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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Transportation Planning Update Newsletter

Fall Edition 2006

Jody McCullough
Transportation Planner, FHWA Office of Planning

Ben Williams
Metropolitan Planning Specialist, FHWA Resource Center

Reader Survey

We are always looking for feedback on how to make this newsletter more valuable to our readers. Please take our 10-minute survey about the Newsletter or send any suggestions to Jody McCullough or Ben Williams.

In This Issue

SAFETEA-LU Planning Impacts
New Division Resources
Asset Management
Long Range Planning Guidance
Tool Kit for Integrating Land Use
TMIP Peer Reviews
Planning & Environment Linkages Website
Preserve America Grants
New Air Quality Standard
Census Data & Pooled Fund
Air Quality Newsletter
Division Happenings
Freight Planning
Trail Maps & CDs
Congestion Management
Small Community & Rural Area Case Studies
NHI Instructors Needed
Urban Street Symposium
FHWA/FTA Planner's Seminars
Let’s Talk Planning
Resource Center Vacancy
Scheduled Training Opportunities
Calendar of Events

SAFETEA-LU Planning Impacts

Statewide and Metropolitan Planning NPRM

The comment period for the FHWA/FTA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on statewide and metropolitan transportation planning and programming closed on September 7, 2006. Approximately 150 sets of comments were provided to the docket. FHWA/FTA currently are reviewing and analyzing the NPRM comments. The intent is to have the Final Rule published in the Federal Register in early calendar year 2007.

SAFETEA-LU Truck Parking

The FHWA is soliciting FY 2006 candidate grant applications from States for the Truck Parking Facilities Grant Program. This program was established to address the shortage of long-term truck parking on the National Highway System. Grants will be awarded to States submitting applications that demonstrate a need for assistance in carrying out one or more eligible projects as described in the Federal Register Notice, dated August 28, 2006 , and will be administered as projects on a Federal-Aid System under Chapter 1 of Title 23, United States Code. The FHWA Division Office must receive applications no later than November 27, 2006. Questions concerning this program should be addressed to William Mahorney, 202-366-6817, or to Julie Strawhorn, 202-366-4415 of the Office of Freight Management and Operations

New Division Resources

Planning Community of Practice

A new resource has been made available to FHWA's planning staff. Similar to other Communities of Practice (CoP) within FHWA, it is currently only available inside the Federal network.

The CoP is being launched with an initial focus on a few critical planning topics. Initial theme areas are: Fiscal constraint, SAFETEA-LU Update Cycles, SAFETEA-LU Planning and Environmental Provisions, SAFETEA-LU Overall Planning Issues; and Planning Grants and Administration. We also encourage all FHWA Planners to sign up for the "The Planning Interchange" as we hope this portion of the site will replicate the informal discussion of the current Field Planners email group. The Field Planners list will still remain active, but the primary focus will now be on disseminating official agency wide messages.  Your use, feedback and input are critical to the Planning CoP's long term success. If you have any ideas or suggestions for how to increase its utility and effectiveness, please contact a members of the development team listed on the CoP web site.

Updated TMA Certification Database

An enhanced version of the FHWA/FTA Transportation Management Area (TMA) Planning Certification Database is now available. The Database now features a number of new and enhanced capabilities as well as improvements recommended by a team of FTA/FHWA field staffs, based largely on experiences from use of the initial Database that was introduced in 2004. As with the previous version, the system is only accessible to FHWA and FTA planning staffs. If you have any questions about (or further suggestions on enhancing) the Database, please contact John Humeston at (404) 562-3667 or Danyell Diggs at (202) 366-9629 in the Office of Planning.

Asset Management

Asset Management and Planning

The Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division in cooperation with the National Park Service (NPS) conducted a pilot study of the application of an automated Pavement Management System (PMS) to assist in the development of a prototype Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the Park Roads and Parkways program of the NPS Northeast Region. The pilot study incorporated Asset Management practices including both Pavement Management Systems (PMS) and Bridge Management Systems (BMS) into a transportation planning process to influence transportation decision making from economical and technical points of view. However, the PMS and BMS were not the only driving factors in identifying the NPS Northeast Region's project priorities.

