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MAP-21 - Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century

Home / MAP-21 / Fact Sheets / Surface Transportation Program (STP)

This MAP-21 fact sheet has been superseded by a FAST Act fact sheet.

Surface Transportation Program (STP)

Year 2013 2014
Estimated funding $ 10.0 B * $ 10.1 B *

* Calculated (sum of estimated individual State STP apportionments)

Program purpose
The Surface Transportation Program (STP) provides flexible funding that may be used by States and localities for projects to preserve and improve the conditions and performance on any Federal-aid highway, bridge and tunnel projects on any public road, pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, and transit capital projects, including intercity bus terminals.

Statutory citation(s): MAP-21 §1108; 23 USC 133

Funding features
Funded by contract authority from the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund. Funds are subject to the overall Federal-aid obligation limitation.

MAP-21 has a new approach to core formula program funding, authorizing a lump sum total instead of individual authorizations for each program. Once each State’s share of the total is calculated, it is divided up by program within the State. (See “Apportionment”fact sheet for description of calculation).

From the State’s STP apportionment, the following sums are to be set aside:

The set-aside for Transportation Enhancements is eliminated.

50% of a State’s STP apportionment (after TA and SPR set-asides) is to be obligated in the following areas in proportion to their relative shares of the State’s population--

The remaining 50% may be used in any area of the State.

Federal share: Determined in accordance with 23 USC 120, including a special rate for certain safety projects and a new provision for increased Federal share for projects incorporating Innovative Project Delivery. Exceptions to 23 USC 120 are provided for certain freight projects, workforce development, training, and education activities, and Appalachian development highway system projects. (See “Federal Share” fact sheet).

Eligible activities
STP eligibilities are continued, with some additions and modifications. Eligibilities are described below, with changes emphasized:

Workforce development, training, and education activities are also an eligible use of STP funds.
[§1109; 23 USC 504(e)]

Location of Projects
In general, STP projects may not be on local or rural minor collectors. However, there are a number of exceptions to this requirement. A State may use up to 15% of its rural suballocation on minor collectors. Other exceptions include: ADHS local access roads, bridge and tunnel replacement and rehabilitation (not new construction), bridge and tunnel inspection, carpool projects, fringe/corridor parking facilities, bike/pedestrian walkways, safety infrastructure, Transportation Alternatives, recreational trails, port terminal modifications, minor collectors in NHS corridors, and the two new bridge eligibilities brought over from the HBP.

Program features
Off-system bridges

Rural minor collectors
Special rule allows States to use up to 15% of funds suballocated for areas with a population of 5,000 or less on rural minor collectors. The Secretary may suspend permission if the State is using the authority excessively.

Bridge and tunnel inspection standards
If a State is in noncompliance with bridge/tunnel inspection standards established by the Secretary, a portion of STP funds must be used to correct the problem. [§1111; 23 USC 144(h)(5)]


The STP supports national performance goals, but there are no measures tied specifically to this program.

Page last modified on December 23, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000