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Transportation Planning Update Newsletter

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Transit Administration
Resource Center
Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program


Apportionments of Fiscal Year 2010 Funds Under the latest 151-Day Extension (Continuing Resolution)

In the absence of a new surface transportation bill (SAFETEA-LU expired September 30, 2009) or a FY-2010 Appropriations Act, on September 30, 2009, Congress passed legislation in the form of a continuing appropriations resolution that enables a 151-Day Extension of Surface Transportation Programs Pursuant to Public Law 111-68, as Amended by Public Law 111-118. It covers extension of the transportation program through February 28, 2010. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued a Notice (N 4510.717) on January 13, 2010 with a Revised Apportionment of Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 Funds. This notice is available at the following link: 4510.717.htm.

Status of Stimulus

On December 28, 2009 U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced that the Federal Highway Administration has approved 10,000 highway projects funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) since its passage in February. The FHWA has obligated 87% of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) funds as of January 5th.

Can you Stand More Stimulus?

Congress is currently working on second stimulus or jobs bill. A bill for ARRA II has passed the US House of Representatives, funding levels for highways are similar to ARRA I. The Senate does not yet have a bill, so it is a bit uncertain at this time. Similar to ARRA I, if and when ARRA II is passed, it is likely to have short turn around times for the obligation of funds. Currently, the house bill requires that 50% of the funds be awarded within 90-days of being signed into law. As such, the field offices should be working with their State DOTs and MPOs now to prepare for ARRA II in the event that a bill is passed and signed into law.

Border Wait Time Peer Exchange

A US/Mexico Border Wait-time Peer Exchange Roundtable was held with officials from Arizona, California, Texas, Washington State and Mexico on November 4, 2009 in San Antonio, TX. The main take away products from this peer exchange were the lessons learned/best practices and an agreement of the definitions of both Border Wait Time and Border Crossing Time. It was agreed that Border Wait Time is time it would take a truck/car to travel from the end of the queue to primary inspection. It was also agreed that Border Crossing Time is the time that it would take a truck to move through primary inspection, possibly secondary inspection and exit the port. Contact Jermaine Hannon of the Arizona Division at 602-382-8963 .

Due to the level on interest in context sensitive solutions, the third in a series of National Dialog workshops has been set up to be webcast on Thursday February 4, 2010 from 9 am - 4:30 pm eastern. The workshop is being held in Charlotte, NC. The workshop will include an up-to-date overview of Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) plus presentations on exemplary CSS projects, plans and programs from the surrounding region. See for more information or you can register at

Future workshops will be held in March 2010 in New Brunswick, NJ and April 22, 2010 in St.. Paul MN.

Environmental Mitigation in Planning

The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) included provisions intended to enhance the consideration of environmental issues and impacts within the transportation planning process. This report for the FHWA Office of Planning by the USDOT’s Volpe National Transportation Systems Center presents and synthesizes the findings from nine case studies that examine a spectrum of environmental mitigation strategies, policies, and activities transportation agencies have undertaken to meet the requirements. It is expected that the observations and insights described can be used to assist transportation professionals nationwide in improving their agencies’ planning processes and outcomes. The report is available at: .

MOVES Model Released

On December 23, 2009, EPA released the final version of the Motor Vehicle Emissions Simulator Model (MOVES), called MOVES2010. MOVES2010 is EPA’s latest mobile source emission model and replaces EPA’s previous mobile source emission model, MOBILE6.2.

The new model and supporting documentation are available for download from EPA’s MOVES website: .

EPA will be publishing a Federal Register notice of availability in the near future to approve MOVES2010 for meeting official state implementation plan (SIP) and transportation conformity requirements. Upon publication of the Federal Register notice, MOVES2010 will become EPA’s approved motor vehicle emission factor model for estimating volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), direct particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and other pollutants and precursors from cars, trucks, motorcycles, and buses by state and local agencies outside of California. EPA intends to include in the notice a two-year grace period for using MOVES2010 for transportation conformity purposes. EPA also recommends the use of MOVES2010 for future mobile source air toxics and greenhouse gas emissions analyses. FHWA and EPA are planning to conduct training sessions for MOVES2010.

If you have any questions regarding the release of the MOVES2010 and its related implementation issues, please contact Cecilia Ho at 202-366-9862 or; Karen Perritt at 202-366-9066 or;

If you have any questions regarding the release of the MOVES2010 and its related implementation issues, please contact Cecilia Ho at 202-366-9862 or; Karen Perritt at 202-366-9066 or;


The FHWA Resource Center is working with EPA to develop training materials and determine which locations they will visit to provide on-site training. They have currently received requests from 22 different states for MOVES training, but will likely not have the funding to reach all of them this fiscal year. In addition to on-site training, EPA and FHWA are also planning an introductory web conference, explaining how MOVES is different from MOBILE6, emissions differences with the new model, SIP and conformity deadlines, and other policy for using the model. For more information see or contact: Jeff Houk 720-963-3203.