Historically, a"Worst First" approach has been used to develop a prioritized list of road projects. This study utilized the "Right Fix-Right Time" systematic approach to the selection of the projects. Using the PMS, the study team was able to perform a network-level analysis to determine maintenance and rehabilitation needs, forecast future impacts for various funding options, and develop a prioritized list of candidate projects by conducting an optimization analysis. Finally, the PMS analytical recommendations assist in the decision making process to develop a multi- year program of prioritized projects that balanced pavement preservation with other maintenance and rehabilitation activities, as well as bridge and safety needs, and politically sensitive priorities to meet Congressional and Administration concerns.

The program of projects produced by the PMS and BMS should be viewed as network-level analysis results that could assist planners and decision makers. However, the design for individual projects should be finalized through project-level design by considering localized conditions. For more information or copies of the "Pilot Study Report" please contact Nastaran Saadatmand or Jim Amenta.

Long Range Plans

Inflation Rates Used

The FHWA Office of Planning sent out guidance on August 18, 2006 on how to use inflation rates to develop future cost estimates as part of fiscal constraint for metropolitan long-range transportation plans, Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs), and Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs (STIPs). The guidance was developed in cooperation with FTA's Office of Planning and Environment.

For metropolitan long-range transportation plans, TIPs, and STIPs, FHWA and FTA generally would be comfortable if States used a four (4) percent annual inflation rate for construction costs for 2007 and beyond, for both highways and transit. While this is current practice for FTA's major programs, FHWA has not established a comparable rate. Recognizing that circumstances may vary from State-to-State, as well as between highway and transit projects, a State may assume a lower or higher rate based on their circumstances. As part of the financial analysis that accompanies metropolitan long-range transportation plans, TIPs, and STIPs, a brief explanation of the inflation rate that is assumed should be provided. This explanation need not be elaborate, merely reasonable.

We recognize that cost escalation and inflation rates are not an "exact science." In fact, several proprietary sources are available for States to utilize in forecasting highway and street construction costs in relation to the Consumer Price Index. If you have any questions or need additional assistance on this issue, please contact Harlan Miller, Office of Planning, at (202) 366-0847.

Constrained Long Range Transportation Plans: Projects with Phases Outside the 20-Year Horizon

The FHWA Office of Planning sent out guidance August 1, 2006 to respond to State Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO) that have recently inquired about the implications of projects that have phases that are outside of the 20-year horizon of the transportation plan. Specifically, they have asked what are the fiscal constraint requirements and the effect on FHWA/FTA's ability to authorize project phases that are within the 20-year horizon of the transportation plan when there are phases of the project that are beyond the 20-year horizon.

FHWA's Office Of Planning provided this response which applies only in air quality attainment areas. In an attainment area, the only work that would have to be shown in the 20-year transportation plan would be the activities that the state or local agencies would be asking FHWA/FTA to authorize within the 20-year horizon of the transportation plan. These activities would be subject to fiscal constraint (i.e. the state/MPO would have to identify the intended and realistic revenue source(s) reasonably expected to be available to cover the expected costs of those activities). Costs for project phases to be authorized outside the 20-year horizon would not be subject to fiscal constraint for the transportation plan. However, the next update of the transportation plan would have to show any additional work, such as construction, if it falls within the 20-year horizon of the next long range transportation plan - - and it would become subject to fiscal constraint at that time.

If you have any questions on this clarifying information, please contact Harlan Miller of the Planning Oversight and Stewardship Team.

Tool Kit for Integrating Land Use and Transportation Decision-Making

An updated and enhanced version of the “Tool Kit for Integrating Land Use and Transportation Decision-Making” is now available online. The objective of this tool kit is to provide a user-friendly, web-based source of methods, strategies, and procedures for integrating land use and transportation planning, decision-making, and project implementation. The tool kit is made up of three sections: 1) the Tools, which includes brief descriptions of over 30 tools, along with implementation examples and sources of additional information; 2) the Case Studies, which provides a detailed look at how land use and planning tools have been effectively applied in practice; and 3) Resources and Links, which provides additional information on tools for integrating transportation and land use decision-making. You’ll find all that and more . Take advantage of the resources and noteworthy practices pulled together from around the country that will assist your MPOs, State DOTs, and other customers to better address the linking of land use and transportation planning.

