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Conditions and Performance

FHWA - 2013 Conditions and Performance: Abbreviations
2013 Status of the Nation's Highways, Bridges, and Transit:
Conditions & Performance

AADTaverage annual daily traffic
AADTTaverage annual daily truck traffic
AARPAmerican Association of Retired Persons
AASHTOAmerican Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ACEAltamont Commuter Express
ACSAmerican Community Survey
AC TransitAlameda-Contra Costa Transit District
ADAAmericans with Disabilities Act of 1990
ADTannual daily traffic; average daily traffic
ADTTaverage daily truck travel
AEOAnnual Energy Outlook
APTAAmerican Public Transportation Association
APUauxiliary power unit
ATDMactive transportation and demand management
ATMActive Traffic Management
ATSalternative transportation systems
BABBuild America Bond
BACblood alcohol content
BARTSan Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
Bay AreaSan Francisco Bay Area
BCR benefit-cost ratio
BIRMBridge Inspector's Reference Manual
BLMBureau of Land Management
BPIBid Price Index
C-TIPCross-Town Improvement Project
C&PConditions and Performance
CAFECorporate Average Fuel Economy
CARBCalifornia Air Resources Board
CATACentral Arkansas Transit Authority
CATSCharlotte Area Transit System
CDOTConnecticut Department of Transportation
CFRU.S. Code of Federal Regulations
CFSCommodity Flow Survey
CMAQCongestion Mitigation and Air Quality
CM-GCconstruction manager-general contractor
CMTACapital Metropolitan Transportation Authority
CNGcompressed natural gas
CO2carbon dioxide
Combocombination (trucks)
CPIConsumer Price Index
CRRCorps Recreation Roads
CTAChicago Transit Authority
CTECenter for Transportation and the Environment
DARTDallas Area Rapid Transit
DCdirect current
DHSDepartment of Homeland Security
DOdirectly operated
DOD Department of Defense
DOEDepartment of Energy
DOIDepartment of the Interior
DOTDepartment of Transportation
DR Demand Response
DRMdirectional route mile
DTSCity and County of Honolulu Department of Transportation Services
EDCEvery Day Counts
EEREEfficiency and Renewable Energy
EIA Energy Information Administration
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency
FAFFreight Analysis Framework
FARSFatality Analysis Reporting System
FCEBfuel cell electric bus
FHForest Highways
FHWAFederal Highway Administration
FLHOffice of Federal Lands Highway
FLHPFederal Lands Highway Program
FLMAFederal Land Management Agency
FMCSAFederal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
FPMfreight performance measures
FSUSDA Forest Service
FTAFederal Transit Administration
FWSFish and Wildlife Service
FY fiscal year
g/dLgram per deciliter
GARVEEGrant Anticipation Revenue Vehicle
GCRTAThe Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
GDPgross domestic product
GHGgreenhouse gas
GISgeographic information system
GPSglobal positioning system
GRS-IBSgeosynthetic reinforced soil integrated bridge system
HARTHillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority
HBPHighway Bridge Program
HERSHighway Economic Requirements System
HERS-STHERS State Version
HFCSHighway Functional Classification System
HPMSHighway Performance Monitoring System
HPMS-APHPMS Analytical Process
HR Heavy Rail
HSIPHighway Safety Improvement Program
HTFHighway Trust Fund
HUDDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
ICintelligent compaction
IDASITS Deployment Analysis System
INVESTInfrastructure Voluntary Evaluation Sustainability Tool
IRIInternational Roughness Index
IRRIndian Reservation Roads
ISIPIntersection Safety Implementation Plan
ISTEAIntermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
ITIsland Transit
ITSintelligent transportation system(s)
King County Metro King County Department of Transportation
KTKenosha Transit
LACMTALos Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
LNGliquefied natural gas
LR Light Rail
LPGliquefied petroleum gas
MAP-21Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act
MARTAMetropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
MATAMemphis Area Transit Authority
MB Motorbus
MBTAMassachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
MDTMiami-Dade Transit
ME-PDGMechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide
MetraNortheast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation
METROBi-State Development Agency; Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas
MetrolinkSouthern California Regional Rail Authority
MIRMilitary Installation Roads
MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MOVESMotor Vehicle Emission Simulator
mpgmiles per gallon
MPOmetropolitan planning organization
MR&Rmaintenance, repair, and replacement; maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation
MSAMetropolitan Statistical Area
MTAMass Transit Account; Maryland Transit Administration
MTA LIRRMTA Long Island Rail Road
MTA-MNCRMetro-North Commuter Railroad Company
MTSSan Diego Metropolitan Transit System