New Ozone Standard

On January 6, 2010, USEPA proposed to revise the 8-hour ozone standards. The proposed revisions result from a reconsideration of the identical primary and secondary ozone standards set at 0.075 ppm in March, 2008.

EPA is proposing to set the “primary” standard at a level between 0.060 and 0.070 parts per million (ppm) measured over eight hours. EPA is also proposing to set a separate seasonal “secondary” standard to protect the environment, especially plants and trees, at the level of within the range of 7-15 ppm-hours.

EPA will take public comment for 60 days after the proposed rule is published in the Federal Register. The agency will hold three public hearings on the proposal: Feb. 2, 2010, in Arlington, VA and in Houston, TX; and Feb. 4, 2010, in Sacramento, CA. EPA will finalize the standards by August 31, 2010.

More information of this proposed rule and other related documents, including maps showing potential nonattainment areas, are available at .

Contact: Cecilia Ho 202-366-9862 .

New NO2 Standard

EPA has issued a final rule regarding the NO2 NAAQS. The rule requires near-road monitoring. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today announced a new national air quality standard for nitrogen dioxide (NO2). This new one-hour standard will protect millions of Americans from peak short-term exposures, which primarily occur near major roads. The agency set the new one-hour standard for NO2 at a level of 100 parts per billion (ppb). EPA also is retaining the existing annual average standard of 53 ppb.

EPA is establishing new monitoring requirements in urban areas that will measure NO2 levels within 50 meters of major roadways and as well as monitors sited to measure the area-wide NO2 concentrations that occur more broadly across communities. Monitors must be located near roadways in cities with at least 500,000 residents. Larger cities and areas with major roadways will have additional monitors. Community-wide monitoring will continue in cities with at least 1 million residents.

The main link for information on the rule is: .

Innovative Analysis Tools in Planning for Operations

To promote the use of innovative tools and demonstrate and encourage innovation in the use of analysis tools and methods for linking planning and operations, Case Studies were developed along with an executive brochure for message delivery in FY 2009. For message delivery an Innovative Analysis workshop was developed. Four workshops will be scheduled for FY 2010. The first workshop is scheduled for January 27 in Dallas. FHWA is in discussion about hosting one in Atlanta April1, 2010. The workshops/webinar are designed for planners, operations/ITS engineers, and transportation modeling professionals with mid- to high-level knowledge and experience in the use of analysis tools for linking planning and operations. Contact: Rick Backlund 202-366-8333 or Egan Smith 202.366.6072,

Let’s Talk Operations Webinar

The January Talking Planning and Operations Webinar entitled, “Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Planning for Operations - A New Resource” that was held January 25, 2010, will be repeated February 23, 2010 at 1:00-2:230 pm eastern. This webinar promotes a desk reference developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration to help metropolitan planning organizations and their planning partners meet the challenge of integrating operations into metropolitan transportation plans and realize the benefits. The desk reference assists planners and operators in using specific operations objectives and performance measures to plan for operations. It contains an extensive menu of operations objectives and performance measures that planners and operators can draw from for their own transportation plans. This webinar will offer a preview of this new tool. Audiences will also have an opportunity to hear from two MPO representatives as to how they are using an objectives-driven, performance-based approach to plan for operations. The reference can be found on the planning for operations web site .

Model Plans Desk Reference

The FHWA and FTA have developed a desk reference that can help metropolitan planning organizations (MPO) and their planning partners meet the challenge of integrating operations into the plan and realize the benefits. It assists MPOs in addressing the Federal requirements in SAFETEA-LU to include “operational and management strategies to improve the performance of existing transportation facilities” in the MTP and “promote efficient system management and operation.” This desk reference supplies the reader with tangible examples of operations objectives and associated performance measures that can be tailored for a specific region or pulled directly into a metropolitan transportation plan (MTP).

Additionally, the desk reference contains excerpts of a model transportation plan that reflects the use of an objectives-driven, performance-based approach to plan for operations and its effects on the content and focus of the MTP. Sections of the model plan offer an illustration of how a plan incorporates this approach while acknowledging that no single format will fit all regions. The excerpts have been tailored for three levels of operations planning: basic, advancing, and comprehensive. The collection of operations objectives and the model plan excerpts can be used to inspire discussion among operations planning partners as they work to develop their own operations objectives and a plan that reflects this approach. The Model Plans Desk Reference Document is anticipated to be posted to the planning and operations site in May. Contact: Rick Backlund, 202-366-4069.

