Federal Aviation Administration

Flight Standards Service (AFS)
Draft Documents Open for Comment

Reports (Aviation Rulemaking Committee, Reports to Congress, etc.)

Document Title: All-Cargo Aircraft, Security and Safety FAA Modernization and Reform Act 2012
Summary: This report responds to Congress on section 805, Limiting access to flight decks of all-cargo aircraft, of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act 2012. It provides the history, methods used and safety issues considered to determine the viability of a physical barrier to the flight deck of an all-cargo aircraft.
Document for Download: Report (PDF)
Comments Due: 9/12/2012
How to Comment: Email comments to:

Deliver comments by mail or hand to:
Carol Martineau
FAA, Aircraft Maintenance Division
Special Programs Branch, AFS-320
950 L'Enfant Plaza SW, 5th Floor Washington DC, 20024
Document Title: Notice of availability – Recommendations from the Airman Testing Standards and Training Aviation Rulemaking Committee
Summary: This notice announces the availability of a Report from the Airman Testing Standards and Training Aviation Rulemaking Committee, Recommendations to Enhance the Airman Knowledge Test Content and Its Processes and Methodologies for Training and Testing. This committee was convened at the FAA’s request to provide a forum for the U.S. aviation community to offer its experience and expertise in the elements of aeronautical knowledge and aeronautical experience required for safer operation in today’s National Airspace System (NAS). The FAA is currently reviewing the report to evaluate the appropriate course of action.
Document for Download: Report (PDF)
Comments: Not Required. This report is being made available for information purposes only.
Document Title: ACSPT ARC Final Report
Summary: This report was created to satisfy the Air Carrier Safety and Pilot Training (ACSPT) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) charter and section 204 of the Airline Safety and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Extension Act of 2010 (Pub. L. No. 111-216), which require an initial report before July 31, 2011. The intent of this document is to identify industry best practices as of July 31, 2011, comment on the current use of those best practices, and make recommendations on their continued use in the air carrier industry.
Document for Download: Report (PDF)
Comments: Not Required. This report is being made available for information purposes only

Page Last Modified: 09/12/12 10:20 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/draft_docs/arc/