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Joint DOT/FHWA Major Project Webinar (November 2015) - Presentation

November 10, 2015

Sponsored by the FHWA Major Project Discipline

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  1. Major Project Spotlight
  2. Build America Transportation Investment Center (BATIC)
  3. Comments/Questions

Major Project Spotlight: DOT/FHWA Peer Exchange

Peer Exchange Featuring:

Michigan DOT
Florida DOT

Major Project Spotlight:

Part 1: Planning and Environmental Lessons Learned on I-5 North Coast Project

Clint Peace
Arturo Jacobs

I-5 North Coast Corridor Program
DOT/FHWA Major Project Webinar November 10, 2015

Cover image collage

I-5 North Coast Corridor

  • 27 miles
  • $6B 30 year project
    • Four Express Lanes on I-5
    • Completing LOSSAN Double track
    • Improve Coastal Access
    • Coastal Habitat Improvements
  • Coastal Commission approval August 2014
map of coastal area

North Coast Corridor Existing Condition

  • Limited rail capacity and modal choice
  • Low density and widely spread job centers
  • Increasing population
  • Heavy congestion limits coastal access, increases emissions and reduces quality of life
1963 historical aerial photo

circa 1963

2006 aerial photo


Existing Condition - Batiquitos Lagoon

  • Degrading coastal resources
  • Restricted tidal flushing
  • Development demand for open space
  • I-5 & LOSSAN corridors act as a barrier to east-west bike/ped movement
Batiquitos Lagoon

Multi-Agency Collaboration

  • Recognize need to work together
  • Presidential Order
  • Corridor of the future
  • Multiple Agency Partnership
  • SB 468
    • Balanced rail, highway, community,
    • bike/ped improvements
    • "Get in, get out" of coastal lagoons
  • One of six California CMGC pilot projects

Multi-agency collaboration graphic

Program Scope

A 30-year comprehensive and sustainable solution for the region.

  • Express Lanes on I-5
  • Double tracking the coastal rail line
  • Integrated bike, pedestrian, and habitat improvements
Public Works Plan/Transportation and Resource Enhancment Program infographic

Active Transportation

traffic photo
pedestrian photo

Improving the Coastal Environment

Coastal map area
View larger version of the coastal map.

1. Site Purchased; Restoration Plan Underway

  • Hallmark (east/west)
  • Dean Family Trust
  • Laser Property
  • La Costa Property
  • Deer Canyon II (site in escrow)
  • San Dieguito Lagoon W19 (environmental review underway)

2. Restoration Projects in EIR/EIS Process

  • San Elijo Lagoon (draft out for review)
  • Buena Vista Lagoon (draft to be released November 2014)

3. Bridge Optimization Studies Complete

  • San Elijo Rail/Highway
  • Batiquitos Rail/Highway
  • Buena Vista Rail/Highway

4. Endowment Account and Oversight Committee to be Established

  • Batiquitos Lagoon Inlet Maintenance
  • Los Peñasquitos Lagoon Inlet Maintenance

Opportunities and Integration

  • Improve coastal access
  • Improve tidal flushing
Manchester Avenue Bridge before

Manchester Ave. Bridge (before)

Manchester Avenue Bridge after

Manchester Ave. Bridge (after)

Net Benefit

No Build Build Highlights
Coastal Access  
  • New 27-mile NCC Bike Trail and 7 miles of coastal rail trail
  • Completes east-west/north-south bike/ped trail links
  • Highway/rail improvements maximize coastal access
  • Alleviates demand/spillover traffic on local roadways, further improving coastal access and maintaining coastal character
Coastal Habitat  
  • Regionally significant habitat restoration and preservation
  • Advanced no net loss mitigation prior to project impacts
  • Restores/preserves open space threatened by development
  • 78 acres of uplands and 55 acres of wetlands established and restored
Water Quality/Wetlands  
  • Improved tidal flushing
  • Long-term endowment for lagoon maintenance
  • Significantly improve run-off treatment
  • Improves hydrology of 10 coastal drainages
Air Quality  
  • New bike/ped facilities creates non-vehicular links to transit and activity centers
  • Improved travel on rail and highway and local surface streets minimizes congestion, reducing emissions
Multimodal Alternatives  
  • Facilitates smart growth, ensuring transit, roads, bike & ped routes support infill development
  • Prioritizes alternates to SOV trips, including carpools, vanpools, rail and bus transit
  • Express Lane revenue supports corridor transit services
  • Increase options for non-motorized and transit access to the coast

