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Road Pricing Defined

Road Pricing Without Tolls

An emerging form of congestion pricing that does not involve tolls - non-toll pricing - includes several concepts and strategies:

  • Pay-as-you-drive Car Insurance
  • Car Sharing
  • Parking and Access Pricing Strategies
    - Parking Cash-Out
    - Variably Priced Metered Parking
    - Pricing of Off-Street Parking
    - Variable Port Access Charges for Trucks

These pricing mechanisms (as with pricing through tolls) seek generally to manage demand, but could have the potential to generate revenue as well. As part of FHWA's Congestion Pricing Primer Series, Non-Toll Pricing - A Primer  discusses these mechanisms in depth.

Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
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