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National Runway Safety Plans

The National Runway Safety Plan outlines the transition from a reactive, event-based safety system to a proactive, risk-based system for Runway Safety. The comprehensive 3-year plan reaffirms our commitment to approaching Runway Safety corporately, working together across all FAA Lines of Business to achieve our Runway Safety goals.


The Runway Safety Report helps the FAA analyze the past year's progression and set safety priorities across the Agency. With our comprehensive Safety Management System (SMS), we now anticipate and correct risks before they jeopardize safety. By bringing attention to the potential hazards associated with the presence of aircraft, vehicles, and pedestrians in the runway surface environment, the FAA proactively improves flight safety.

The Runway Safety Group works with airlines, industry, pilot groups, and FAA lines of business to mitigate serious hazards on the runway. Working with all stakeholders, the FAA has developed innovative programs and techniques to reduce the number and severity of surface incidents.

Resources & Tools

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