Where we are today

where we are today overview map
View larger version of the map

Construction Manager General Contractor

  • Minimize impacts to the environment and public
  • Maximize opportunities for construction alternatives
  • Common understanding of project elements to reduce construction risks
  • Design to cost
Construction Manager General Contractor infographic

Best Practices

Entitlement Best Practices

  • Holistic system approach
  • Shared agency objectives
  • Integration brings opportunity

CMGC Best Practices

  • Good owner/contractor relationship results in design innovations
  • Cost negotiations require new skills and knowledge
  • Integration requires blending agency business practices

Next Steps

  • Phase 1 Begin Initial GMP Jan 16
  • Phase 1 Coastal Commission Hearing March 2016
  • Begin Construction Late Spring 2016
  • 5 year construction

Contact Information

Clint Peace
Assistant Project Manager, I-5 Corridor

Allan Kosup
Corridor Director for Interstate 5, State Route 76, and State Route 78

Questions & Input

Submit a question using the chat box or Dial *1 to call in your question by phone.

Major Project Spotlight

Part 2: Major Project Spotlight:
R-10 Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects & Project Management Plans

Sue Datta
Michigan DOT

Carlos Figueroa
FHWA - Center for Innovative Finance Support

SHRP2 Renewal (R10) Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects

Joint DOT/FHWA Major Projects Webinar

Carlos F. Figueroa, P.E.
FHWA Center for Innovative Finance Support

November 10, 2015

What is SHRP2?

Tools to save lives, save money, save time

  • Products developed from objective, credible research
  • Solutions that respond to challenges of the transportation community - safety, aging infrastructure, congestion
  • Collaborative effort of AASHTO, FHWA, and TRB
  • Tested products, refined in the field

SHRP2 Solutions offer new technologies and processes to enhance the efficiency of transportation agencies

R10 - Managing Complex Projects


Success or Failure signpost
  • Early communication in the process
  • Early identification of complexity based on needs of the specific project
  • Early preparation of the financials, schedule, and resources
  • Looking at context and financing as drivers of the project
  • Earlier identification of critical success factors
  • Creates a realistic balance between the available funding and scope
  • Develop project action plans for success

Complexity Mapping

Complexity map - a visual tool that helps identify and understand the dimension(s) with the most complexity

View complexity mapping graphic in a larger size

Iterative Mapping Example

iterative mapping example
View larger version of the iterative mapping example

5DPM Methods

  • Method 1: Define Critical Project Success Factors
Most Complex Least Complex
Schedule Technical Context Cost Financing
Complete the project on time or early (Date 1/1/2002 in time for Olympics) Define scope critical issues to allow early start of work immediately after notice to proceed (RR, utilities, ROW) Get waiver of typical DBE requirements on federal aid portion and agree to yearly goals over five year project duration, based on local DBE capacity ($4 million/year) Complete the project at or below cost (Total Cost < $1.7 billion) Change cash flow models and federal aid waivers to accommodate use of design build (approval by 1/1/1996)
  • Method 2: Assemble Project Team
    • Appropriate staff at the appropriate time based on needs
    • Adequate empowerment of team
  • Method 3: Select Project Arrangements
    • Administrative resources (e.g. contracts, consulting agreements)
    • Inter-agency agreements
    • Authority transfers
  • Method 4: Prepare Early Cost Model and Finance Plan
    • Process to map cash inflows and outflows
    • Identify secured and unsecured sources of funds and when those funds will become available
  • Method 5: Develop Project Action Plans (PAPs)
    • PAPs Goal: develop innovative solutions to remove or reduce constraints to project success
    • Targeted Project Action Plans to anticipate and overcome project roadblocks and reduce speed bumps

