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Economic Returns From Transportation Investment

Cover of Economic Returns From Transportation Investment

Forum Chair
Jose A. Gomez Ibanez

Report Prepared by
Jeffrey Madrick

Logo for Eno Transportation Foundation, Inc.

PDF version (6.25 mb)

Table of Contents

Participant List
Forum Proceedings
Appendix A: Highway Capital And Productivity Growth
By M. Ishaq Nadiri And Theofanius P. Mamuneas
Appendix B: Economic Returns From Transportation Investment: Nineteenth Century Experiences And Contemporary Issues - Annotated Bibliography
By Charles Jacobson
Appendix C: Summary Of International Studies of The Productivity Effects Of Highway Infrastructure
by T.R. Lakshmanan

Published by
Eno Transportation Foundation, Inc.
44211 Slatestone Court
Lansdowne, VA 20176-5109
Tel: 703-729-7200
Fax: 703-729-7219

Board of Directors
Lillian C. Borrone
Joseph M. Clapp
Lawrence D. Dahms
Norman Y. Mineta
Ted Tedesco

Damian J. Kulash, President and CEO
Jennifer Clinger, Transportation Policy Analyst

Layout and Printing: Insty-Prints of Countryside, Sterling, Virginia

© 1996 Eno Transportation Foundation Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to quote from or reproduce material in this publication is granted when the following acknowledgment is made: "Economic Returns from Transportation Investment, Eno Transportation Foundation Inc., Lansdowne, VA, © 1996"

Page last modified on November 7, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000