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Advance Notification of Federal-Aid Highway Funds to be Apportioned for Fiscal Year (FY) 2014
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Classification Code Date Office of Primary Interest
N 4510.767 July 2, 2013 HCFB-1
  1. What is the purpose of this Notice? This Notice is to notify States, as required by section 104(e) of title 23, United States Code (U.S.C.), of the anticipated amounts of funds to be apportioned under 23 U.S.C. 104, as amended by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), Public Law 112-141, for FY 2014. It should be noted that the anticipated apportionment amounts are subject to change before issuing the certificate of apportionment, which is effective on October 1, 2013.

  2. What are the procedures for opting out of the recreational trails program set-aside?

    1. Section 213(f) of title 23, U.S.C., as amended by MAP-21, provides for a set-aside from each State's transportation alternatives funding for the recreational trails program. The amount of the set-aside is equal to each State's FY 2009 apportionment for the recreational trails program. Each State subject to the set-aside must return 1 percent of the set-aside funds to the Secretary for administration, and these States must also comply with the provisions for the administration of the recreational trails program under section 206 of title 23, U.S.C.

    2. Section 213(g) of title 23, U.S.C., as amended by MAP-21, allows a State to opt out of the recreational trails program set-aside. In order to opt out of the set-aside a State must inform the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of its decision to opt out no later than 30 days prior to apportionments being made for a fiscal year. Since apportionments for FY 2014 will be effective on October 1, 2013, a State must make notification of its decision to opt out by September 1, 2013. Any State that desires to opt out of the recreational trails program set-aside shall notify FHWA via e-mail, with a letter signed by the Governor or the Governor's designee accompanying the opt-out notification, to the FHWA Office of Budget's official mailbox (BudDiv@dot.gov) no later than September 1, 2013. Note that failure to affirmatively opt out by the deadline will result in the recreational trails set-aside being applied to a State's transportation alternatives funding.

  3. Are certain States subject to potential withholdings or transfers? Yes. Currently, the States that are listed under the following requirements are subject to potential withholdings or transfers on October 1, 2013.

    1. Use of Safety Belts and Motorcycle Helmets – 23 U.S.C. 153

      Funds subject to 2 percent transfer to the State's Safety Program under 23 U.S.C. 402: National Highway Performance Program (NHPP), Surface Transportation Program (STP), and Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP).

      New Hampshire

    2. Open Container Requirements – 23 U.S.C. 154

      Funds subject to 2.5 percent transfer to the State's Safety Program under 23 U.S.C. 402 or use for HSIP under 23 U.S.C. 148: NHPP and STP.

      Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Puerto Rico*, North Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming

      Note: To avoid a transfer on October 1, 2013, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) must receive from the State by September 30, 2013, a certificate and laws that conform to 23 U.S.C. 154 programs implementing regulations.

    3. National Minimum Drinking Age – 23 U.S.C. 158

      Funds subject to 8 percent withholding: NHPP and STP

      Puerto Rico*

    4. Repeat Offenders – 23 U.S.C. 164

      Funds subject to 2.5 percent transfer to the State's Safety Program under 23 U.S.C. 402 or use for HSIP under 23 U.S.C. 148: NHPP and STP.

      Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Puerto Rico*, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming

      Note: To avoid a transfer on October 1, 2013, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) must receive from the State by September 30, 2013, a certificate and laws that conform to 23 U.S.C. 164 programs implementing regulations.

  4. Are there obligation controls? Yes. The obligation limitation associated with the funds transferred pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 153, 23 U.S.C. 154, and 23 U.S.C. 164 is subject to obligation controls in force at the time of the transfer.

  5. What are the anticipated FY 2014 apportionments? The following table shows the FY 2014 anticipated apportionment amounts effective on October 1, 2013. The table shows the anticipated apportionments of NHPP, STP, HSIP, Railway-Highway Crossings Program, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, and Metropolitan Planning Program.

  6. What action is required?

    1. Division Administrators must ensure that this Notice is provided to State departments of transportation.

    2. A State shall notify FHWA no later than September 1, 2013, of any decision to opt out of the recreational trails set-aside.

* Puerto Rico highway program funds are no longer apportioned. Section 165 of title 23, U.S.C., states that, for the purpose of imposing penalties, such funds will be treated as being apportioned under 23 U.S.C. 104(b) and 144 (as in effect for FY 1997) in the same proportions as Puerto Rico’s FY 1997 apportionments. Funds treated as being apportioned for the national highway system, STP, and Interstate maintenance program shall be deemed to have been apportioned 50 percent for NHPP and 50 percent for STP.

Signature of Victor M. Mendez
Victor M. Mendez



(before post-apportionment set-asides; before penalties)