New Combined Guidebook

A new Guidebook ” Advancing Planning for Operations” has been completed which combines the material from two interim guidebooks released last year, “An Interim Guidebook on the Congestion Management Process in Metropolitan Transportation Planning “ and the “Management & Operations in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan”: The final version provides a Guidebook for creating an objectives-driven, performance-based approach” . This document showcases opportunities to utilize an objectives driven, performance-based approach to enhance the quality of CMP and to enhance the quality of management & operations strategies in the planning process. It is anticipated to be posted on the planning for operations site in April. An NHI Training Course on Advancing Planning for Operations in Metropolitan Areas is being jointly developed by FHWA and FTA. We anticipate this course being available for hosting in the Fall of 2010.

National Household Travel Survey

National Household Travel Survey (NHTS): The 2009 NHTS data was released in January 2010, along with an on-demand table system. The on-demand table system includes frequently-asked tables, which make it easy to use an existing table shell, and make simple modifications to customize it for your needs. For example, you could easily subset records for your state using a WHERE clause (e.g. WHERE STATE EQ CA).

TRB will host an NHTS workshop on October 25-26, 2010, at the Keck Center in Washington, D.C. This workshop will focus on the uses of the NHTS to inform transportation decision making on issues such as energy use, congestion, highway finance and safety. Early bird registration expires on August 31, 2010. For more information, please go to: . For more information about the NHTS, please visit .

Outstanding Environmental Documents

FTA is committed to excellence in the planning, design, construction, and operation of public transportation systems across the U.S. A critical element of this mission is the development of environmental documents that are clear, concise, and easily understood by the public and decision makers. In 2008, FTA created the Outstanding Achievement Award for Excellence in Environmental Document Preparation to showcase environmental work by grantees and their partners. The call for submissions will be announced on Earth Day 2010 ( April 22, 2010) and awards will be presented at the APTA annual meeting in October 2010. For more information on the past winners, please see -

Environmail Newsletter

In an effort to foster informed dialogue about environmental requirements, to address environmental issues of concern and to share information across the regions, the FTA Office of Planning and Environment’s Human and Natural Environment Division has instituted Environmail, an electronic “newsletter.” This initiative, a response to a number of requests from regional staffs, is designed to assist those staffs in accomplishing their important work. Every month, environmental staff at Headquarters will compile an Environmail listing of hot topics and answers to questions that it has fielded and addressed during the previous month; in this manner, everybody will benefit from the same refreshers and updates. For more information contact: Faith Cole at

Transit & Livability

As part of President Obama’s Livability Initiative, EPA is assisting the City of Indianapolis with a ¾ mile Smart Growth Redevelopment District in the King Park and Martingdale-Brightwood neighborhoods. This supports ongoing economic development efforts including environmental assessment, cleanup, and construction of housing and various amenities involving more than 70 brownfield sites. Many of these sites are located within the same area of proposed new fixed route transit service under study in the Northeast Corridor Alternatives Analysis. In recent years, FTA has been providing funding and planning assistance for the AA to the Indiana DOT, Indianapolis MPO and the transit operator, Indygo. An environmental study was recently initiated by these project sponsors. For more information contact: Reginald Arkell at

Mixed-Income Transit-Oriented Development Webinar

The Center for Transit-Oriented Development (CTOD) and FTA are hosting a webinar on the subject of Mixed-Income Transit-Oriented Development, Tuesday, February 23, 3:00 to 4:00 PM, ET. This webinar will discuss how policies at the Federal, State, Regional, and Local scale can help to support mixed-income housing near transit, based on CTOD’s research in Boston, Charlotte, Denver, Minneapolis/St. Paul, and Portland, OR, as well as CTOD technical assistance projects in other regions. Housing and transportation providers from the five key regions will also be invited to participate in this session and discuss local examples with staff. Contact Angel Williams, 617-494-2516 for registration.


Registration is open for the September & October Talking Freight Seminars. To register for this seminar, please visit
You will need to register for each seminar individually by clicking on the “Enroll” link to the right of the seminar information.

Dates and topics for the upcoming seminars:

February 17, 2010 1:00-2:30 p.m. Empty Miles Program - Matching Empty Trailers With Available Freight
The Talking Freight seminars are sponsored by the FHWA and are held via web conference. This means that you view the PowerPoint presentations over the Internet while listening to the presenters over the telephone. There is no cost involved and you do not have to leave your desk to participate. However, registration and attendance is limited to 100 people.

