Press Release

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News Digest DOT 104-16


BTS Releases Smartphone App for Pocket Guide to Transportation – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) has introduced its most innovative product – a smartphone app for the Pocket Guide to Transportation 2016. The Pocket Guide is a popular, quick reference guide to significant transportation statistics. The new app allows users to take all the informative graphics and tables from the guide with them without having to carry a copy of the Pocket Guide. All of the features of the annual Pocket Guide will be available from both the iTunes App Store for iPhone and iPad and the Google Play store for Android devices. All seven sections – Infrastructure, Moving People, Moving Goods, Performance, Economy, Safety and Environment – plus a new Major Trends section can be found on the app. To link to the iTunes and Google Play download sites, go to the BTS Pocket Guide to Transportation page. For inquiries other than placing orders contact Dave Smallen: 202-366-5568.

FMCSA Seeks Input on Proposed Pilot Program Allowing Drivers of Military Heavy Vehicles Between the Ages of 18 and 21 to Operate Commercial Motor Vehicles in Interstate Commerce.  As required by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is proposing a three-year pilot program which allows a limited number of individuals between the ages of 18 and 21 to operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce if they received specified heavy-vehicle driver training while in Military service and are sponsored by a participating motor carrier.  FMCSA is also proposing criteria for a working group to consult with the Agency in conducting, monitoring, and evaluating the pilot program.  The Agency seeks public input during the next 30 days on the pilot program as well as outlined procedural steps and a data collection plan.  Click here to read the Federal Register notice and provide comments. Comments and data received from the public will be used to further develop the program.  Contact: Duane DeBruyne (202) 366-9999.


Friday, August 19, 2016
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