Project Execution Tools

  1. Incentivize Critical Project Outcomes
  2. Develop Dispute Resolution Plan
  3. Perform Comprehensive Risk Analysis
  4. Identify Critical Permit Issues
  5. Evaluate Applications of Off-Site Fabrication
  6. Determine Required Level of Involvement in ROW/Utilities
  7. Determine Work Package/Sequence
  8. Design to Budget
  9. Co-Locate Team
  10. Establish Flexible Design Criteria
  11. Evaluate Flexible Financing
  12. Develop Finance Expenditure Model
  13. Establish Public Involvement Plan

R10 Current Users

R10 Type DOT
Round 1 - Feb. 2013 Lead Adopter FHWA Federal Lands
New Mexico
Round 4 - Aug. 2014 User Incentive Alaska
New Hampshire
North Carolina
Rhode Island

Implementation Strategies

  • Demonstration workshops
  • Train the Facilitator training
  • Technical Assistance (TA)
  • Peer Exchange
  • Communications and outreach (factsheets, videos, events/conferences, committee presentations)
  • Implementation Goals:
    • Encourage DOTs to adopt R09/R10 as part of their routine project management practices
    • Incorporate R09/R10 processes/lessons learned into FHWA's Project Management Guidance and procedures

Contact Information

Carlos F. Figueroa, P.E.
Transportation Engineer
Center for Innovative Finance Support
Project Delivery Team
Federal Highway Administration
(202) 366-5266

SHRP2 Implementation Assistance Website

Comments or Questions?

Logo - SHRP2 Solutions Save lives. Save money. Save Time.

I-75 Modernization Project
R-10 Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects & Project Management Plans

Joint DOT/FHWA Major Project Webinar
November 10, 2015
1:30-3:30 PM

Logo - Modernize 75

I-75 Modernization Project

  • I-75 is an interstate freeway that runs north to south from Michigan's upper peninsula to Florida
  • Constructed in the 1960s and without any major upgrades in project corridor
  • Both an urban (depressed) and rural/suburban (at-grade) section
Map of I75 interstate
historical photo of i75 construction

North of M-102 to South Boulevard

  • Six-lane facility with three travel lanes in each direction from M-102 to south of 12 Mile Road
  • From 12 Mile Road to South Boulevard, it is a six-lane rural freeway with interchanges every few miles North of M-102 to South Boulevard
Photos of the I-75 north of M-102 to South BoulevardPhotos of the I-75 north of M-102 to South Boulevard
  • Project covers about 18 miles within Oakland County, including 11 interchanges, 16 road crossings, traversing through six communities
  • Contains one freeway to freeway interchange (I-696, not included in project improvements)
  • 51 structures: 47 bridge replacements (41 vehicular and 6 pedestrian) with four new structures
Photos of the I-75 north of M-102Photos of the I-75 north of M-102


1992: I-75 Northern Oakland County Corridor Study

1999: I-75 SEMCOG/MDOT Corridor Study

2002: Draft Environmental Impact Statement

2005: Final Environmental Impact Statement

2006: Record of Decision

2009: Engineering Report for 12 Mile Road to M-59 (at-grade)

2010: Engineering Report for M-102 to 12 Mile Road (depressed)

2011: Success Management Workshops

2013: Design Modification Analysis

2013/2014: Community Aesthetic Workshops

Various report covers
Various report covers

Scope of Work

  • Reconstruct existing three lanes
  • Construct one new High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane for peak hour operation only
  • Reconstruct Square Lake interchange to standard right exits and entrances
  • Reconstruct 14 Mile and 12 Mile Road interchanges
  • Reconstruct I-696 ramp to northbound I-75 by separating on-ramp from the northbound off-ramp to 11 Mile Road
  • Upgrade freeway geometrics
  • Replace all vehicular and pedestrian bridges
  • Reconstruct service drives (southern portion to 12 Mile Road)
  • Construct corridor wide aesthetic improvements
  • Improve drainage system
  • Upgrade and construct carpool lots & ITS technologies
Map of planned scope of work