Alabama 461,736,202 212,384,155 46,232,950 4,507,292 11,507,925 3,009,024 739,377,548
Alaska 292,177,703 134,392,570 31,007,440 1,100,000 27,760,319 2,219,006 488,657,038
Arizona 417,225,075 191,910,435 43,180,210 2,668,699 52,332,154 5,726,598 713,043,171
Arkansas 312,426,831 143,706,533 30,568,116 3,764,503 12,421,889 1,681,406 504,569,278
California 1,949,079,830 896,515,526 198,850,884 15,333,713 468,142,391 48,963,903 3,576,886,247
Colorado 301,482,333 138,672,408 29,962,672 3,167,255 42,666,947 5,175,813 521,127,428
Connecticut 280,493,398 129,018,157 29,515,589 1,307,861 44,629,126 4,516,498 489,480,629
Delaware 96,407,695 44,344,513 9,494,252 1,100,000 11,763,933 1,743,843 164,854,236
District of Columbia 91,455,165 42,066,504 8,950,018 1,100,000 10,190,319 1,736,959 155,498,965
Florida 1,154,547,820 531,055,747 118,347,905 8,525,482 13,716,709 20,262,475 1,846,456,138
Georgia 753,061,259 346,384,535 74,838,700 7,915,285 68,543,687 7,603,485 1,258,346,951
Hawaii 97,250,323 44,732,095 9,586,849 1,100,000 10,449,472 1,711,497 164,830,236
Idaho 168,316,345 77,420,234 16,729,108 1,767,194 12,926,077 1,584,486 278,743,444
Illinois 801,222,219 368,537,065 77,681,222 10,365,176 111,059,444 16,698,553 1,385,563,679
Indiana 557,982,447 256,654,407 53,999,955 7,316,798 47,528,381 5,122,237 928,604,225
Iowa 290,398,881 133,574,368 26,698,385 5,213,580 11,156,002 1,900,587 468,941,803
Kansas 227,265,880 104,535,169 19,065,642 5,908,631 9,599,667 1,906,208 368,281,197
Kentucky 402,090,046 184,948,796 40,485,169 3,700,550 13,819,415 2,479,137 647,523,113
Louisiana 425,669,221 195,794,477 42,633,005 4,143,832 11,546,682 4,207,392 683,994,609
Maine 106,829,023 49,137,997 10,512,603 1,226,850 10,387,323 1,802,781 179,896,577
Maryland 333,296,753 153,306,042 34,331,323 2,294,694 54,015,183 6,767,438 584,011,433
Massachusetts 330,675,595 152,100,392 33,923,525 2,414,453 63,976,104 8,797,005 591,887,074
Michigan 599,603,307 275,798,695 58,476,391 7,414,082 74,654,159 10,134,241 1,026,080,875
Minnesota 381,247,533 175,361,895 35,938,071 5,957,262 32,508,304 4,474,654 635,487,719
Mississippi 291,973,806 134,298,783 28,685,867 3,399,167 11,317,382 1,664,169 471,339,174
Missouri 569,307,655 261,863,646 57,039,088 5,522,193 23,777,878 5,086,779 922,597,239
Montana 244,020,587 112,241,808 24,995,049 1,820,400 15,017,733 1,759,408 399,854,985
Nebraska 171,790,627 79,018,295 15,321,956 3,556,135 10,378,128 1,621,997 281,687,138
Nevada 202,445,109 93,118,394 21,146,715 1,100,000 32,854,875 3,212,567 353,877,660
New Hampshire 94,933,554 43,666,454 9,332,259 1,100,000 10,439,872 1,547,077 161,019,216
New Jersey 545,181,047 250,766,164 56,250,702 3,659,303 105,005,268 12,183,107 973,045,591
New Mexico 219,634,396 101,024,927 22,552,989 1,582,659 11,513,089 1,575,186 357,883,246
New York 908,738,256 417,991,066 93,607,895 6,253,452 184,798,720 24,439,491 1,635,828,880
North Carolina 609,761,224 280,471,019 60,578,143 6,428,585 51,605,366 5,681,962 1,014,526,299
North Dakota 146,315,279 67,300,435 12,505,884 3,572,718 10,612,493 1,643,105 241,949,914
Ohio 763,365,636 351,124,225 75,315,440 8,570,894 96,595,832 11,336,661 1,306,308,688
Oklahoma 384,548,286 176,880,138 37,082,422 5,175,632 11,858,244 2,530,385 618,075,107
Oregon 295,566,438 135,951,282 29,587,119 2,892,709 19,570,554 3,542,514 487,110,616
Pennsylvania 943,319,762 433,897,473 97,103,444 6,558,068 105,416,637 12,693,828 1,598,989,212
Rhode Island 127,905,551 58,832,537 12,955,555 1,100,000 10,521,749 1,817,360 213,132,752
South Carolina 380,013,414 174,794,239 37,540,708 4,219,008 12,389,522 2,890,121 611,847,012
South Dakota 166,086,004 76,394,347 15,939,843 2,311,366 12,374,412 1,729,376 274,835,348
Tennessee 497,788,995 228,967,309 50,021,083 4,681,004 37,366,659 4,704,487 823,529,537
Texas 1,848,381,509 850,197,460 185,900,293 17,218,554 151,829,034 21,898,213 3,075,425,063
Utah 190,425,468 87,589,736 19,407,096 1,518,780 12,092,129 2,942,377 313,975,586
Vermont 117,073,412 53,850,094 11,765,210 1,100,000 11,949,766 2,051,543 197,790,025
Virginia 591,724,239 272,174,571 60,496,167 4,528,475 55,400,509 7,398,722 991,722,683
Washington 392,532,205 180,552,490 39,079,144 4,056,263 37,276,148 7,165,794 660,662,044
West Virginia 261,030,820 120,065,981 26,700,080 1,984,625 14,448,262 1,665,865 425,895,633
Wisconsin 446,645,840 205,443,063 43,405,143 5,676,818 27,637,631 4,474,272 733,282,767
Wyoming 151,355,105 69,618,596 15,532,429 1,100,000 10,511,647 1,547,195 249,664,972
Total 22,393,805,108 10,300,447,247 2,240,857,707 220,000,000 2,321,861,151 321,028,787 37,798,000,000


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Page last modified on July 2, 2013.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000