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GovTrack is a user-friendly website that provides free research, tracking, and analytics on the daily activities of the United States Congress on the federal issues that are important to you!

Here you can find contact information for your Congressmen, sign up for alerts on bills and resolutions, get the status of bills and resolutions, get your Congressmen’s voting records and receive updates from specific congressional committees.

To find a bill, click on the “Bills & Resolutions” photo and text at the top of the page. Select the “Find A Bill” tab and where you can search for a bill based on bill type, subject, bill status, keywords, sponsor, and title. You can also browse bills by the section of the U.S. Code to which they refer.

Interested in following a specific bill? Do you want to get in contact with your Congressman via phone or email concerning a drug and alcohol testing bill? Create your login here to get started.


When you track a bill, you will get updates when this bill is scheduled for debate, has a major action such as a vote, or gets a new cosponsor, when a committee meeting is scheduled, when bill text becomes available or when we write a bill summary, plus similar events for related bills.

GovTrack can even provide you with a script whether you are in support of or opposed to a bill!


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Fax: 202-315-3579


Media Info
 Laura Shelton, CMP
 800-355-1257 ext. 9