Government Affairs

Public policy decisions in the United States and Canada affect public works professionals and their day-to-day jobs in dramatic ways. Often they are the first to see the outcomes of policies on public infrastructure and local communities. That’s why APWA members are important stakeholders in transportation, environment, sustainability, emergency management and other issue areas. Policy makers need to hear from public works professionals in order to make informed policy decisions, and now it is easier than ever to stay informed and get involved.

Government Affairs Committee
APWA's Government Affairs Committee is responsible for recommending public policy goals, positions, priorities and strategies to the APWA Board of Directors and oversees the implementation of APWA's public policy advocacy initiatives and external relations activities.

APWA Legislative Action Center
A gateway to communicating with your elected officials. Contains tools to contact your members of Congress with messages APWA has written about current issues, or write your own letter on an issue of importance to you and your community. Track which bills APWA has identified as important public works legislation and see how your elected officials voted. Learn more about those who represent you in Washington, DC including finding their office locations and what committees they serve on.  APWA Advocates is the tool for promoting public works priorities through advocacy support, outreach and education to elected officials and their staff in Congress. Check your Email Communication Preferences settings to see if you are set up to receive messages from APWA Advocates.

Government Affairs infoNOW Community
The infoNOW Communities are members only forums for exchange of ideas and solutions to today's public works issues.  The Government Affairs infoNOW Community focuses on messages, information and updates on public works issues, regulations, legislation; advocacy; and APWA Legislative Action Alerts.

Canadian Advocacy
Explanation of Canadian advocacy efforts, partnerships, and links to federal and provincial contacts.

Advocacy Tips
Learn more about delivering the APWA advocacy message, meeting with or calling elected officials, the government policy process, and relevant committees and jurisdictions.