Travel Modeling Peer Reviews

Designing and developing a travel forecasting model tailored to a region’s planning needs is a complex undertaking. Focused workshops, or peer reviews, are often used by transportation agencies to assist in the planning, implementation, and review of updates to their model-related procedures. Along with the networking, ideas, and recommendations, a peer review can provide to the agency an independent measure of how its model procedures compare with general modeling practices.

FHWA’s Travel Model Improvement Program (TMIP) recognizes the practical value of peer reviews. TMIP has provided flexible assistance to MPO’s and State DOT’s since 2003 through suggesting peer reviewers, managing and funding peer reviewers’ travel, and writing meeting proceedings. Sponsorship is provided on a funds-available basis and preference is given to model update efforts in the planning and design stages.

The travel model peer review program is taking applications. Interested agencies should consult the web site and work with their respective FWHA division planning staff to initiate the process. For more information, contact Brian Gardner (HEPI-30) at (202) 366-4061.

Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining

Planning and Environment Linkages Website

The FHWA has developed a new website called Planning and Environment Linkages. Planning and Environment Linkages represents an approach to transportation decision-making that considers environmental, community, and economic goals early in the planning stage and carries those considerations through project development, design, and construction. The approach can result in a more seamless decision process that minimizes duplication of effort, promotes environmental stewardship, and reduces delays in project implementation.

The new website provides a variety of information resources on Planning and Environment Linkages, including:

• An overview of Planning and Environment Linkage concepts and benefits.
• Tips on identifying the actions needed to implement the approach, including ones that address change management, data and analysis tools, interagency coordination, and decision process opportunities.
• Ways to get started, including links to training, workshops, and other technical assistance.
• Effective practices to demonstrate a wide range of activities that agencies have already undertaken to implement the approach.
• Links to other related resources, including Context Sensitive Solutions, Green Highways, Eco-Logical, GIS in Transportation, and relevant NCHRP reports.
• Relevant guidance, regulations, and provisions from SAFETEA-LU Sections 6001 and 6002.

For more information or to provide feedback on the website, please contact Chester Fung or Michael Culp.

Grant Announcement -- Fish and Wildlife Service Preserve America Grant Program

The National Wildlife Refuge System and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation announce their Preserve America grant program. Preserve America is a national initiative that directs Federal agencies to account for the economic and educational value of their historic properties ( These properties, which encompass historic buildings, archaeological sites, cultural landscapes, and museum collections, are integral parts of the habitats contained within Refuges. Understanding their importance will only enhance the capability of the NWRS to conserve all of its resources.

The grants, which range from $10,000 to $15,000, are competitive and aimed at funding national wildlife refuge educational and interpretive projects that focus on history and historic sites and collections and how they contribute to our conservation and understanding of natural resources. Please take a look at the Recent News section of the FWS homepage for more information and a link to the RFP. Contact:
Eugene Marino, Service Archaeologist
National Wildlife Refuge System
Division of Visitor Services and Communications
4401 N Fairfax Drive
Arlington VA 22203
703-358-2173 (phone); 202-253-3876 (mobile); 703-358-2517 (fax)

Air Quality Planning

EPA publishes new Particulate standard

EPA published regulations that revised the standard for the fine particulate NAAQS on September 28, 2006. The final action significantly changes EPA's previous daily fine particle standard (PM2.5) by nearly 50 percent - from 65 micrograms of particles per cubic meter to 35 micrograms of particles per cubic meter of air. EPA is retaining the annual standard for fine particulates at 15 micrograms of particles per cubic meter. The action should force the creation of a number of new non-attainment areas. However, it is not likely that any new nonattainment areas would be designated before 2010. EPA is retaining the existing daily PM10 standard of 150 micrograms per cubic meter.

Census Data

2005 American Community Survey (ACS) Data Released

On August 29, 2006, the Census Bureau (CB) released economic data from the 2005 ACS and covering the following characteristics:
• Income
• Employment status
• Journey to work

Data was released for geographic areas with population more than 65,000.

On October 3, 2006, CB will release housing characteristics including tenure, vehicle ownership, and place-of-work tables. Data can be accessed via the American Factfinder.

The Census Transportation Planning Package (CTPP) Working Group is also working on developing profiles for the nation, large cities, and MSAs based on the November 2004 geographic definition of Core Based Statistical Areas used to tabulate 2005 ACS data). These profiles will cover selected journey-to-work tables from 1990, 2000, and 2005 ACS data. The profiles will be posted on the CTPP page under Data Products.