The seminars are held on the third Wednesday of each month, 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EDT/ 10:00 am - 11:30 am Pacific. The first hour of each seminar is dedicated to the presentations and the remaining 30 minutes are for audience question and answer. Archives of past sessions can be found at

Freight Facts and Figures

Freight Facts and Figures 2009 is now available at This report is a snapshot of the volume and value of freight flows in the United States, the physical network over which freight moves, the economic conditions that generate freight movements, the industry that carries freight, and the safety, energy, and environmental implications of freight transportation. This snapshot helps decision makers, planners, and the public understand the magnitude and importance of freight transportation in the economy.

New Style Training

FHWA, in cooperation with FTA, has a new publication released in Dec.. 2009, “A Guide to Transportation Decisionmaking.” It is an update to SAFETEA-LU standards of the 2001 “A Citizens Guide to Transportation Decisionmaking.” Both were done to help the public better understand the transportation decisionmaking process and encourage their participation in the decisionmaking process. The new Guide can be found online at: FHWA field distribution of hard copies occurred in mid-December. Additional hard copies are available free of charge by providing detailed mailing information (no P.O. Boxes) plus a phone number to FHWA’s Brenda Kragh at or 202-366-2064.

New Environmental Justice Resources on the Way for 2011

Work is underway for NCHRP 08-72: Practical Approaches for Involving Traditionally Underserved Populations in Transportation Decisionmaking. The objective of this research is to develop a practical and easy-to-use toolkit of best practices that practitioners can use to involve traditionally underserved populations, particularly minority, low-income, limited English proficiency, and low literacy groups, in transportation decisionmaking. For more information contact: Brian Betlyon, 410-962-0086.

Visualization Case Studies

Visualization is a vehicle for collaboration with the public, resource and regulatory agencies, and stakeholders. There have been many recent, successful examples of visualization used to improve the transportation project development process, including enhancing communication among these groups.

As a first step toward learning and disseminating some experiences and lessons learned in developing visualization tools, the USDOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (Volpe Center), in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Office of Project Development and Environmental Review and FHWA’s Office of Interstate and Border Planning, developed the ten case studies. Under the direction of FHWA, the Volpe Center documented various case studies on transportation agencies’ current experiences with the use of visualization technologies in transportation project development processes. The case studies are based on a series of interviews with a wide range of people including staff from FHWA Division Offices, state Departments of Transportation (DOT), State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), resource agencies, local governments, consultants, and other stakeholders, such as environmental organizations and chambers of commerce. Look for the case studies at

GIS in Transportation Newsletter & Webcast

The fifth issue of the Federal Highway Administration’s GIS in Transportation newsletter has been posted at . The issue features an editorial from the New York State Department of Transportation (DOT) and an article from the Nebraska Department of Roads on its GIS-based Right of Way application. Now in its second year of publication, the FHWA GIS in Transportation Newsletter is a quarterly newsletter focusing on significant geospatial transportation news, events, and applications. The goals are to help distribute useful and informative stories on transportation agencies’ efforts to develop and implement geospatial technologies.

Also, the summary of the fifth installment of FHWA’s quarterly geospatial technologies webcast is now available at . The webcast featured Alan Smith and Tom Clay, who spoke about the Washington DOT’s Winter Operations geospatial application.

The newsletter and webcast are user-driven. If you would like highlight one of your agency’s geospatial applications in an upcoming webcast, please contact Alisa Fine, 617-494-2310 or Mark Sarmiento, 202-366-4828.

2010 Transportation Planning Excellence Awards

The 2010 Transportation Planning Excellence Awards Program (TPEA) recognizes outstanding initiatives across the country to develop, plan, and implement innovative transportation planning practices. The FHWA, FTA, and the American Planning Association are once again pleased to be partners in sponsoring the awards program. Awards will be made to applicants with the most innovative planning practices at the upcoming 2010 Summer TRB Meeting.

All Transportation Planning Excellence Award nominations must be submitted via the on-line application by March 15, 2010. To apply or for more information about the TPEA Program, contact Fred Bowers in the Office of Planning,

Asset Management for Planners

The Office of Planning (HEPP) and the Office of Asset Management (HIAM) have teamed together to jointly host a number of webinars that will demonstrate how transportation planning and asset management are complementary activities. These webinars will inform you of resources available for linking transportation planning and asset management and include tools offered by the Office of Asset Management such as the Highway Economic Requirements System-State Version (HERS-ST), Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA.NET), and Life-Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA). The first webinar entitled, “Linking Planning & Asset Management” will provide an overview of asset management tools and available resources. The first webinar of the series will be held on February 23, 2010 from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST. For more information about the webinar and series, please contact Tashia Clemons or (202) 366-1569 or Frederick Bowers or (202) 366-2374.

