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CEQ Climate Change Guidance

In this webinar, FHWA staff provide an overview of the Council on Environmental Quality’s Final Guidance for Federal Departments and Agencies on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Effects of Climate Change in National Environmental Policy Act Reviews," and present suggestions for approaches to address the guidance during NEPA reviews.

View the October 4, 2016 webinar recording

Green Infrastructure for Coastal Highway Resilience

FHWA held two webinars on May 10 and May 19, 2016 to provide an overview of the Green Infrastructure for Coastal Highway Resilience pilot program and answer any questions. The webinars covered the same content but were offered on two different days to accommodate different schedules. The recording and transcript of the May 19 webinar are available, as is more information on the project.

2015 Webinar Series: Building a Climate Resilient Transportation System

In this webinar series, practitioners will share information, results and lessons learned through recent work by FHWA/US DOT and State and MPO partners to make the transportation system more resilient to climate change and extreme weather events. The first track focuses on the processes used in the Gulf Coast Study, Phase 2 (Mobile) and transferable methods developed for other agencies to assess the vulnerability of transportation infrastructure. The second track focuses on FHWA's recently completed Climate Resilience Pilot program, which supported 19 pilot projects around the country to assess vulnerabilities and develop strategies to make transportation infrastructure and operations more resilient to climate change and extreme weather events.

FHWA Tools: Understanding Criticality and Sensitivity (Tuesday, Feb 10, 2-3:30 ET)
This webinar introduced the webinar series, described FHWA approaches to addressing resilience to climate change and extreme weather, and presented approaches/tools for assessing criticality and sensitivity of different assets in the context of assessing vulnerability to climate change & extreme weather events.

View the webinar recording.

FHWA Tools: Developing Scenarios of Future Temperature and Precipitation Conditions (Tuesday, Feb 24, 2-3:30 ET)
This webinar discussed methods for developing climate change projections and information for transportation decision making, the CMIP Climate Data Processing tool, and example applications of the CMIP tool.

View the webinar recording.

FHWA Tools: Engineering Roads and Other Transportation Assets to be Resilient to Climate Change (Tuesday, March 3, 2-3:30 ET)
This webinar focused on methods for analyzing facility level vulnerability and adaptation options, as well as examples of these kinds of analyses from the Gulf Coast 2 study and others.

View the webinar recording.

FHWA Tools: Developing Future Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Scenarios (Tuesday, March 10, 2-3:30 ET)
This webinar focused on methods for analyzing vulnerability to sea level rise and coastal storms.

View the webinar recording.

FHWA Tools: Assessing Vulnerability with VAST (Tuesday, March 17, 2-3:30 pm ET)
(Rescheduled from February 17)
This webinar focused on using the Vulnerability Assessment Scoring Tool (VAST) to assess vulnerability to climate change and extreme weather events, including example applications of the tool.

View the webinar recording.

FHWA Climate Resilience Pilots: Results from Maryland, Tennessee, Hillsborough, and Southeast Florida (Tuesday, March 24 2:00-4:00 ET)
Representatives from Maryland State Highway Administration, Tennessee DOT, Hillsborough MPO, and Broward MPO presented results and lessons learned from their climate change resilience pilot projects.

View the webinar recording.

FHWA Climate Resilience Pilots: Results from Oregon DOT, WSDOT, Caltrans, and MTC (Tuesday, April 7, 2:00-4:00 ET)
Representatives from Oregon DOT, Washington State DOT, Caltrans District 1, and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission will present results and lessons learned from their climate change resilience pilot projects. Registration will be available soon.

View the webinar recording.

International Climate Resilience: Practices from Denmark, Norway, and more (Tuesday, April 14, 10-11:30 ET)
The Danish Road Directorate will explain their strategy for adapting to climate change and the "Blue Spot" risk assessment method. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration will discuss how they integrated climate resilience considerations into their design and construction manuals and operations and maintenance practices. FHWA and the US DOT Volpe Center will discuss findings from a review of international practices on climate adaptation for transportation in nine countries (Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Netherlands, Korea, United Kingdom, Canada, Denmark, and Norway).

