
DoDI 1010.10, “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention” - This Instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for health promotion and disease prevention in accordance with the National Prevention Strategy, Affordable Care Act and Healthy People 2020.

DoDD 6200.04, “Force Health Protection” - This Directive establishes policy and assigns responsibility for implementing force health protection measures on behalf of all military service members during active and reserve military service, encompassing the full spectrum of missions, responsibilities, and actions of the Department of Defense components in establishing, sustaining, restoring and improving the health of their forces.

DoDI 1330.09, “Armed Services Exchange Policy” - This Instruction establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for operating armed services exchanges.

DoDI 1330.21, “Armed Services Exchange Regulations” - This Instruction prescribes procedures and assigns responsibilities for operating armed services exchanges.

DoDD 6490.02E, “Comprehensive Health Surveillance” - This Directive establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for routine, comprehensive health surveillance of all Department of Defense personnel throughout their military service or Department of Defense civilian employment and establishes the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center as the single source for Department of Defense-level health surveillance information.

DoDI 1015.08, “Department of Defense Civilian Employee Morale, Welfare and Recreation Activities and Supporting Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities” - This Instruction prescribes policy and assigns responsibilities for operation of Department of Defense civilian employee Morale, Welfare and Recreation activities and supporting nonapporiated fund instrumentalities.

DoDI 1010.04, “Problematic Substance Use by Department of Defense Personnel” - This Instruction establishes policy, assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures for problematic alcohol and drug use prevention, identification, diagnosis and treatment for Department of Defense military and civilian personnel.


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