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Websites and related information

Disclaimer: The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers. Trademarks or manufacturers' names appear herein only because they are considered essential to the objective of this site, to share the most pertinent information available.

Federal Highway Administration Headquarters Civil Rights Program Office

U.S. Department of Transportation Civil Rights Program Office

U.S. Department of Transportation's Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

State DOT Civil Rights personnel directory

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Public Involvement

Government Accountability Office (GAO) issues legal decisions and legal opinions on appropriations law, bid protests, and other issues of federal law.

National Highway Institute's (NHI) web conference registration site. NHI's mission is to Improving the performance of the transportation industry through training.

Transportation Research Board (TRB) links
Civil Rights in Transportation Projects
The Impact of Civil Rights Litigation Under Title VI and Related Laws on Transit Decision Making
Effective Construction Management of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Issues

Environmental Justice & CRCOG's Transportation Planning Program

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

The American Association for Affirmative Action is the association of professionals managing affirmative action, equal opportunity, diversity and other human resource programs. Founded in 1974, the American Association for Affirmation Action (AAAA) is a national not-for-profit association of professionals working in the areas of affirmative action, equal opportunity, and diversity.
We help our members to be more successful and productive in their careers. We promote understanding and advocacy of affirmative action to enhance access and equality in employment, economic and educational opportunities.

The Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy (IRRPP) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) seeks to promote, coordinate, and conduct innovative research at the intersection of race, ethnicity and public policy.

The Civil Rights Project's mission is to help renew the civil rights movement by bridging the worlds of ideas and action, to be a preeminent source of intellectual capital within that movement, and to deepen the understanding of the issues that must be resolved to achieve racial and ethnic equity as society moves through the great transformation of the 21st century. We believe that either the country will learn to deal effectively with the richness of its astonishing diversity or it will lose pace in a globalizing world and decline and divide. Focused research and the best ideas of scholars and leaders from all parts of the country can make a decisive contribution to a renewal of the promise of the civil rights movement.

The mission of the Asian American Justice Center is to advance the human and civil rights of Asian Americans through advocacy, public policy, public education and litigation.

The Native American Rights Fund (NARF) is a non-profit 501c(3) organization that provides legal representation and technical assistance to Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide - a constituency that often lacks access to the justice system. NARF focuses on applying existing laws and treaties to guarantee that national and state governments live up to their legal obligations.

The National Association of tribal Historic Preservation Officers (NATHPO)

The National Women's Law Center serves to protect and advance the progress of women and girls at work, in school, and in virtually every aspect of their lives.

Americans with Disabilities Act; Section 501; Section 504

U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Department of Justice

U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

AAHSTO Bookstore

Historical Publications of the United States Commission on Civil Rights

Transportation as Civil Rights for the Disabled article from the Gotham Gazette from April 2003

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