Total cost $1.32B
Year of Expenditure Dollars

  • Roadway
  • Bridges
  • Right-of-way
  • Maintenance of traffic
  • Design
  • Construction engineering
construction photo

Construction Segments

  • Due to funding limitations and mobility concerns, project corridor was divided into eight construction segments
  • First two construction segments address operations and crash concerns
  • Remaining segments are constructed from north to south in succession
Construction Segments map

2016 Schedule

Construction schedule

Corridor Schedule

Corridor schedule

Current Status

  • Re-Evaluation, IFP, and IAJR in review
  • PMP Executive Leadership Endorsement underway
  • Design/Build Books and 30% plans under review
  • RFQ advertised
  • RFP to be issued late 2015/early 2016
  • Selection and contract award expected Spring 2016
Interchange Access Justification Request and Initial Financial Plan documents
Draft Project Management Plan and Request for Qualifications documents

R10 Workshops

  • Provided discussion and alternate perspectives at key points of plan development
  • Reviewed the Five-Dimensional Project Management Planning method and applicability to mega-projects
  • Highlighted financing issues
  • Defined and reviewed context and implications to project advancement
  • Provided expertise from other parts of the country to share experience and guide plan development
Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects document cover

R10 Success

  • Focused MDOT to develop feasible, reasonable funding for the mega-projects
  • Identified & ensured context was identified, acknowledged, and addressed with a plan
  • Introduced risk management planning
  • Enabled early preparation of cost modeling and financial plan development
R10 Project Management report cover

Other Elements

  • Unable to easily transfer and apply to average or small sized projects

Lessons Learned

  • Complexity mapping should be an electronic visual tool in project development and as checkpoints throughout the process
I-94 2014 Complexity Map
I-75 2014 Complexity Map
  • Context and financing are key elements that need to be planned for and addressed early
  • Use of focused, strategic plans help guide development
  • Incorporate expectations and R10 elements in PMP outline
I-75 Project Management Plan

Stakeholder Engagement Overview

Goals: Achieve a 90% success rating on the public engagement process by engage 100% of stakeholders so they know MDOT is listening to their concerns.

Engagement MUST be ...

  • Relevant, Credible and Inclusive
Engagement triangle

Stakeholder Engagement Process

  • Methods to engage the public
    • Stakeholder meetings
    • Advisory committees
    • Public meetings
    • Surveys
    • Project website
    • Social media
    • Traditional media
    • Email/Direct mail
    • Newsletters
Engagement image collage

Stakeholder Engagement Successes

  • July 2015 Public Meetings (184 attendees)
  • Media Coverage by 12 media groups
  • 600+ Facebook subscribers
  • Published Summer 2015 Newsletter
  • Outreach to 79 organizations
  • 266 Stakeholder Survey participants

Next Steps:

  • Fall 2015 Local Access coordination with City Detroit
  • Community Connector Bridge Design Charrette
  • Winter/Spring 2016 Public Meeting
  • Advisory Committee Meetings
  • Project Branding (logo, video)

Contact Us:

Rob Morosi, MDOT Communications Specialist, 248-483-5107
Sign up for e-mail alerts from MDOT

I-75 Modernization Project


Contact Information

Sue Datta
Senior Project Manager
Michigan DOT

Carlos Figueroa
SHRP2 Project Management Program Manager
FHWA - Center for Innovative Finance Support

Questions & Input

Submit a question using the chat box Or Dial *1 to call in your question by phone

Major Project Spotlight
595 Express logo and FDOT logo

Part 3: Major Project Spotlight: I-595 Express Corridor Improvements Project

Kelley Hall, P.E.
Paul Lampley, PE
Florida DOT

I-595 Express Corridor Improvements Project Accelerating Innovation through Public-Private-Partnership (P3)