Virtual Conference on Planning Research Needs

The AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning/ Subcommittee on Research is building a multi-year program of research needs related to transportation planning. NCHRP 8-36 (95) Virtual Conference on Transportation Planning Research Needs seeks to recommend a multi-year prioritization of the research needs associated with transportation planning. Unlike previous research plan creation, this initiative will occur entirely online in the virtual world through surveys, webinars, and this forum; meaning this is an amazing opportunity for a large amount of participants, especially those that commonly don’t participate in the national conferences. The Blog with information about the effort can be found at

To join the Plenary Session of the effort, on March 8, 2010 at 1pm Eastern. The results of the national survey on transportation planning needs will be discussed as well as to introduce the next steps of this effort, and provide a forum for your input! To stay informed about this effort and to receive email updates, email Katie Rooney at

Fiscal Constraint Webinar

The AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning that will share the results of research conducted in July, 2009, on the topic of addressing fiscal constraint in transportation plans. Practices in seven State Departments of Transportation and ten Metropolitan Planning Organizations were reviewed by a team of planning practitioners. The findings and best practices identified from this research will be shared in this webinar. The session will be February 10, 2010 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm eastern time. To register .

Let’s Talk Planning

The FHWA and the FTA strive to provide the planning staff with current policy information, guidance, and an opportunity for dialog on key programmatic issues. The Let’s Talk Planning series of video/web meetings are information-sharing sessions for the FHWA and the FTA planners. These internal meetings are generally held the second Thursday every 3 months via video conference or webinar at 2 pm EDT. Material from previous LTP sessions can be found on the Planning Community of Practice site.

Mark you calendars! The scheduled dates for the rest of the 2010 video conferences are February 24, March 11th, June 10th, Sept. 9th and December 9th. The topic of the February session will be Livability / Sustainability Partnerships and the March session will be TOD and Livability. If you have suggestions for LTP sessions, contact Jocelyn Jones, Ralph Rizzo, Fred Bowers or John Spowls.

”Planning On the Web” Training Seminar Series

To help support the FHWA and FTA staff and promote continuous professional development of agency planners, the FHWA Resource Center is offering a series of internal web-based training seminars through an initiative known as “Planning on the Web” (POW). The POW training sessions are for the FHWA staff and will generally last 90 minutes to 2 hours.

Mark your calendars, the dates of the 2010 POW sessions are:

• Feb. 16 - Livability & Land Use
• April 20 - Planning & Operations
• May 18 - Analysis Tools for Operations
• July 20 - TBA
• August 17 - TBA
• October 19 - TBA
• November 16 - TBA

• Possible topics for the POW sessions
• How Livability and Operations Tie Together
• Travel Demand Measures
• Modeling Livability/Modeling non-traditional
• travel
• Traffic Analysis Tools (DYNUS-T, TRANSIMS, Dynasmart)
• Communicating Forecasts
• Conducting Certification Reviews/Certification Review topics
eg. .Administering SPR funds
• Performance Measures
• j. Safety planning
• k. Air quality planning 101
• l. Heavy Vehicle Use Tax.
• m. STIP management (Thresholds for admin.
modifications versus amendments, ESTIPs)
• n. Livability in rural areas
• o. Asset Management
• p. Performance Based Planning
• q. Freight Data
• r. Non-motorized transportation and planning
• s. visualization tools for project development

If you cannot attend the POW session for a particular month, the presentations and other information resources are available on the RC internal web site, as well as the Planning CoP. Preregistration e-mail for each session will be sent to the FHWA Field Planners e-mail group approximately 3 weeks before each session. We hope to “see” you at the next session and to hear your feedback on the session, as well as future POW topics. If you have a topic that you think would be valuable to offer as a POW web-based training seminar, contact Lisa Randall, Ken Petty, or any member of the RC Planning Technical Service Team.

2010 FHWA/FTA Planner’s Seminar

The 2010 FHWA/FTA Planners’ Seminar is scheduled to take place at the Westin Arlington Gateway in Arlington, VA, from Monday, August 16, 2010, through Thursday, August 19, 2010.

The Planners’ Seminar affords FHWA and FTA a unique opportunity to bring staff together to share experiences and to discuss effective oversight and stewardship of the transportation planning process as well as to provide opportunities for technical capacity building in the planning discipline. We want to fully incorporate your priority information needs into the conference agenda. A survey was conducted to help draft the agenda for the meeting See Jim Cheatham’s January 6, 2010 email.

For further information on the 2010 FHWA/FTA Planners’ Seminar, please contact James Garland, FTA, 202-366-0526, Robin Smith, FHWA, 720-963-3072 or Susan Grosser, FHWA, 202-366-2825

2010 Transportation Planning Discipline Recognition

The FHWA Planning Leadership Council is currently developing the 2010 Transportation Planning Discipline Recognition Program (TPDR). The TPDR was first introduced last year to recognize efforts by FHWA planners that demonstrate excellence within the planning discipline. The first awards were presented in August at the Planning, Environment, Air Quality and Realty Learning and Development Seminar (PEAR) in Phoenix, Arizona.

