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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Other Reports

TMIP publishes reports on other topics related to travel modeling and analysis from time to time. These reports are available below.

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Reports Ordered by Date

Publication Title Year Printable Version
Synopsis of New/Emerging Methods and Technologies to Collect Origin-Destination (O-D) Data 2016 PDF
A Practical Guide on DTA Model Applications for Regional Planning 2016 PDF
TMIP How-To: Create Travelshed TAZs 2015 PDF
Multiday GPS Travel Behavior Data for Travel Analysis 2015 PDF
Guide for Travel Model Transfer 2014 PDF
TMIP At a Glance: Striving for Excellence - Oregon DOT's Initiatives in Travel Analysis Tool Development 2014 PDF
A Snapshot of Transportation Planning: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) 2014 PDF
TMIP Email List Technical Synthesis Series 2007-2010 2014 PDF
TMIP At a Glance: Smart Growth Area Planning Tool (SmartGAP) 2014 PDF
Managing Uncertainty and Risk in Travel Forecasting: A White Paper 2013 PDF
TMIP At a Glance: Household Travel Surveys 2013 PDF
TMIP At a Glance: Peer Review Program 2013 PDF
Improving Existing Travel Models and Forecasting Processes: A White Paper 2013 PDF
Scan of Transportation Planning Data Collection, Management, and Applications Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) 2013 PDF
TMIP At a Glance: Activity-Based Modeling Resources 2012 PDF
Modeling and Analysis Needs and Resources for Small Metropolitan Area Transportation Planning: Report on a Peer Exchange 2012 PDF
A Snapshot of Travel Modeling Activities: Addendum 2012 PDF
A Snapshot of Travel Modeling Activities - The State of Texas 2011 PDF
Travel Model Validation and Reasonableness Checking Manual Second Edition 2010 PDF
A Snapshot of Travel Modeling Activities Atlanta Regional Commission ARC Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission MORPC North Central Texas Council of Governments NCTCOG Puget Sound Regional Council PSRC 2008 PDF
Travel Model Validation Practices Peer Exchange White Paper 2008 PDF
Accounting for Commercial Vehicles in Urban Transportation Models 2004 Yes (See HTML)
Summary Report for the Peer Exchange on Data Transferability 2004 PDF
Use of Expert Panels in Developing Land Use Forecasts 2002 PDF
Data Collection and Modeling Requirements for Assessing Transportation Impacts of Micro-Scale Design 2000 PDF
Land Use Forecasting Case Studies A Synthesis and Summary 2000 PDF
Early Deployment of TRANSIMS Issue Paper 1999 PDF
Land Use Compendium 1998 PDF
Vehicle Availability Modeling Volume 1 1998 PDF
A Least Total Cost Approach to Compare Infrastructure Alternatives 1997 No
A Synthetic Approach to Estimating the Impacts of Telecommuting on Travel 1997 PDF
An Introduction to Panel Surveys in Transportation Studies 1997 PDF
Closing Remarks Implementing Non-Traditional Suburban Developments 1997 PDF
Considering Telecommunications for All Trip Types in a Metropolitan Region s Transportation Model 1997 PDF
Nonresponse in Household Travel Surveys 1997 PDF
Time-of-Day Modeling Procedures State-of-the-Practice State-of-the-Art Final Report 1997 PDF
Quick Response Freight Manual - Final Report 1996 PDF
Alternatives Analysis Highway 101 Widening Project - Final Report 1995 Yes (See HTML)
TMIP Conference Proceedings August 14 to 17 1994 Fort Worth Texas 1995 No
TRANSIMS Model Design Criteria as Derived from Federal Legislation 1995 No
TRANSIMS TRansportation ANalysis and SIMulation System Project Summary and Status 1995 No
Effects of Added Transportation Capacity Conference Proceedings Bethesda Maryland December 16-17 1991 1994 No
Effects of Added Transportation Capacity on Development 1994 No
Effects of Added Transportation Capacity on Travel A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Results 1994 No
Environmental Effects of Added Transportation Capacity 1994 No
Evaluation of MOBILE Vehicle Emission Model 1994 No
FHWA Study Tour for National Travel Surveys 1994 No
New Approaches to Travel Forecasting Models A Synthesis of Four Research Proposals 1994 PDF
Overview of Travel Demand Management Measures Final Report 1994 No
California Motor Vehicle Stock Travel and Fuel Forecast 1993 No
Delay-Volume Relations for Travel Forecasting Based on the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual 1991 PDF
Calibrating and Adjustment of System Planning Models 1990 No
Development and Application of Trip Generation Rates - Final Report 1985 No
A Guide for the Decision Maker Transportation Planning for Your Community 1980 No
Monitoring and Forecasting 1980 No
Population Forecasting Methods A Report on Forecasting and Estimating Methods 1980 PDF
An Introduction to Urban Travel Demand Forecasting - A Self Instructional Text 1977 No
Applications of New Travel Demand Forecasting Techniques to Transportation Planning A Study of Individual Choice Models 1977 No
Land Use and Arterial Spacing in Suburban Areas 1977 PDF
Highway Travel Forecasts 1974 PDF
Calibrating Testing a GRAVITY MODEL for Any Size Urban Area 1965 No

The following publications were published prior to Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act and are only available in Adobe PDF format. Contact Sarah Sun for more information.

Publication Title Year
Guidelines for Network Representation of Transit Access State-of-the-Practice Summary 1998
TRANSIMS The Dallas Case Study 1998
TRANSIMS Traffic Flow Characteristics 1998
Data Collection in the Portland Oregon Metropolitan Area 1996
Network Traffic as a Self-Organized Critical Phenomena 1996
Parallel Traffic Micro-Simulation by Cellular Automata and Application for Large-Scale Transportation Modeling 1996
Scan of Recent Data Research 1996
Scan of Recent Travel Surveys 1996
Travel Survey Manual Appendices 1996
Travel Survey Manual How to do a Survey 1996
Creating Synthetic Baseline Populations 1995
Emergent Local Control Properties in Particle Hopping Traffic Simulations 1995
Issues in the Representation of Traffic Using Multiresolution Cellular Automata 1995
Multicriterion Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Basic Theory and Elementary Algorithms 1995
Particle Hopping Models and Traffic Flow Theory 1995
Particle Hopping Models Traffic Flow Theory and Traffic Jam Dynamics 1995
Particle Hopping vs Fluid-Dynamical Models for Traffic Flow 1995
Traffic Jam Dynamics in Stochastic Cellular Automata 1995
Fast Low Fidelity Microsimulation of Vehicle Traffic on Supercomputers 1993

The following publications are not available online. Contact Sarah Sun for more information.

Publication Title Year
Field Test of a Method for Finding Consistent Route Flows and Multiple-Class Link Flows in Road Traffic Assignments 2010
Integrating Land Use Issues into Transportation Planning Scenario Planning 2005
Updated: 9/1/2016
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