Kelley Hall, P.E.
595 Operations Project Manager

Paul Lampley, P.E.
595 Construction Project Manager

Florida Department of Transportation

Project Limits

I-595 from I-75/Sawgrass Expressway Interchange to west of the I-95 Interchange and Florida's Turnpike from Griffin Road to Peters Road

View larger version of the area map

Project Components

  • Three reversible express lanes
    • Direct connection to Florida's Turnpike
    • Open Road Tolling
  • SR 84 continuous connections
  • Florida's Turnpike Interchange
  • Broward County greenway
  • Ramp improvements
    • Auxiliary lanes
    • Braided ramps
    • Bypass bridges
  • Sound barrier walls
Florida transit photo collage

I-595 Team Organization

I-595 Team Org Chart with logos
View larger version of the organizational chart logos

Project Highlights

aerial photo of water and roadway area

P3 Innovations

  • Reuse of existing infrastructure
    • Third level ramp P salvaged
    • Third level ramp N lifted and lengthened
    • Tamp T-1 widened
    • Salvage of existing cross-road bridges
  • Minimization of R/W impacts
  • Minimization of utility impacts
  • Bid price was $200 million below FDOT engineers estimate
  • Less than 1% FDOT added work during construction
  • Construction complete with zero claims

Benefits of P3 delivery method

  • Encourages innovation
  • Advances project delivery
  • Can provide significant cost savings
  • Allows appropriate risk transfer
  • Creates jobs and stimulates the economy
  • Provides for performance-based O&M

Initial Project Phasing

Project Phasing corridor graphic
View larger version of initial project phasing graphic

How Did P3 Advance I-595?

  • Accelerated the schedule
    • Advanced noise wall construction
    • Provided capacity improvements a minimum of 15 years sooner than the initial (conventional) plan
    • Reduced MOT duration impacting public and businesses
  • Provided finance mechanism for funding shortfall
construction schedule
View larger schedule

Project Schedule

  • Execution of agreement: March 3, 2009
  • NTP 2 (take over O&M): July 31, 2009
  • Major construction begin: February 26, 2010
  • Open Express lanes: March 26, 2014
  • Substantial completion: March 26, 2014
  • Final acceptance: September 5, 2014
  • Construction ($1.2 billion) completed on schedule in 49 months
  • Project completed with zero days added to original schedule (no weather days or holidays permitted per contract)

Cost Benefits of P3

  • Encourages innovation and reuse of existing infrastructure
  • Encourages long-term quality
  • Allows economy of scale
  • Provides fixed cost for design and construction
  • Provides fixed cost for long-term O&M
  • Includes renewal and hand-back requirements
  • Provides financial mechanism to fund shortfall in agencies work program

Success of 595 Express P3

  • No payments made until the road was substantially complete and open to the public
  • Less than 1% FDOT added work during construction
  • Construction complete with zero claims
  • Project finished on original schedule

Payments to Concessionaire

Payments to Concessionaire graph

View larger version of the Payment Structure graph

Risk Category Risk Allocation
FDOT Concessionaire Shared
Political X    
Financial   X  
Traffic & Revenue X    
Right-of-Way X    
Permits/Government Approvals     X
Utilities     X
Procurement X    
Construction   X  
Operations & Maintenance   X  
Hand-Back   X  
Force Majeure     X
Change in Law X    
Contamination     X
Geotechnical   X  

Economic Benefit

  • Employed over 2,000 people per month directly on the project
  • Pumped over $18 million per month into local economy
  • Contracted with over 275 local companies
  • Over 11% of the construction cost awarded to disadvantaged business enterprises
  • Graduated 164 trainees in the construction trades

Express Lanes

  • All motor vehicle types are allowed to use the I-595 Express lanes
  • All users are charged a toll in the I-595 Express lanes
Express lanes entrance

Operations and Maintenance

  • Performance based O&M
    • Payment adjustments
    • Non-compliance points
  • Higher level of service to users
  • Added traffic management center operations 24/7 - 365 days
    • CCTV monitoring
    • Road rangers 24/7
    • Rapid incident scene clearance
    • Severe incident response vehicles
Operations workerSevere incident response vehicleRoad Ranger incident response truck