Nominations for award recipients to the 2010 TPDR will begin in approximately 90-days. We look forward to announcing the 2010 winners at the Planners Seminar in August, 2010. If you have any questions about the TPDR, please feel free to contact Andy Edwards at or by phone at (404) 562-3659 .

Changes in Border Planning

Jill Hochman, Director of the FHWA Office of Interstate and Border Planning will be retiring after 34 years of service within the Department of Transportation. Jill Hochman joined the Federal Highway Administration’s Office of Planning, Environment and Realty in February 1999 and served as the Director of the Office of Interstate and Border Planning. In this capacity, Jill provided executive direction to the Surface Transportation Cooperative Environment and Planning Research Program, chairs and oversees actions undertaken by two bi-national committees to coordinate transportation and security planning, directs improvements to use of GIS in transportation decision-making, and provides leadership to improve transportation at our nation’s land borders. Previously, Jill worked in the FHWA, Office of Motor Carriers beginning in 1987 and developed the Commercial Driver License program. Before joining FHWA Jill held a variety of positions with different organizations within the USDOT, the US Coast Guard, the Federal Railroad Administration and in the Office of Budget and Programs for the Office of the Secretary. Jill is a graduate of the University of Maryland, with a degree in Economics. Jill’s friendly spirit and openness to new ideas will be missed. We wish Jill the best in her life after FHWA.

New Capacity Team Manager

Kenneth Petty has been selected for the FHWA Office of Planning, Planning Capacity Building Team Manager. He brings a wealth of knowledge of the Statewide and Metropolitan Planning processes. Ken has also worked extensively on the STEP Research Program and the development and implementation of the Livability Imitative.

He has served as the Acting Team Manager for the Planning and Capacity Building Team, the TCSP Discretionary Program Manager, Research Program Coordinator and Accounts Manager for the National Scenic Byways Discretionary Program for a little less than a year. In this capacity, he has forged and maintained a strong working relationship with FHWA’s stakeholders and partners.

Staff Changes

There have been several changes in staff recently.

From Office To Office

Peter Serrano AK Div. Planning retirement

David Cohen CA Div. Environment CA Planning AQ,

Michael Morris CA Div. Environment CA Planning AQ,

Matt Smoker PA Div. Planning Team Manager Planning /Env.

Marc Dixon PDP Pgm. New Hampshire Div. Planning

Steve Luxenberg CA Div. Planning GA Div Planning

John Donovan IL Div. Planning IL Div. Chicago Office Planning

Betsy Tracy IL DOT Planning IL Div. Planning

Kenneth Shooshan-Stoller CT Div. Planning

Laurie Miskimins Central Federal Lands

HQ Changes

Bonnie Harper-Lore Office of Environment Retired
Harshad Desai Office of Policy Retired
Jienki Synn Office of Planning Resigned moved to Korea
Megan Blum joined FTA Office of Planning & Environment
Faith Cole joined FTA Office of Planning & Environment
Tricia Harr joined FTA Office of Planning & Environment
Andrea Martin joined FTA Office of Planning & Environment
Antoinette Quagliata joined FTA Office of Planning & Environment

FHWA Resource Center
For information, see contacts at . You can find the Planning Menu of Resource Center technical assistance, and training at

2/19/2010 Webinar on the CMAQ Program: Policy Overview Contact, Mike Roberts, 404-562-3928

3/31/2010 4/1/2010 Performance Measures Workshop
Ames, Iowa Contact Brian Betlyon 410-962-0086

5/26/2009 Congestion Management Process Orlando, FL Contact: Tamara N. Christion, 850-942-9650 ext. 3032

Aug 24 – 26, 2010 Northern Transportation and Air Quality Summit (NTAQS) Cambridge, MA not currently active contact: Kevin Black, FHWA RC, 410.962.2177,

Date TBA - Webinar on Emissions Reductions Estimation Techniques Contacts: Joon (John) Byun, 410-962-0069 and Michael Roberts, 404-562-3928

National Transit Institute
For registration instructions see: For session dates, see the list below.

