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DATIA has been carefully following the issue of marijuana legalization and how it will affect employers seeking to maintain a drug-free workplace. Many companies and individuals have been led to believe that marijuana is harmless, un-addictive and safer than alcohol. We are addressing these misconceptions and providing clear facts that employers (and their service providers) can use to defend their drug-free workplace policies. DATIA has developed two brochures that are available for download: one longer version with cited references, and a shorter, bulleted version that can be used as talking points.

Please help spread the word by sharing these brochures with your staff, clients, and associates. DATIA trusts that these two new resources will help our members and their clients continue to attain the goal and proven benefits of a drug-free workplace.


                           Long Version                                                                                             Short Version





  • Intoximeters
  • Quest Diagnostics
  • State Drug Testing Laws
  • Encompass
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Media Info
 Laura Shelton, CMP
 800-355-1257 ext. 9