U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

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3D Engineered Models

About 3D Engineered Models

Every Day Counts

Three-dimensional Engineered Models for construction (or just 3D models) are among a few select technologies being promoted by the FHWA Every Day Counts program. Our focus is on helping owner-agencies, designers, and construction contractors with little or no experience in 3D engineered models get started in implementing this technology. Read more about 3D Engineered Models

Case Studies


4D and 5D Modeling - NYSDOT's Approach to Optimizing Resources (.pdf, 1 mb) This case study highlights the approach taken by the NYSDOT for establishing request for proposal requirements for the Kosciuszko Bridge project to incorporate 4D and 5D modeling for tracking the progress of activities and issuing payments during the construction phase.

More Case Studies

How-to Guidance


This Guide for Creating and Maintaining 4D Models New (.pdf, 2 mb) presents the process of creating and updating the 4D model from the development of the schedule and 3D model, including details on software applications and work breakdown structure requirements to the workflow for creating the 4D model.

More Guidance Documents

  • Web Based Training

    This web-based training (WBT) on 3D Engineered Models for Construction is made up of four 120-minute modules focused on critical topics that support new users' implementing 3D models. Module 1 is an introduction to 3D engineered models and serves as an overview to the topics presented in Modules 2, 3 and 4. Module 2 covers surveying and 3D engineered models, Module 3 looks at 3D models in highway design, and Module 4 covers applications of 3D models in highway construction and quality assurance. While all of the modules explore a new topic within 3D modeling, they are also designed with enough recurring content to serve as individual learning experiences. The training is accessible at 3D Engineered Models for Construction.

  • Workshops

    Selected State transportation agencies are hosting a 3D workshop highlighting: State of the practice - procedures and technology; Practical demonstrations highlighting beneficial uses of the technology; Construction quality assurance methods; Implementation strategies for success; Answers to attendees' questions on issues and implementation

  • Webinar Series

    In EDC-2 and EDC-3, the FHWA created two webinar series to increase overall awareness and general education of transportation professionals in uses of 3D engineered models in all phases of project delivery that include the areas of planning, data collection and management, design, construction, operations and maintenance of highway facilities. EDC-2 emphasized 3D engineered models for design and construction, while EDC-3 promoted the broader use of 3D models and digital data to further advance other application areas.

    View EDC-2 webinar series recordings | View EDC-3 webinar series recordings

photo credits: Surveying - Trimble; Design - HNTB; Construction - Autodesk; Post-Construction - Industrial Housing Solutions; Training - Trimble; Resources - Michigan DOT;
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Updated: 10/26/2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000