View the webinar recording.

FHWA Climate Resilience Pilots: Results from Arizona, CAMPO, NCTCOG, and Albuquerque (Thursday, April 23, 2:00-4:00 ET)
Representatives from Arizona DOT, Capitol Area MPO (Austin), and North Central Texas COG (Dallas-Ft. Worth) will present results and lessons learned from their climate change resilience pilot projects. Additionally, a representative from the U.S. DOT Volpe Center will present results and lessons learned from the climate vulnerability aspects of the Central New Mexico Scenario Planning Pilot Project. Registration will be available soon.

The webinar recording will be posted when available.

FHWA Climate Resilience Pilots: Results from CT DOT, Maine DOT, NYSDOT, and MassDOT (Tuesday, April 28, 2:00-4:00 ET)
Representatives from Connecticut DOT, Maine DOT, New York State DOT, and Massachusetts State DOT will present results and lessons learned from their climate change resilience pilot projects.

View the webinar recording

FHWA Climate Resilience Pilots: Results from MnDOT, Michigan DOT, Iowa DOT, and Alaska (Tuesday, May 5, 2:00-4:00 ET)
Representatives from Minnesota DOT, Michigan DOT, Iowa DOT, and the FHWA Western Federal Lands Highway Division will present results and lessons learned from their climate change resilience pilot projects. Registration will be available soon.

View the webinar recording

Transportation, Climate Change & Extreme Weather Vulnerability Assessment Webinar Series

May-June 2013

The four-part webinar series is designed to provide information to transportation agencies interested in assessing the vulnerability of infrastructure to climate change and extreme weather events and applying the results.

Session 1: Getting Started-Determining assets to study and climate information
Thursday, May 16
Speakers provided an overview of the key steps involved in conducting a vulnerability assessment as well as examples of studies that included steps for selecting critical assets and developing climate and extreme weather event information. The presenters were: Becky Lupes, FHWA; Mike Flood, Parsons Brinckerhoff; Joel Smith, Stratus Consulting; and Rob Kafalenos, FHWA.

Session 2: System-Level Vulnerability Assessments
Thursday, May 30
This session focused on the use of information on transportation assets and climate projections to identify vulnerabilities. Representatives from three of the five 2010-11 vulnerability assessment pilot projects discussed their system-level vulnerability and risk assessment projects and the different ways they applied the vulnerability assessment framework. The presenters included: Rob Kafalenos of FHWA; Carol Lee Roalkvam of Washington State Department of Transportation; Sara Polgar of San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission; Stefanie Hom of Metropolitan Transportation Commission; and Jeffrey Perlman of New Jersey Transportation Planning Authority.

Session 3: Applying the results
Wednesday, June 12, 2:00-3:30 Eastern Time
The third webinar in the series will focus on incorporating the results of vulnerability assessment into agency decision making processes and developing adaptation options. Presenters included: Rob Hyman, FHWA; Cris Liban, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority; Maureen Kelly, Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization; and Karl Peet - Chicago Transit Authority.

Session 4: Hurricane Sandy - Lessons Learned
Thursday, June 20, 2:00-3:30 Eastern Time
The impacts of Hurricane Sandy underscore the need for proactive planning for extreme weather events. This session focused on extreme weather preparations, emergency response, recovery, and planning for long term resilience. Presenters included: Tina Hodges, FHWA, Antonio Cabrera, Metropolitan Transportation Authority New York City Transit, Richard M. Shaw, New Jersey Department of Transportation

For questions about the webinars, please contact Rob Kafalenos at

2010-2011 Pilot Webinars

FHWA held two webinars presenting the results of the pilot program. The webinars were recorded, and are available here.

Updated: 10/5/2016
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