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What's New at NCES

A Look at Homeschooling in the U.S.

The number of homeschooled students in the United States more than doubled between 1999 and 2012, according to a new NCES report. » More info


NAEP Science 2015 State Snapshot Reports

Each state and jurisdiction that participated in the NAEP 2015 Science assessment receives a one-page snapshot report that presents key findings and trends in a condensed format. » More info


Trends in High School Dropout and Completion Rates in the United States: 2013

This report draws on an array of nationally representative surveys and administrative datasets to present statistics on high school dropout and completion rates. » More info


ECLS-K:2011 Restricted-Use Kindergarten-Third Grade Data File and Electronic Codebook

This CD contains an electronic codebook (ECB), a restricted-use data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the fall and spring kindergarten, fall and spring first-grade, and fall spring second-grade, and spring third-grade rounds of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-11 (ECLS-K:2011). » More info

NCES Video Highlights

Adult SkillsThe Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) is a large-scale international study of adult skills and life experiences. Watch our new video to find out how the skills of U.S. adults compare with those of adults in other countries, and how skills vary within three important groups in the U.S. population: the unemployed, young adults, and older adults.

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Data Snapshot

Problem Solving Skills of 15-year-olds, 2013The U.S. average score on PISA 2012 Problem Solving was 508, which was higher than the OECD-PS average of 500.

SOURCE: Key findings from PISA 2012 Problem Solving: United States

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The Condition of Education

Condition of EducationBrowse key indicators on the condition of education in the United States at all levels, including prekindergarten, elementary and secondary, and postsecondary. The COE summarizes important developments and trends using the latest statistics, which are updated as data become available.

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