Leasing a New Car

A service member with keys in his hand standing next to a car

If you need a new car, leasing is a pretty attractive option. After all, you get a brand-spanking-new car to use during its best years. Even better, you probably won't have to shell out money on repairs thanks to the active warranty, and in most states you'll only pay sales tax on your monthly payment. A lease can seem like a pretty sweet deal. In many cases, it is.

But leases can also be very complicated, and there's nothing guaranteeing you'll get a great bargain. You're going to want to break out your magnifying glass to read that fine print, shop around for the best deal and then negotiate like there's a hostage involved.

If you play your cards right, you can drive away with a great car and an even greater lease agreement. To do that, you first need to know the rules of the game.



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