Start Date End Date Location

2/4/2010 2/4/2010 Online
The Perception, Image and Branding of Bus Rapid Transit

2/8/2010 2/8/2010 Phoenix, AZ
Understanding ADA

2/22/2010 2/23/2010 Oakland, CA
Advanced Seminar on Managing the Environmental Review Process

2/24/2010 2/25/2010 Phoenix, AZ
Transit ITS Regional Workshop

March 2-3, 2010 Tampa, FL
National Transit Database

March 24,2010-March 26,2010 Columbus, OH
Introduction to Transportation Conformity

March 24-25, 2010 Chicago, IL
National Transit Database

4/13/2010 4/15/2010 Ft.. Lauderdale, FL Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment

4/21/2010 4/22/2010 Salt Lake City, UT Transit-Oriented Development

4/29/2010 4/29/2010 Los Angeles, CA
Understanding ADA

5/3/2010 5/5/2010 New Orleans, LA
State and Metropolitan Transportation Programming

5/6/2010 5/7/2010 Kansas City, MO
Transit-Oriented Development

5/19/2010 5/20/2010 Salt Lake City, UT
Characteristics and Planning of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

6/1/2010 6/2//2010 West Lafayette, IN
Transit-Oriented Development

National Highway Institute
Try out the new NHI Web site at Also, you can now check the schedule of web conferences at .

We have added a new section in this edition with online web based training classes. With the States experiencing difficulties with travel budgets, the FHWA has invested in web based courses to make it easier for people to get the training they need.

Web based courses available anytime:

Interested in Taking an NHI Web-based Training (WBT) Course? View this help guide on enrolling in an NHI WBT course.

Complete list of NHI web-based courses

Look for these web based courses on NHI’s web site:

ITS Deployment Analysis System (IDAS)

Integrating Freight in the Transportation Planning Process - Standard Version

Integrating Freight in the Transportation Planning Process - Accessible 508 Version

Introduction to NEPA and Transportation Decisionmaking

Traffic Monitoring and Pavement Design Programs

Highway Performance Monitoring System: An Introduction

Introducing Highway Federal-Aid
Standard Version

Introducing Highway Federal-Aid
Accessible 508 Version

Scheduled Courses in the next Quarter:

Start Date End Date Location

Available anytime from NHI web site
Highway Performance Monitoring Systems : An Introduction - web based

2/9/2010 2/11/2010 ROCHESTER NY
NEPA and Transportation Decisionmaking

2/17/2010 2/19/2010 FAIRBANKS AK
NEPA and Transportation Decisionmaking

2/23/2010 2/25/2010 NASHVILLE TN
NEPA and Transportation Decisionmaking

2/23/2010 2/25/2010 KANSAS CITY MO Fundamentals of Planning, Design and Approval of Interchange Improvements to the Interstate System

2/23/2010 2/25/2010 KANSAS CITY MO Fundamentals of Planning, Design and Approval of Interchange Improvements to the Interstate System

2/24/2010 2/25/2010 COLUMBIA SC
Advanced Freight Planning

2/25/2010 2/26/2010 NEWINGTON CT
Federal-Aid Highways - 101

3/2/2010 3/4/2010 PORTLAND OR
Highway Traffic Noise

3/2/2010 3/4/2010 ST. LOUIS MO
Fundamentals of Planning, Design and Approval of Interchange Improvements to the Interstate System

3/2/2010 3/9/2010 web based
Effective Communications in Public Involvement

3/2/2010 3/4/2010 ST. LOUIS MO
Fundamentals of Planning, Design and Approval of Interchange Improvements to the Interstate System

3/9/2010 3/11/2010 ANCHORAGE AK
Beyond Compliance: Historic Preservation in Transportation Project Development

3/10/2010 3/12/2010 BISMARCK ND
NEPA and Transportation Decisionmaking

3/16/2010 3/17/2010 PHOENIX AZ
Federal-Aid Highways - 101

3/16/2010 3/17/2010 VANCOUVER WA
Highway Program Financing

3/17/2010 3/18/2010 NEWINGTON CT
Federal-Aid Highways - 101

3/29/2010 3/30/2010 NEWINGTON CT
Federal-Aid Highways - 101

4/5/2010 4/6/2010 COLUMBIA SC
Federal-Aid Highways - 101

4/7/2010 4/8/2010 COLUMBIA SC
Federal-Aid Highways - 101

4/13/2010 4/20/2010 web based
Effective Communications in Public Involvement

4/13/2010 4/14/2010 AUSTIN TX
Highway Program Financing

4/19/2010 4/21/2010 JEFFERSON CITY MO
Access Management, Location and Design

4/27/2010 4/28/2010 LAKEWOOD CO
Highway Program Financing

4/28/2010 4/30/2010 CHESTERFIELD MO
Access Management, Location and Design

5/18/2010 5/25/2010 web based
Effective Communications in Public Involvement

6/1/2010 6/2/2010 STERLING VA
Highway Program Financing

6/2/2010 6/4/2010 COLUMBIA SC
Access Management, Location and Design

Travel Model Improvement Program Workshops

For more detail see: or contact: Sarah Sun (202) 493-0071, For the NHI travel demand courses, see the NHI list.

