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Army Corps updates water release schedule at Francis E. Walter Dam

PHILADELPHIA (Oct 5, 2016) – The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2016 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir. There is currently not enough water storage to hold the tenth and final increment of the plan (release excess water storage between Friday, Oct. 7 and Monday Oct. 10). [Read More]
Published: Oct-05-16

Army Corps to hold public comment meeting for F.E. Walter Dam recreation plan

The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District will host a meeting to review the 2016 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan and solicit feedback for next year’s plan. [Read More]
Published: Sep-01-16

Army Corps shares groundwater expertise with Cambodian officials

A team from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers led a three-day groundwater modeling workshop for Cambodian government officials, representatives from the U.S. Agency for International Development, and local non-governmental organizations from Aug. 9-11. [Read More]
Published: Aug-25-16

Army Corps to reconstruct Delaware City Bridge

Work to replace the Delaware City Bridge (5th street/Rte. 9) in Delaware City will commence September 6, 2016. [Read More]
Published: Aug-04-16

Army Corps updates F.E. Walter rec plan

The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2016 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. [Read More]
Published: Aug-01-16

Army Corps updates water release schedule at Francis E. Walter Dam

The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2016 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. [Read More]
Published: Jul-26-16

Army Corps hosts Engineering With Nature workshop in Philadelphia

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia District and the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) co-hosted an Engineering With Nature (EWN) workshop June 7-8 in Philadelphia. A multi-disciplinary team from around the country met to discuss the EWN program and highlight best practices and capture new project ideas. [Read More]
Published: Jun-13-16

Army Corps of Engineers seeks public comments on proposal to renew and revise nationwide permits

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today it is seeking comments on its proposal to renew and revise 50 nationwide permits for work in wetlands and other waters that are regulated by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. In addition, USACE is proposing to issue two new nationwide permits that pertain to authorizing the removal of low-head dams and the construction and maintenance of living shorelines. [Read More]
Published: Jun-01-16

Army Corps shares Oyster Creek navigation data after completing dredging project

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia District completed maintenance dredging operations at Oyster Creek channel near Barnegat Inlet this Spring and recently posted updated navigation data for boaters. The government dredge Currituck cleared a shoal from a narrow area between channel markers 37 and 40. The U.S. Coast Guard has since placed two temporary buoys (39A and 41) and moved marker 38A to direct boaters to deeper water in the area. [Read More]
Published: May-27-16

Army Corps observes National Dam Safety Awareness Day

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia District recognizes National Dam Safety Awareness Day on May 31, which commemorates the 1889 failure of the South Fork Dam in Johnstown, Pa. The event was our nation’s worst dam failure and resulted in more than 2000 deaths. The USACE Philadelphia District owns and operates five earthfill dams in eastern Pennsylvania, which have prevented nearly $400 million in flood damages since their construction. [Read More]
Published: May-27-16
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