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2016 Knowledge Leadership Assembly

  • Date: July 11 - 13, 2016
  • Location: Washington, DC

Speak Up 2016

AIA Advocacy and Action Event

  • Date: July 13 - 15, 2016
  • Location: Washington, DC

AIA Convention 2017

  • Date: April 27 - 29, 2017
  • Location: Orlando, FL
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Conga Room (Los Angeles, CA) / Architect: Belzberg Architects / Image credit: Belzberg Architects; Benny Chan/Fotoworks

Architect's Knowledge Resource for Practicing Architecture

Practicing Architecture AKR Project

Design Matters

The main architectural feature of this project is the building's owner-controlled double-façade system. The occupant is able to adjust the operable screens of the building façade as necessary for privacy, views, shading, and thermal comfort.

Check out more in the Architect's Knowledge Resource

Face of the AIA

AIA Dallas Latinos in Architecture

  • Recipient: 2012 AIA Diversity Recognition Program

faceofaiaAIA Dallas Latinos in Architecture's three-pronged focus on education, the community, and the profession includes a lecture series, book drive, and networking.

Practice Tools

GC Prostho Research Center Entry (video)

GC Prostho Research Center Entry (video)This video shows the entry of the GC Prostho Research Center in Kusagai City. Kengo Kuma used approximately 6000 hinoki (Japanese cypress) sticks. [AIA COD]

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