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Project Profiles

Orchard Pond Parkway


Tallahassee, Florida

Project Sponsor

Jeff Phipps

Program Areas

Project FinanceP3Revenue - Road Pricing Revenue


Toll Highway


The Orchard Pond Parkway is a 5.2-mile privately constructed toll road north of Tallahassee, Florida. The roadway consists of two 12-foot lanes and 5-foot bike lanes. A future, parallel nature/bike trail is also planned. The route creates an east-west connection among northeast Tallahassee neighborhoods between North Meridian Road and Old Bainbridge Road, paralleling the existing (dirt) Orchard Pond Road. It would, for example, make the journey to Tallahassee Regional Airport in southwest Tallahassee shorter for those residents.

The toll road is initially anticipated to serve 500 to 1,000 vehicles per day, increasing to 4,000 per day in 10 years. It is expected to turn a profit after three to five years. A construction loan from the state will be paid off in 30 years.

The land through which the road runs is owned by the project's developer, Jeff Phipps. According to the private developer, a new road would eventually be constructed along the existing Orchard Pond Road right-of-way, and he felt that by constructing the road himself, it could be done in way that better preserved the natural environment around it.

The road will be owned by Leon County, who will lease it back to Jeff Phipps for 99 years.


$17 million

Funding Sources

Florida Department of Transportation State Infrastructure Bank (SIB) loan - $13.5 million

Cash - $3.5 million

Project Delivery / Contract Method


Private Partner

Jeff Phipps

Project Advisors / Consultants

M Inc. - Design and construction


Florida DOT SIB

Duration / Status

Construction began in January 2015.

Expected completion April-May 2016.

Financial Status



  • The roadway incorporates a number of features to accommodate wildlife and is intended to prevent suburban development and facilitate preservation of the land around it.
  • The developer is donating a 20-foot wide scenic easement on the south side of the toll road and 40-foot wide scenic easements on both sides of the existing, parallel Orchard Pond Road, for the nature/bike path.
  • The developer's remaining land in the area is planned for conservation.

Related Links / Articles

Florida DOT SIB
Urban Tallahassee Article
Tallahassee Democrat Article



Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
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