U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology
Coordinating, Developing, and Delivering Highway Transportation Innovations

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LTBP Home | About | Projects | Publications | Community | Data Analysis | Data Collection | Products | Truck Size and Weight | Nondestructive Evalution and Structural Health Monitoring


Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE)

Each NDE technology has a specific physical principle and can detect certain type(s) of defect(s). To improve the quality and reliability of NDE data information, collect data with two or more NDE tools and technologies. These five NDE technologies were identified by the LTBP Program as appropriate to assess condition of concrete decks: half-cell potential (HCP); electrical resistivity (ER); impact echo (IE); ultrasonic surface waves (USW); and ground penetrating radar (GPR). [Read more]


LTBP Bridge Portal

The LTBP Bridge Portal is a centralized, national repository for efficiently and quickly accessing and querying bridge performance-related data, information, and data analysis tools. Version 1 of the Bridge Portal was deployed in October 2015 and includes a basic deterioration model; advanced data and statistical analysis; bridge performance assessment; geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping and visualization; and custom reporting and data extraction. [Read more]


LTBP Program Protocols

The LTBP Program Protocols provide a set of step-by-step instructions governing all aspects of data collection, including visual inspection, material testing, NDE testing, live load testing, instrumentation, logistics, safety, data reduction and processing, data interpretation, reporting results, data storage, archiving, and importing into the LTBP Bridge Portal. [Read more]


State LTBP Coordinators

The LTBP Program State Coordinator is a bridge engineer selected by their transportation department to be their representative and support the LTBP Program. In total, the LTBP Program has 52 State Coordinators, one for each State transportation department, including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia Read more



Status of LTBP Program

The LTBP Program is a long-term research effort, authorized by the U.S. Congress under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) to collect high-quality bridge data from a representative sample of highway bridges nationwide that will help the bridge community to better understand bridge performance. This site contains information about the program including a discussion of the program objectives and bridge selection methodology (About), LTBP Products, LTBP Community, Nondestructive Evaluation and Structural Health Monitoring as it relates to the Program, and an update on Pooled Fund Project TPF-5(283): The Influence of Vehicular Live Loads on Bridge Performance, and a listing of current LTBP Program Publications.

Upcoming Events

2016 LTBP Program State Coordinators Meeting
September 15-16, 2016
Alexandria, VA

NDE/NDT for Highways and Bridges: Structural Materials Technology 2016
August 29-31, 2016
Portland, OR

LTBP Program Workshop, 2017 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting
January 12, 2017
Washington, DC

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Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology

Office of Infrastructure R&D Links

» Office of Infrastructure R&D
» Infrastructure R&D Program
»Long-Term Bridge
  Performance Program

»Long-Term Pavement
  Performance Program
» Infrastructure R&D Experts
» Infrastructure R&D Laboratories
» Infrastructure R&D Projects
» Infrastructure R&D Publications
» Infrastructure R&D Topics



» FHWA Launches Flagship Initiative to Collect Nationwide Data on Highway Bridges
» FHWA Deploys LTBP Program


Related Links

» National Bridge Inventory
» AASHTO Bridges Subcommittee
» Strategic Highway Research Program 2


Contact Us

» Robert Zobel
LTBP Program Coordinator
E-mail ltbp@dot.gov
» Yamayra Rodriguez-Otero
LTBP Development and Outreach Engineer
E-mail ltbp@dot.gov
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center
6300 Georgetown Pike
McLean, VA 22101
»Driving Directions/Map Click here for directions and a map to theTurner-Fairbank Highway Research Center facility.


Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center | 6300 Georgetown Pike | McLean, VA | 22101