New CTPP Pooled Fund Project

A proposal for the latest AASHTO pooled fund project “Census Transportation Planning Products” will be discussed and voted upon by AASHTO SCOP and AASHTO at their meeting on October 28, 2006 in Portland, Oregon. FHWA has already approved a waiver of the Federal matching funds for the project.

Over the five-year period (2007-2011) the CTPP pooled fund project will support a family of activities including data products, on-demand technical assistance, training, and research. Total national costs for a five-year CTPP (2007 through 2011) would be approximately $5.9 million. Details on it can be found on the TRB Subcommittee on Census Data website.

Division Happenings

FHWA Texas Division Participates in Linking Planning and NEPA Workshop in San Marcos, Texas

The FHWA Texas Division participated in several interagency workshops on "Linking Planning and NEPA" sponsored TXDOT, the environmental resource Agencies and the MPOs.

Efforts focusing on how to better coordinate MPO long-range transportation plan revision efforts with the NEPA project-level mitigation and environmental streamlining requirements through EPA’s new GIS-ST screening tool, data sharing, interagency consultation, and interagency cross-training were also discussed and explored during this workshop. It resulted in four individual MPO action plans and several research efforts on adapting screening tools to metropolitan planning purposes. A summary of the recommendations are on FHWA’s Planning and Environment Linkages website. The EPA Region 6 web link to the new GIS-ST screening tool is available.
For more information, Contact: Kirk Fauver, (512) 536-5952.

Freight Planning

FHWA Talking Freight Seminars
Have you participated in any of the monthly Talking Freight Seminars? If not, you are missing out on a tremendous opportunity to hear from some of the best speakers and most knowledgeable experts from around the globe on issues that are impacting all of our lives. Increases in Freight and goods movement are quickly outstripping increases in typical vehicular traffic in most metropolitan regions. To help disseminate timely information to State DOTs, MPOs, shippers, universities, FHWA field offices etc, FHWA sponsors the Talking Freight seminars monthly via a web conference format. You view the PowerPoint presentations over the Internet while listening to the presenters over the telephone. You do not even have to leave your desk to participate. Past sessions have included subjects as diverse as; how to incorporate Freight in the Transportation Planning Process, Freight security issues, Freight Performance measurement, etc. Every Talking Freight seminar held since July 2003 is archived and accessible from the website.

Please plan on joining us for the next session of Talking Freight, October 18, 2006 (1-2:30 pm EDT/10-11:30 am Pacific). The subject is ”Planning for Hazardous Materials.”

To register for these seminars, or to view archived seminars. You will need to register for each seminar individually by clicking on the "Enroll" link to the right of the seminar information. The first hour of each seminar is dedicated to the presentations and the remaining 30 minutes are for audience questions and answers. For more information please contact Spencer Stevens at (717) 221-4512.

Freight Security Awareness Training CD Now Available

The challenge of balancing freight transportation security against freight transportation efficiency has attracted significant attention and resources from local, state, Federal agencies involved in ensuring the security of the Nation's freight shipments. The self-paced training provides baseline information to State Departments of Transportation, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, and other freight stakeholders regarding freight flows and how security requirements may effect those movements; the processes by which freight shipments are cleared for entry into the United States; the agencies involved in freight security; and the programs and initiatives affecting freight security. Please email Crystal Jones to order your CD and to provide feedback on the training.

Trails Program

Underground Railroad Bicycle Route Maps Available:

Adventure Cycling announced the completion of maps for the southern section of its newest and most unique creation - the Underground Railroad Bicycle Route.

Mountain Bike DVD Available: The US Forest Service released a DVD called "Building Mountain Bike Trails: Sustainable Singletrack". It is available through FHWA's Recreational Trails Program Publications Order form.

Congestion Management

FHWA and FTA have announced the availability of three case studies focusing on the Congestion Management Process (CMP) as it has been developed and implemented by Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) for Transportation Management Areas (TMAs) across the country. They are available from the FHWA and FTA Planning for Operations website . These case studies highlight a range of practices to advance the Congestion Management Process as part of metropolitan transportation planning. They highlight how the CMP can be made more meaningful by linking it to the transportation planning process, transportation operations, and the NEPA process. The FHWA and FTA are also working on guidance for the CMP for use by FHWA/FTA field offices, MPOs, and State DOTs that will be issued in early 2007.
For further information, please contact Harlan Miller at (202) 366-0847 or Ken Petty at (202) 366-6654.

