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Border Enforcement Grant - Application and Award Process

What is the Border Enforcement Grant (BEG) Application and Award Process?


Announce Grant Funding Opportunity

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Applications are required to be filed electronically on Filing must contain the SF-424, SF-424A SF-424B and SF-LLL forms, a certification that the State meets all eligibility requirements and a State Border Enforcement Plan. The Border Enforcement Plan must contain the following:

  1. Scope of project
  2. Purpose
  3. Performance goals
  4. Objectives
  5. Implementation strategies
  6. Detailed budget
  7. Performance measures
  8. Monitoring and evaluation plan, and
  9. Status and evaluation of border enforcement plan, if appropriate.

The border enforcement program plan should be coordinated with the State lead Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) agency, as appropriate. As the BEG program is intended to enhance a State's existing MCSAP operations, Border Enforcement Plans are recommended to be drafted in the same manner in which the MCSAP Commercial Vehicle Safety Plan (CVSP) is formatted. The template for the CVSA is available at

A Maintenance of Expenditure must accompany the State Border Enforcement Plan.

Applications must be filed within the time frame provided on Additional BEG applications could be accepted and considered for funding, if BEG funds remain available.

Information on how to register with and file an application using is available at


Initial Review

The FMCSA headquarters BEG Program office will review and forward the complete submitted application to the appropriate FMCSA Division office.


National Technical Review Application
The BEG technical review panel consists of FMCSA headquarters and field personnel familiar with the BEG and FMCSA grant program fiscal and performance requirements. The BEG technical review panel will document its review and recommendations for funding on the BEG application review guide for the fiscal year BEG funding is applied for.

Notification of Award
Applicants will be notified in writing from the FMCSA Division Office, Division Administrator (or their designee) if the State or entity's application was not approved.

Implementation of the Award
Once awarded, execution of the grant agreement should be completed within 7 days upon receipt of notification of the award from the FMCSA Division Office.

Monitoring the Award
Reporting of financial and performance activities outlined in the state border enforcement plan are required to be documented in quarterly reports submitted to the FMCSA Division Office.

Completion of the Grant Award
Upon completion of the performance period of the grant award, the grantee must submit final report of activities and performance and the final voucher for expenses incurred within 90 days of the end of the grant performance period.
Note: There is no appeal process, as BEG funding is discretionary.









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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
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