Data Tools, Apps, and Maps

Alternative Fuel Vehicle Data Browser

Data about fuel use and number of vehicles for alternative fuel vehicle fleets.
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Fossil Fuel Resource Map

Layered, customized maps of fossil fuel resources for the United States and by state.
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Petroleum Infrastructure Map

Layered, customized maps of petroleum infrastructure for the United States and by state.
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STEO Data Browser

Short-term forecasts of U.S. energy supply, demand, prices, imports/exports for the next 18-24 months.
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Coal Infrastructure Map

Layered, customized maps of coal infrastructure for the United States and by state.
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U.S. Electric System Operating Data (930)

Hourly actual and forecast electricity generation and demand by U.S. region and power authority.
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Bulk Download Facility

Entire contents of each EIA API data set in a single zip file.
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EIA Excel Data Add-In

Download EIA energy data and economic data for the St. Louis Federal Reserve (FRED) directly to your spreadsheet.
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Low Permeability Oil and Gas Plays

Map of boundaries, structure, and isopachs for major low permeability oil and gas plays in the lower 48 States.
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Google Sheets Add-On

Users can search, filter, and load U.S. Energy Information Administration free and open energy data sets into Sheets.
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U.S. Energy Disruptions

Map of disruptions to energy infrastructure
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Natural Gas Infrastructure Map

Layered, customized maps of natural gas infrastructure for the United States and by state.
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Natural Gas Company-level Query System

Natural gas respondent information by survey, year, company and area for 2012-2015.
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Renewable Infrastructure Map

Layered, customized maps of renewable infrastructure for the United States and by state.
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Electricity Data Browser

Data on U.S. electricity generation, transmission, consumption, and prices.
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Flood Vulnerability Assessment Map

Maps of energy infrastructure with real-time storm and emergency information by fuel type and by state.
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AEO Table Browser

Graph and view forecasts of U.S. energy supply, demand, and price forecasts through 2040.
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Status of U.S. Nuclear Outages

Maps and information on U.S. nuclear power plants and outages.
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Total Energy Data Browser

Access and graph data on U.S. energy supply, demand, prices, and environmental emissions from 1973 to current data.
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International Portal

Access detailed international energy data (country and region specific)
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International Energy Statistics

Detailed international energy data
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Gulf of Mexico Fact Sheet

Data and maps of energy production and infrastructure in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, including real-time storm information.
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U.S. States Portal

Maps, data, rankings, infrastructure layers for energy production, consumption, and prices by state.
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U.S. Electricity Infrastructure Map

Layered, customized maps of electricity infrastructure for the United States and by state.
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Crude Import Tracking Tool

Maps and data for petroleum imports by type, crude oil grade, location, and country of origin.
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IEO Table Browser

Graph and view forecasts through 2040 on world energy supply and demand by region of the world and by country, by selected alternative scenarios.
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Coal Data Browser

Data, charts, and maps of coal production, imports, exports, shipments, and individual mines.
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API Query Browser

Direct access to EIA time series data for electricity, petroleum, and natural gas.
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Embed Graphs and Maps

Embed EIA charts and maps on your website that automatically update.
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Energy Calculator

Energy conversion calculators for many different units of measure.
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