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Grants & Financial Assistance
Authorizing Legislation
Grantee Resources
Grant Programs
   BEG Grant
   CDL Grant
   CMV-OST Grant
   CVISN Grant
   MCSAP Basic and
   Incentive Grants
   MCSAP High Priority
   MCSAP New Entrant
   PRISM Grant
   SaDIP Grant
Cooperative Agreements

Grants and Financial Assistance

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) safety grant funding opportunities are primarily available to State and local government agencies in one of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the US Virgin Islands. Applicants for FMCSA funding opportunities should be working on commercial motor vehicle safety activities and should demonstrate a capacity to work with highway traffic safety stakeholders which may include, but are not limited to, State and local law enforcement agencies, State departments of public safety, departments of transportation, State traffic records coordinating committees, associations that focus on commercial motor vehicle safety and training issues, and other industry stakeholders. FMCSA State and local government grantees often work in conjunction with for-profit and nonprofit organizations including public and private institutions of higher education, businesses and independent contractor consultants. Specific eligibility for each of the FMCSA safety grant funding opportunities is defined below.

Grant Program Eligible Applicants
Border Enforcement Grant (BEG)State or local governments; accredited post-secondary educational institutions (public or private) including colleges and universities. This program is restricted to states that share a border with a foreign nation. Applications from educational institutions must be coordinated through the State lead commercial motor vehicle inspection agency.  
Commercial Driver License (CDL) Program Improvement Grant State agency designated as the primary driver licensing agency responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the CDL program.
CDL Information System (CDLIS) Grant

Agencies in each State (including the District of Columbia) responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of the CDL program; or, any entity capable of engaging in special activities and projects relating to commercial driver licensing and motor vehicle safety that are of benefit to all jurisdictions of the United States or are designed to address national safety concerns and circumstances.

CMV Operator Safety Training GrantState or local governments; accredited post-secondary educational institutions (public or private) including colleges, universities, vocational / technical schools and truck-driver training schools. Funding priority is given to regional or multi-State educational or not-for-profit associations serving economically distressed regions within the U.S.A.  
Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN) Grant State agency designated as the primary agency responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of a CVISN-related system.
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) Basic and Incentive Grant State MCSAP lead agency, as designated by State Governor; State MCSAP lead agency must submit a commercial vehicle safety plan (CVSP).
MCSAP High Priority GrantState agencies, local governments, and organizations representing government agencies that use and train qualified officers and employees in coordination w/State motor vehicle safety agencies.  
New Entrant Safety Audit GrantState agencies, local governments, and organizations representing government agencies that use and train qualified officers and employees in coordination with State motor vehicle safety agencies.  
Performance and Registration Information Systems Management (PRISM) Grant State agency designated as the primary agency responsible for CMV licensing and registration.

Safety Data Improvement Program (SaDIP) GrantState agencies, local governments, and organizations representing government agencies that are involved with highway traffic safety activities. Organizations representing government agencies involved with highway CMV safety initiatives are also considered for funding. Eligibility is limited to state Departments of Transportation, state Departments of Public Safety, and state law enforcement agencies.


FMCSA is not able to fund all interested applicants and does not provide personal financial assistance to individuals. To learn where you may find personal help FMCSA encourages you to check government benefits and student loans.


FMCSA does not offer grants to for-profit organizations or businesses. We encourage small businesses, including commercial motor carriers and commercial drivers, to explore funding opportunities through their District or Regional Small Business Administration Offices. To find counseling, training and business development specialists providing free and low-cost services in your area please visit the Small Business Administration Web site.

Notices and Deadlines

The Federal fiscal year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th of the following fiscal year. FMCSA issues a formal Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the next fiscal year in the Federal Register. Specific deadlines for each of the safety grant programs are provided in the NOFA. Applications for all discretionary FMCSA safety grant programs must be submitted electronically through FMCSA encourages applicants to register with well in advance of application deadlines.
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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339 • Field Office Contacts