Currently the only training that the TMIP program has approved is through web seminars. These sessions will focus on the estimation process for logit models, which are used not only for mode choice but often for other model components. The session will focus on multinomial and nested logit models. The discussion will include the statistical methods used and the evaluation of model estimation results. The software used in model estimation will be discussed, as well as the programs used for model application.

February 5, 2010 2:30pm - 4:30pm Integrating Freight Data into Transportation Models Online Webinar

March 9, 2010 2:30pm - 4:30pm Hybrid Trip Based / Tour Based Models Online Webinar

May 27, 2010 2:30pm - 4:30pm Building and Calibrating Activity-Based Models: Stories from the Trenches

Check back with the web site for future sessions.

If you missed the January 25, 2010 webinar on Data Transferability and Data Mining, you can view the recording of the webinar and download PDFs of the speaker’s presentations from the TMIP Web site.

March 21 - 31, 2010 National Bike Summit 2010 Washington DC

April 10 - 14, 2010 American Planning Association Annual National Planning Conference, New Orleans, LA

Apr 11 -14, 2010 AASHTO Geographic Information System for Transportation, Charleston, WV

April 12, 2010 TRB Geospatial Information Technologies for Asset Management Peer Exchange Charleston, WV

May 5 - 8, 2010 International Mountain Bicycling Association World Mountain Bike Summit Augusta, Georgia

May 9 - 12, 2010 TRB Conference Innovations in Travel Demand Forecasting: 2010, Tempe, Arizona

May 13 - 14, 2010 Innovations in Pricing of Transportation Systems: Workshop and Conference Orlando, Florida

May 19 - 21, 2010 TRB Transportation Finance: Forging a Sustainable Future New Orleans, LA

June 2 - 4, 2010 National Road Pricing Conference Houston, TX

June 6 - 9, 2010 TRB Energy & Environment Research Conference Raleigh, NC

June 10 - 12, 2010 International Snowmobile Congress Coralville IA

June 21-30, 2010 TRB’s North American Travel Monitoring Conference and Exposition (NATMEC)
Denver, CO

July 11-14, 2010 TRB Summer Meetings Minneapolis, MN

July 16 - 17, 2010 . Norcross, GA

July 24 - 27, 2010 TRB 10th International Conference on Low -Volume Roads Lake Buena, FL

August 11, 2010 ITE 2010 Annual Meeting and Exhibit
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Aug 15 - Aug 18, 2010 American Public Works Association Annual Meeting Boston, MA

Aug 24 – 26, 2010 Northern Transportation and Air Quality Summit (NTAQS) Cambridge, MA Contact: Kevin Black, 410.962.2177,

Sept 13 - 17, 2010 ProWalk/ProBike 2010 Chattanooga, TN

Sept 22-24 2010 TRB 12th National Tools of the Trade Conference Williamsburg, VA

Oct 10, 2010 TRB 9th National Conference on Access Management Natchez, Mississippi

Oct 18 - 19, 2010 TRB Research Perspectives on Transportation Systems for Livable Communities Conference Washington, DC

Oct 25 - 26, 2010 TRB Using National Household Travel Survey Data for Transportation Decision Making Washington, DC

Nov, 2010 State Trail Administrators Meeting Chattanooga, TN

Nov 14 - 17, 2010 National Trails Symposium Chattanooga TN

April 9 - 13, 2011 American Planning Association Annual National Planning Conference, Boston, MA

October 25, 2010 TRB 6th International Conference on Visualization in Transportation Location TBA

Sept 21 - 24, 2010 TRB 12th National Tools of the Trade Conference Williamsburg, VA

Oct 10 - 13, 2010 9th National Conference on Access Management Natchez, MS

Oct 26, 2010 TRB Using National Household Travel Survey Data for Transportation Policy Decisions Washington, D.C.

Nov 14 - 17, 2010 ASCE 2010 Green Streets & Highways Conference, Denver CO

June 1, 2011 TRB Household Travel Data Conference–-Measurement, Applications, and New Approaches Irvine, California

NOTICE: The information and articles in this newsletter are for your information and do not necessarily constitute policy positions of the Federal Highway Administration or Federal Transit Administration. The mention of commercial products, their source or their use in connection with material reported herein is not to be construed as either an actual or implied endorsement of such products.

For more information, review the calendars posted on the following websites for upcoming transportation events:

FHWA Planning, Environment and Realty:

FHWA Resource Center:
Transportation Research Board:


Ben Williams, Co-Editor
Metropolitan Planning Specialist,
FHWA Resource Center
(404) 561-3671

Fred Bowers, Co-Editor
Transportation Planner
FHWA Office of Planning
(202) 366-2374

John Sprowls, Contributing Editor
Community Planner
FTA Office of Systems Planning
(202) 366-5332

Updated: 4/1/2016
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