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Nighttime Visibility


Sign Retroreflectivity – Technical Guidance

The documents below contain technical information and guidance related to sign retroreflectivity.

  • Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity Updated in 2013
    This 4-page technical brief provides additional information on the sign retroreflectivity maintenance requirements in the MUTCD. This document is referenced in Paragraph 5 of 2009 MUTCD Section 2A.08. [Publication No. FHWA-SA-07-020 (Revised 2013)]

  • Methods for Maintaining Traffic Sign Retroreflectivity: [HTML, PDF]
    This 2007 report prepared by Texas Transportation Institute for the FHWA provides technical guidance on methods for maintaining traffic sign retroreflectivity in accordance with the new Federal rules. [Publication No. FHWA-HRT-08-026]

FHWA Guidance Memos on Sign Sheeting Products:

  • Clarifying Guidance on Application of Daytime Luminance Factors in 23 CFR 655 [HTML, PDF]
    This January 2013 memorandum provides background and guidance on applying the regulations to newer sheeting types.

  • Daytime Color Appearance of Retroreflective Traffic Control Sign Materials [HTML, PDF 1.15MB]
    This January 2013 memorandum provides background and guidance on applying the regulations to newer sheeting types.

  • Recommended Minimum Maintained Retroreflectivity Levels for Blue and Brown Traffic Signs [HTML, PDF]
    This April 2012 FHWA memorandum provides information on minimum maintained retroreflectivity levels for white-on-blue signs and white on brown signs. These levels were established through research, but because they were not available during the rulemaking process, it remains the option of agencies to apply the values as the monitor, install and replace signs.

  • Guidelines for Evaluating Public Interest Findings and Certifications for Retroreflective Sheeting for Traffic Control Signs: [HTML, PDF]
    This July 2006 FHWA memorandum provides guidelines to assist practitioners in making informed decisions regarding sign sheeting products.

  • Sign Sheeting Proprietary Products: [HTML, PDF]
    This January 2006 FHWA memorandum addresses issues regarding traffic sign sheeting and regulations concerning sole source requirements.

  • Guidelines when considering 3M Diamond Grade Cubed PIF Requests [HTML, PDF]
    This December 2007 FHWA memorandum determines that more information is needed and a PIF is not approved at this time.

For hard copies of documents with publication numbers, please send a request to report.center@dot.gov and include the publication number and title, along with the number of copies and your mailing address and phone number. Requests will be filled based on availability.

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Page last modified on July 29, 2016
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