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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Framework for Better Integrating Health into Transportation Corridor Planning

Healthy outcomes are a result of creating livable communities, and transportation decisions shape opportunities to have a positive impact on community health. The USDOT Transportation and Health Working Group developed a Framework for Better Integrating Health into Transportation Corridor Planning. The framework provides action-oriented information and step-by-step tools transportation practitioners need to incorporate health into their corridor planning process. Several key points are being used to guide the development of the framework.

  1. The community and its needs are the focus of the framework.
  2. The intended audience is transportation practitioners; recognizing that health professionals are important potential partners.
  3. The framework will support transportation practitioners currently motivated to incorporate health and illustrate to others how this is beneficial and achievable.

The framework is based on corridor planning technical steps that are familiar to practitioners and highlights specific activities that can inform transportation decisions at each step making it possible to support healthy outcomes while improving the transportation system.

Five transportation agencies across the country tested the framework in a corridor study. Their experiences were turned into case studies that highlight how each of the agencies applied the framework to incorporate health into their corridor planning processes, and the resulting outcomes.

On March 22, 2016, FHWA hosted a webinar on the Framework, including the background research, focus group findings, the steps and content of the Framework and the case studies highlighting lessons learned during the corridor study testing phase. View the recording or read the transcript.

Updated: 5/13/2016
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