Small Communities and Rural Areas

The FHWA Office of Planning with support of the Texas Transportation Institute, a part of the Texas A&M University System, and review by the FTA Office of Systems Planning and Regional Offices and FHWA Division Offices developed research on innovative transportation planning practices by States and Metropolitan Planning Organizations for coordinating with rapidly growing small communities and rural areas.
Key findings from case studies on how to strengthen involvement of rural stakeholders in the metropolitan planning process include: (1) Anticipate growth and urbanization; (2) Build on existing planning processes and documents; (3) Create agencies, boards and partnerships thoughtfully; (4) Determine a direction before starting out; (5) Involve stakeholders early; (6) Prepare for changes in funding. Case studies are: Lake County, FL; Dalton, GA; Coeur d'Alene, ID; Bowling Green, KY; St. George, UT; and Austin-Round Rock, TX. For more information, please contact David Kuehn in the Office of Planning at 202-366-6072 .

NHI Instructors Needed

The NHI Course 142042, Fundamentals of Environmental Justice/Title VI, is looking for new federal instructors. This is a great opportunity to broaden your professional experience and meet new people. The two-day course is taught four to six times each year by two federal instructors. People who are interested need to have taken the NHI Instructors Development Course. A background in NEPA and project development or right-of-way as well as planning is an advantage. For more information, please contact David Kuehn in the Office of Planning 202-366-6072.

Urban Street Symposium

The Transportation Research Board Urban Street Symposium issued a Call for Abstracts.

FHWA Office of Planning Staff

2006 FHWA/FTA Planners’ Seminar

The 2006 Planners’ Seminar really drew the crowds. At the opening session on the morning of April 19th, 191 people filled the conference room at the Wyndham Washington, DC Hotel, the highest number of attendees ever recorded at a Seminar. That was the auspicious kick off of two and half busy days of sessions and discussions covering topics from the latest on implementation of SAFETEA-LU, to what Federal Lands Highway Division planners are up to these days, to planning for and responding to natural disasters and emergencies, and to a demonstration of the most current version of the TMA certification review database. Concurrent (breakout) sessions addressed such issues as financial constraint, integrating environmental concerns into the planning process, visualization and land use planning, coordinating human services transportation, and what planners need to know about advanced right of way acquisition. On Thursday afternoon, attendees were directed to visit the Nassif Building to attend program office “Open Houses” and software demonstrations, to meet face-to-face with HQ staff, and to attend separate meetings held by and for FHWA division planners and FTA field and HQ staffs.

The Seminar attendees were also visited on Friday morning, April 21, by the then Acting FHWA Administrator, Rick Capka. He spoke and answered questions for nearly an hour addressing a myriad of issues relating to provisions of SAFETEA-LU, federal transportation program emphasis areas, and related topics.

Availability of 2006 Planners Seminar Proceedings

Summaries of the Planners’ Seminar proceedings are available on the Planning Community of Practice website. If you have any questions about obtaining copies of the presentation slides or how to get in touch with any of the speakers, please contact Robin Smith at 720-973-3072 or
Planning Meetings and Conferences and the Planning Interchange/Field Email Group.

2007 Field Planners Workshop

The Texas Division is organizing the next Division Planners Meeting to be held in Austin, Texas during the week of June 18- 22, 2007.

Let's Talk Planning

The Let’s Talk Planning conferences can be held on NHI’s BreezeCentral web conferencing in addition to videoconferencing. FHWA, and FTA strive to provide the FHWA Division Offices and FTA Regions with current information, technical assistance and clarification to the topics that you suggest. Please send any requests or ideas to Jocelyn Jones at 410-962-2486 or Jody McCullough at 202-366-2825.

The next session of the Let’s Talk Planning series will be held December 14, 2006 on the FHWA/FTA Transportation Management Area (TMA) Planning Certification Database.

Let’s Talk Planning: Visualization for Planning

The latest session of the Let’s Talk Planning series was a September 14th webconference focusing on visualization in transportation planning. The PowerPoint presentations, and visualization examples materials are posted on the Resource Center ftp server. For more information contact Ben Williams at 404-562-3671.

