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Revised Delegations of Authority to Order M1100.1A
Classification Code Date Office of Primary Interest
N 1100.1A April 10, 2012 HCF

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  1. What is the purpose of this Notice? The purpose of this Notice is to take the initial step in revising FHWA's delegations of authority to reorganize certain functions among the Office of Administration (HAD), the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (HCF), and the Office of Chief Counsel (HCC).

  2. What is the background information? FHWA reviewed the functions and organizational structure within HAD and HCF to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its administrative and financial operations. This review identified the opportunity to make improvements in managing administrative and financial programs to include acquisitions, information technology, internal controls, and audit liaison functions. As a result, the Office of Acquisition Management will move, in its entirety, from HAD to HCF. The Management Programs and Analysis Division (HAIM-10) will be restructured with audit liaison, hotlines, delegations, directives, and other management programs transferred from HAD to HCF. The HAIM-10 responsibilities for the Freedom of Information Act program will be transferred to HCC. The privacy, information collections, records management, and other information services functions in HAIM-10 will be transferred to the Information Technology Division within HAD.

  3. What changes are being made? References to the authorities in the FHWA Delegations and Organization Manual, FHWA Order M1100.1A, Part 1, Delegations of Authority, delegated for Acquisition Management and for those responsibilities assigned to HAIM-10 that will transfer from HAD to HCF and HCC are being revised to allow the new organizational/reporting structure to become operational. (Note: Proposed titles for new positions/offices are provided. Titles will become official once the reorganization is finalized.)

    1. The following references to the Office of Information and Management Services or HAIM-10 are changed to the Office of Financial and Management Programs:

      Chapter 1, Section 2, Paragraph 11
      Chapter 1, Section 3, Paragraph 12
      Chapter 4, Section 2, Paragraph 37
      Chapter 4, Section 2, Paragraph 47b

    2. The following references to the Associate Administrator for Administration are changed to the Chief Financial Officer:

      Chapter 1, Section 3, Paragraph 12
      Chapter 4, Section 2, Paragraph 37a
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 79

    3. The following references to the Associate Administrator for Administration are changed to the Director, Office of Acquisition Management:

      Chapter 3, Section 2, Paragraph 14f(2)
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 60b
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 60d
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 60f
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 60i
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 64
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 65b
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 66

    4. The following references to the Director, Office of Acquisition Management, are changed to the Chief, Acquisition and Grants Operations Division:

      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 60c
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 60d
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 60e(1)
      Chapter 4, Section 3, Paragraph 66

    5. The following reference to the Associate Administrator for Administration
      is changed to the Chief Counsel:

      Chapter 4, Section 2, Paragraph 49d(2)

  4. What action is required? The Office of Financial and Management Programs will process the reorganization referenced above. Once the reorganization package is approved, the FHWA Delegations and Organization Manual will be updated to reflect these changes.



signature: Victor M. Mendez

Victor M. Mendez

Page last modified on October 19, 2015
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000