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, and buses. The U.S. EPA established a two-year grace period before EMFAC2014 is required for the following conformity analyses: all new HC, NOX, PM10, PM2., and CO regional emissions analyses and all new CO, PM10, and PM2.5 hot-spot analyses supporting project-level conformity determinations. The grace period begins on December 14, 2015, and ends on December 14, 2017. EMFAC2014 must be used for all new regional emissions analyses and carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) hot-spot analyses for transportation conformity purposes that are started on or after December 14, 2017. Areas have the option of using the new model prior to the end of the grace period. For more information, please visit:

New Materials Needed for It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air Website

The FHWA would like to hear about successful programs and exemplary materials to include on the It All Adds Up to Cleaner Air website ( website is a public education and partnership-building initiative developed by several federal agencies for the purpose of informing the public about the impact of their transportation choices on traffic congestion and air quality. Organizations that use It All Adds Up enjoy access to free customizable materials, including advertisements, billboards, and television public service announcements. Tutorials in the Education Center assist with planning, implementing, and evaluating an air quality campaign. Please contact Victoria Martinez at or (787) 771-2524 for more information.

Training Opportunities

CMAQ 101 Training

The FHWA posted a 27-minute YouTube video on the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program. The video provides a basic introduction to the program, how CMAQ funds are distributed to states, and the types of projects eligible for the CMAQ program. The training is available at For more information about the CMAQ program, please contact Emily Biondi at or (202) 366-9482.

Air Quality Planning Web Course Available at No Cost

The National Highway Institute (NHI) Air Quality Planning web-based training series is designed for transportation practitioners. It includes four modules: Clean Air Act Overview (FHWA-NHI-142068), State Implementation Plan (SIP) and Transportation Control Measure (TCM) Requirements and Policies (FHWA-NHI-142069), SIP Development Process (FHWA-NHI-142070), and Transportation Conformity (FHWA-NHI-142071). All courses are free. For more information, visit and search Air Quality Planning or look for the specific course number. Please contact Karen Perritt at (202) 366-9066, or with any questions or comments.

EPA Posts MOVES2014 Training Course Material

The U.S. EPA posted updated training materials for the MOVES2014 two-day hands-on training course at On the same webpage, the U.S. EPA also posted an abbreviated version of the MOVES2014 course materials used as a one-day training course. MOVES users who did not attend a previous hands-on training session can use the “MOVES2014 Training Materials” as a self-taught course.

MySQL Training for MOVES Model Users

Two training opportunities are available for MOVES model users. A three-hour webinar provides an introduction to MySQL Query Browser and MOVES interface. A six-hour training over two days will enable users to do MySQL programming and to write his/her own MySQL scripts and to manipulate MySQL databases including MOVES input and outputs. For more information or to schedule training, please contact John Byun at or Paul Heishman at

Web-based Training Courses Available

A variety of web-based training opportunities are accessible via the FHWA Conformity Website, at Training includes Air Quality Planning, Transportation Conformity, and others. Please contact Karen Perritt at or (202) 366-9066 with any questions or comments.

FHWA Resource Center Training Activities

FHWA’s Resource Center Air Quality Technical Services Team is available to offer MOVES training, and information is available at the Resource Center website.


FHWA Headquarters Air Quality and Transportation Conformity Team

FHWA Headquarters Sustainable Transport and Climate Change Team

FHWA Resource Center

Past issues of the Air Quality and Transportation Conformity Highlights are available on FHWA’s website: Past issues of the Transportation and Climate Change Newsletter are available on FHWA’s website:

Please e-mail with any suggestions for future issues.

Updated: 5/9/2016
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