Resource Center News

Resource Center Vacancy

The (FHWA) Resource Center Planning Technical Services Team has a vacancy for a Community Planner. This person would serve as a metropolitan and statewide transportation-planning expert with a special focus on fiscal constraint and financial planning. This position may be duty stationed at any of the three Resource Center locations in the following cities: Baltimore, MD, Lakewood, CO, or Atlanta, GA.
The closing date is October 23, 2006.

Scheduled Training Opportunities

Next Quarter’s Workshops & Training Courses
Resource Center

10/17/2006-10/18/2006 An Introduction to Mobile 6.2, Mobile Source Emission Modeling, Montgomery, AL Contact: Mike Roberts 404-562-3928

Early December 2006, GIS for Environmental Streamlining and Stewardship, Atlanta, GA. Contact Carlos Gonzolez 404-562-3639

Mid-January 2007; Engaging the Private Sector In Freight PlanningTexas; Contact Jocelyn Jones 410-962-2486

National Transit Institute
For registration instructions.

11/2/2006-11/3/2006 Managing the Cost of ADA Paratransit Services Orlando, FL

11/6/2006-11/7/2006 Comprehensive ADA Paratransit Eligibility Miami, FL

11/15/2006-11/16/2006 Comprehensive ADA Paratransit Eligibility Tucson, AZ

11/28/2006- 11/30/2006 Introduction to Transportation/Air Quality Conformity Chicago, IL

12/12/2006-12/14/2006 Introduction to Transportation/Air Quality Conformity New York, NY.

National Highway Institute
Try out the new NHI Web site!
Also, you can now check on the schedule of web conferences.

10/10/2006-10-12/2006 Beyond Compliance: Historic Preservation in Transportation Project Development Phoenix, AZ Contact: Annie Parris 602-712-8461

10/10/2006- 10/11/2006 Bicycle Facility Design Santa Fe, NM. Contact: Tim Rogers 505-827-0050

10/12/06- 10/13/2006 Las Cruces, NM. Contact: Tim Rogers 505-827-0050

10/17/2006-10/19/2006 Context Sensitive Solutions Atlanta, GA Contact: Rick Smith 404-651-6509

10/17/2006-10/18/2006 Administration of FHWA Planning and Research Grants New York City, NY. Contact Sandy Lupe 518-457-8526

10/24/2006-10/25/2006 Highway Program Financing Jefferson City, MO Contact: Cathy Scribner 573-522-9284

10/24/2006-10/25/2006 Applying GIS and Spatial Data Technologies to Transportation Contact Rick Smith 404-651-6509

10/25/2006-10/27/2006 Beyond Compliance: Historic Preservation in Transportation Project Development Nashville, TN. Contact: Tammy Sellers 615-741-5367

10/30/2006-11/03/2006 Introduction to Urban Travel Demand Forecasting Anchorage, AK. Contact: Simon Howell 907-451-5482

11/07/2006-11/09/2006 NEPA and Transportation Decisionmaking Lincoln, NE. Contact: Carrie Williams 402-479-4870

11/07/2006-11/09/2006 NEPA and Transportation Decisionmaking Albuquerque, MN. Contact: Curt Frischkorn 505-827-5416

11/07/2006-11/09/2006 Implications of Air Quality Planning for Transportation Houston, TX. Contact: Andrew DeCandis 832-681-2549

11/08/2006-11/09/2006 Fundamentals of Title VI/Environmental Justice Jefferson City, MO. Contact: Carolyn Bartel 573-638-2604

11/08/2006-11/09/2006 Water Quality Management of Highway Runoff West Greenwich, RI Contact: Jeffrey Cathcart 401-874-9405

11/08/2006-11/09/2006 Safety Conscious Planning: Planning it Safe Dover, DE Contact: Lawrence Klepner 302-831-6241

11/14/2006-11/15/2006 Pedestrian Facility Design Frankfort, KY. Contact: Donna Williams 800-455-5573

11/14/2006-11/15/2006 Highway Program Financing Sacramento, CA. Contact: Jason Dietz 916-498-5886

11/14/2006-11/15/2006 Highway Program Financing West Greenwich, RI Contact: Jeffrey Cathcart 401-874-9405