I-595 Express Lanes Limits

Express Lanes limit map
View larger version of the Express Lanes Limits map
Express Lanes Limits map
View larger version of the second Express Lanes Limits map

Before 595 Express

Roadway Average Speed


44.9 MPH

2009 peak hour speeds graph

Average speeds shown are the 8am to 9am average for the month of August

After 595 Express (2015)

Peak speeds after 595 Express
  • 2015 Speed Distribution for I-595
    • 61% between 60-70 mph
    • 39% between 70-80 mph
    • 0% lower than 60 mph or over 80 mph
  • 2015 Speed Distribution for Express Lanes
    • 88.7% between 70-80 mph
    • 9.0% between 80-90 mph
    • 2.3% between 60-70 mph
    • 0% lower than 60 mph or higher then 90 mph

595 Express Traffic

595 Express Traffic graph
View larger version of the 595 Express Traffic graph

595 Express Truck Use

595 Express Truck Use graph
View larger version of the 595 Express Truck Use graph

I-595 Warning and Barrier Gates for Reversible Ramps

warning gates

5 Barrier Gate

warning gates

34 Warning Gates

warning gates system

I-595 Warning Gate Hit History

Gate Hit History graph
View larger version of the I-595 Warning Gate Hit History chart

I-595 Warning Gates for Reversible Ramps

  1. Shortening the length of the first warning gates: Originally, warning gates covered the entire width of the travel lanes. Gates were shorten by 18" on May 24th, 2014.
  2. Second shortening of the warning gates at Ramp R-3: Despite the first shortening, vehicles continued to hit the warning gates of Ramp R-3. Gates were further shortened, to a length of no less than the middle point of the lane on June 16th, 2014.
  3. Additional Improvements to Ramp R-3 were considered: Re-striping of Ramp R-3 was implemented in August 2014.
  4. Change of banners of the warning gates: The color and the reflectivity of the original banners were improved by changing the color and the material. The new banners were implemented in September 2014.
warning gate photo

I-595 Barrier Gates for Reversible Ramps

5 Barrier Gates

barrier gatebarrier gate photo

2 Barrier Gate hits since opening.

No vehicles have gotten past the barrier gate.

Emergency Access Gates

  • Longitudinal Sliding Gates
    • 42 foot-wide opening
    • Opened from the Traffic Management Center or manually
  • Emergency Access Gates
    • There are five throughout the corridor
    • Provide emergency vehicles access into the Express Lanes (three in the westbound direction, two in the eastbound direction)
longitudinal sliding gates

Shoulder closure gates

shoulder closure gates

Major RISC Events

incident photo


Contact Information

Kelley Hall, P.E.
595 Operations Project Manager
Florida DOT

Paul Lampley, P.E.
595 Construction Project Manager
Florida DOT

Questions & Input

Submit a question using the chat box Or Dial *1 to call in your question by phone

Build America Transportation Investment Center (BATIC)

Mark Sullivan
FHWA - Center for Innovative Finance Support

BATIC website screenshot
BATIC website screenshot
BATIC website screenshot
BATIC website screenshot

Contact Information

Mark Sullivan
BATIC Project Development Lead
FHWA - Center for Innovative Finance Support

Questions & Input

Submit a question using the chat box Or Dial *1 to call in your question by phone

Upcoming Webinars

Joint DOT/FHWA Major Project Webinar

Tuesday, May 10th
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (ET)

Quarterly Major Project Webinar (FHWA)

Tuesday, February 2nd
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. (ET)

Recordings available at:

Contact LaToya at or 202-366-0479 if you have topic ideas for upcoming webinars

Contact Information

LaToya Johnson, P.E., PMP
Major Project Highway Engineer
Center for Innovative Finance Support
Federal Highway Administration
(202) 366-0479

Jim Sinnette, P.E., PMP
Project Delivery Team Leader
Center for Innovative Finance Support
Federal Highway Administration
(202) 366-1561

Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
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