Audit Reports


Shutdown of TASC’s Transportation Computer Center

Project ID: 


We issued our final audit report to Department officials regarding a Hotline complaint alleging that: (1) Transportation Administrative Service Center (TASC) continued operating the Transportation Computer Center (TCC) after Congress recommended that it be shut down, and (2) TASC was using unlicensed software on the TCC computers. We found that after all DOT customers quit using TCC, TASC spent about $1.4 million to purchase computer hardware and software licenses in anticipation of new business that never materialized. TASC then billed DOT clients for these expenses as part of TCC closeout costs, wasting $1.4 million in DOT funds. Based on our findings, the Department ordered TASC to dispose of the computers, which it did by donating them to the FBI. The Secretary also restructured TASC by abolishing it as a separate entity. DOT is conducting a thorough review of all ongoing TASC business, assessing internal administrative requirements, and making reforms.