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DATIA is working with OGP (International Association of Oil & Gas Producers) and IPIECA (The Global Oil and Gas Industry for Environmental and Social Issues) to develop a set of drug and alcohol testing guidelines for the oil and gas industry. This project is a very important and has significant benefits for all involved in the oil and gas industry. To bring these global guidelines to fruition a committee including a number of subcommittees has been established consisting of representatives from the leading oil companies, contractors, and drug and alcohol testing providers from across the world. Information on the project is discussed below. Should you be interested in participating, please contact Laura Shelton with DATIA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 800-355-1257 ext. 9.

The Reality:

  • Within the oil and gas industry, nearly every Owner/Operator has different “requirements” for Contractor Substance Abuse Compliance
  • Contractors face extreme complexity in maintaining compliance with different Substance Abuse contract requirements
  • Owners/Operators must monitor numerous contractors against their Substance Abuse contract requirements
  • Creating a global oil and gas industry guideline with which contractors can comply, and with which Owners/Operators can monitor, creates a mutually beneficial outcome

Expected Benefits:

  • Increases workplace safety
  • Mitigates environmental risk
  • Enhances worker fitness for duty
  • Yields process and administrative efficiencies that will:
    • Reduce time
    • Streamline Owner/Operator monitoring activities
    • Simplify Contractor program administration
    • Reduce cost
    • Creates improved understanding of the “requirements”
    • Improve responsiveness to substance abuse trends

Scope of Guidelines:

  • Drug testing panel with cutoff levels for each drug, along with frequency, type, and testing matrices
  • Alcohol testing frequency, type, testing matrices, and cutoffs
  • Definition of safety sensitive
  • Definition of covered employees and locations
  • Collector/Collection credentials/process
  • Medication disclosure/Fitness for duty for safety sensitive workers
  • Medical review of test results
  • Laboratory qualifications
  • Reporting, record keeping, and non-compliance requirements
  • Supervisor and employee training requirements


  • Applicable Worker, Definition of Worker Categories
  • Drug Panel/Methodology, Lab Qualifications
  • Alcohol testing/Methodology
  • Record Keeping, Performance Metrics, Compliance Reporting
  • Medical Review and Medication disclosure/Fit for duty for safety sensitive workers
  • Collector/Collection process/credentials and Supervisor/Employee training
  • Program Management, TPAs

Guiding Principles:

  • Local / country law will supersede the guideline.
  • The guideline will not disadvantage any suppliers (e.g., laboratories, device manufacturers, collectors etc.) that meet the carefully and fairly-developed minimum standards
  • Only proven and validated technologies will be included in the guideline
  • The guideline should be risked based and simplify implementation to the extent possible
  • Review process is 3-tier and will ensure total alignment on all scope items
    • Steering Committee reviews first
    • DATIA Board reviews second
    • OIHC has final review


  • Encompass
  • Quest Diagnostics
  • Intoximeters
  • State Drug Testing Laws
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Media Info
 Laura Shelton, CMP
 800-355-1257 ext. 9