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Paul M. Geier

Assistant General Counsel for Litigation and Enforcement

Paul M. Geier is the Assistant General Counsel for Litigation and Enforcement for the Department of Transportation, a Senior Executive Service position he has held for the past twenty years.  In this capacity, Mr. Geier has been responsible for developing the Department's positions in numerous Supreme Court and lower federal court cases that have included a wide range of constitutional and administrative law issues as well as regulatory challenges.  He and the members of his office oversee the Department's litigation and work closely with the Department of Justice and the Department's Chief Counsels' Offices in the development of the government's legal positions and the drafting of the government's briefs in major Departmental litigation.

Prior to joining the General Counsel's Office at the Department of Transportation, Mr. Geier held several other positions with the federal government, including Deputy Solicitor to the Department of Energy's Special Counsel, where he was responsible for judicial litigation arising out of the petroleum pricing and allocation program, and Regional Counsel for Region X of the Community Services Administration in Seattle, Washington.  Mr. Geier is a member of the Supreme Court Bar and is admitted to practice in Tennessee, Washington State and the District of Columbia.

He received his Juris Doctor degree from Vanderbilt University and his undergraduate degree from Bucknell University.  Mr. Geier has been the recipient of numerous Departmental and Secretarial awards, including the Secretary's Gold Medal Team Award.  In addition, he has twice been the recipient of the Presidential Rank Award conferred by the President on career members of the Senior Executive Service. In 2011, he received the rank award of Distinguished Executive and previously, in 2003, he received the award of Meritorious Executive.

Updated: Friday, October 7, 2016
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