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TAM Rulemaking

In July 2016, FTA published a Final Rule for Transit Asset Management. The rule requires FTA grantees to develop asset management plans for their public transportation assets, including vehicles, facilities, equipment, and other infrastructure.
In 2012, the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) mandated—and in 2015 the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST) reauthorized—FTA to develop  a rule to establish a strategic and systematic process of operating, maintaining and improving public transportation capital assets effectively through their entire life cycle. FTA's national Transit Asset Management System Rule:
  • Defines “state of good repair”
  • Requires grantees to develop a TAM plan
  • Establishes performance measures
  • Establishes annual reporting requirements to the National Transit Database
  • Requires FTA to provide technical assistance
TAM requirements in this Final Rule are part of a larger performance management context. MAP-21 created a performance-based and multimodal program to strengthen the U.S. transportation system, which is comprised of a series of nine rules overseen by FTA and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). FTA is tasked with developing other rules, including the National Public Transit Safety Plan and the Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan, and worked jointly with FHWA on a rule to manage Statewide and Metropolitan Planning.

Final Transit Asset Management Rule

NO REQUIRED NTD REPORTING FOR INITIAL TARGETS: The TAM Final Rule requires transit providers and group TAM plan sponsors to set State of Good Repair (SGR) performance targets within three months after the effective date of the Final Rule [49 CFR § 625.45 (b)(1)]. Accordingly, transit providers and group TAM plan sponsors must set initial SGR performance targets no later than January 1, 2017. In prior outreach FTA incorrectly stated that transit providers and group TAM plan sponsors also are required to report their initial targets to the National Transit Database (NTD). A transit provider or group TAM plan sponsor may report initial targets to the NTD when it opens in early January 2017; however, initial target reporting is not required by the rule. FTA will issue guidance on future reporting for SGR performance targets and other TAM reporting requirements.

TAM Final Rule Outreach




Questions and Answers

Updated: Thursday, October 6, 2016
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