11/16/2006-11/17/2006 Highway Program Financing Sacramento, CA. Contact: Jason Dietz 916-498-5886

12/05/2006-12/07/2006 Beyond Compliance: Historic Preservation in Transportation Project Development Denver, CO. Contact: Richard Santos 720-963-3009

12/05/2006-12/06/2006 Design and Implementation of Erosion and Sediment Control Little Rock, AR. Contact: Jerry Rogers 501-569-2116

12/05/2006-12/06/2006 Highway Program Financing San Diego, CA. Contact: Jason Dietz 916-498-5886

12/06/2006-12/07/2006 Water Quality Management of Highway Runoff Lansing MI. Contact: Terri LaVoy 517-322-6792

12/11/2006-12/15/2006 Introduction to Urban Travel Demand Forecasting Lansing MI. Contact: Terri LaVoy 517-322-6792

4/12/2007-4/13/2007 Integrating Freight in the Transportation Planning Process, Nashville, TN Contact: Theresa Hutchins (615) 781-5770

Travel Model Improvement Program Workshops

For more detail contact: Penelope Weinberger 202-366-4054 . For the NHI travel demand courses see the NHI list.

10/2/2006-10/5/2006 Introduction to Urban Travel Demand Forecasting Richmond, VA Contact Paul Agarello 804-786-2531

Fall 2006 Introduction to Urban Travel Demand Forecasting Denver, CO

Fall 2006 Activity and Tour Based Forecasting Seminar San Diego, CA

Fall 2006 Travel Model Calibration, Validation and Reasonableness Checking Seminar San Diego, CA

Fall 2006 Forecasting Land Use Activities Seminar San Diego, CA

Calendar of Events

11/12/2006-11/14/2006 TRB’s Key Issues in Transportation Programming: 2nd National Conference, Seattle, WA

10/18/2006-10/19/ 2006, State Trail Administrators Meeting, Quad Cities Iowa/Illinois.

National Trails Symposium, Quad Cities IA/IL, October 19-22, 2006. The early registration deadline is August 31st.

11/22/2006- 11/25/2006
17th National Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation Conference Stevenson, WA
Contact: Peter Shaw.

10/23/2006-10/26/2006 International Visualization in transportation Symposium & Workshop Denver, CO

Oct 25 - Oct 31, 2006
AASHTO Annual Meeting.
Portland, OR

Rail~Volution 2006
The twelfth annual conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois November 4-8, 2006.

11/12/2006-11/16/2006 NatureServes’ Southeastern Region Natural Heritage Conference, Ramada Inn Tallahassee, FL.

Jan 21 - Jan 25, 2007
Transportation Research Board 86th Annual Meeting
Washington, DC

Mar 17 - Mar 18, 2007
National OHV Program Managers Workshop
Ontario, CA
Co-sponsored by: National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council and FHWA's Recreational Trails Program Contact: Bob Walker (406) 444-4584

3/25/2007-3/28/2007 AASHTO/ FHWA/FTA/BTS Geospatial Information Systems for Transportation Symposium Nashville, TN.

Apr 14 - Apr 18, 2007
American Planning Association Annual National Planning Conference.
Philadelphia, PA

5/17/2007-5/18/2007 2007 New England Rural Transportation Workshop Woodstock, VT

May 6-9, 2007
11th National Transportation Planning Applications Conference
Daytona Beach, FL

June 23 - 26, 2007
National Association of Regional Councils
41st Annual Conference and Exhibition.
Orlando, FL.

June 24-27, 2007
9th International Conference on Low-Volume Roads
Austin, TX

June 24-27, 2007
3rd Urban Street Symposium
Seattle, WA

July 7-9, 2007
TRB 2007 Joint Summer Meeting
Chicago, Illinois

July 9-11, 2007 TRB
2007 Transportation Planning and Air Quality Conference
Orlando, FL

National Association of Counties Annual Conference
July 13-17, 2007
Richmond, Virginia

National Asociation of Development Organizations
2007 Annual Training Conference
Saturday, August 25-Tuesday, August 28 2007
Austin, TX.

For more information, review the following calendars for upcoming transportation events:

FHWA Planning, Environment and Realty Calendar

TRB Conferences & Workshops

Updated: 4/1/2016
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