MTSImean time to service interruption
MUNISan Francisco Municipal Railway
MUTCDManual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
NAVCNortheast Advanced Vehicle Consortium
NASS GESNational Automotive Sampling System General Estimates System
NBERNational Bureau of Economic Research
NBINational Bridge Inventory
NBIASNational Bridge Investment Analysis System
NBISNational Bridge Inspection Standards
NCHRPNational Cooperative Highway Research Program
NCTDNorth County Transit District
NEPANational Environmental Policy Act
NFSNational Forest System
NFSRNational Forest System Roads
NFCBPNational Fuel Cell Bus Program
NFT MetroNiagara Frontier Transportation Authority
NHCCINational Highway Construction Cost Index
NHPPNational Highway Performance Program
NHSNational Highway System
NHTSNational Household Travel Survey
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
NICTDNorthern Indiana Commuter Transportation District
NJ TRANSITNew Jersey Transit Corporation
NLCSNational Landscape Conservation System
NNEPRANorthern New England Passenger Rail Authority
NOxnitrogen oxide
NORTANew Orleans Regional Transit Authority
NPSNational Park Service
NTDNational Transit Database
NTPPNonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program
NWRSNational Wildlife Refuge System
NYCTMTA New York City Transit
O&Moperations and maintenance
OF&EOther Freeway and Expressway
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OPAOther Principal Arterial
P3Public-Private Partnership
PABPrivate Activity Bond
PATCOPort Authority Transit Corporation
PATHPort Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation
PCJPBPeninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board
PELPlanning and Environmental Linkages
PENNDOTPennsylvania Department of Transportation
PLDR&Tpublic lands development roads and trails
PLHDPublic Lands Highway Discretionary Program
PM-10particulate matter of 10 microns in diameter or smaller
PMTpassenger miles traveled; person miles of travel
Port AuthorityPort Authority of Allegheny County
PRHTAPuerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority
PRPpark roads and parkways
PSRPresent Serviceability Rating; Pavement Serviceability Rating
PTpurchased transportation
PVpassenger vehicle
RAIRSRail Accident/Injury Reporting System
ReclamationBureau of Reclamation
Recovery ActAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act
RMRTDRio Metro Regional Transit District
RRRefuge Roads
RSDPRoadway Safety Data Program
RTARegional Transportation Authority
RTDDenver Regional Transportation District
RVDrecreation visitor days
Sacramento RTSacramento Regional Transit District
SAFETEA-LUSafe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users
SEPTASoutheastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
SGRstate of good repair
SHRP2Strategic Highway Research Program 2
SHSPStrategic Highway Safety Plan
SIBState Infrastructure Bank
SIRTOAStaten Island Rapid Transit Operating Authority
SQCSynthesis, Quantity, and Condition
SRTSSafe Routes to School
S/TIPState/Transportation Improvement Program
STCentral Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority
STAASurface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982
STPSurface Transportation Program
STRAHNETStrategic Highway Network
STURAASurface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987
SUsingle-unit (truck)
TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century
TEAMTransit Electronic Award Management
TERMTransit Economic Requirements Model
TEUTwenty-foot equivalent unit
TIFIATransportation Infrastructure and Finance Innovation Act
TIGERTransportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery
TMCtraffic management center
TMGTraffic Monitoring Guide
TRBTransportation Research Board
TRDFTexas Research and Development Foundation
TriMetTri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon
TRIPTransit in the Parks
TRI-RailSouth Florida Regional Transportation Authority
TTITexas Transportation Institute
TVTTraffic Volume Trends
UCRUrban Congestion Report
UNUnited Nations
UPTunlinked passenger trips
U.S.United States
USACEU.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USAGEUnited States Applied General Equilibrium
U.S.C. United States Code
USDAU.S. Department of Agriculture
USFSU.S. Forest Service
UTAUtah Transit Authority
UZAurbanized area
VIIVehicle Infrastructure Integration
VIUSVehicle Inventory and Use Survey
VMRValley Metro Rail, Inc.
VMSvariable message signs
VMTvehicle miles traveled
VREVirginia Railway Express
VRMvehicle revenue mile
V/SFvolume/service flow
VSLvalue of a statistical life; variable speed limit
VTA Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
VTTSvalue of travel time savings
WMAwarm mix asphalt
WMATAWashington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
WSDOTWashington Department of Transportation
ZEBAZero Emission Bay Area

Page last modified on November 7, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000