Explore, enjoy and protect the planet

It's Time to Move America Beyond Oil

Imagine a world with clean, abundant, affordable energy. One where climate disruption is a fading threat and American soldiers are never again deployed to defend oil fields. One where innovative green industries provide good jobs and supply 100 percent of our energy needs. Imagine a healthier America, with clean air and water, with pristine coasts and protected natural areas. A wealthier, more productive nation, whose leaders answer only to the citizens who elect them. This is America beyond oil.

It's time to protect our climate and communities from the fossil fuel industry. Take action now to urge the Obama administration to end destructive fossil fuel leasing on our public lands and waters »

ExxonMobil knew about climate change for decades, and covered it up. Now, Big Oil's friends in Congress are trying to derail justice. Tell the Republicans on the House Science Committee: Stop protecting Exxon from investigations over its climate deception »

What We Do

Block the most dangerous oil projects and revoke the oil industry's license to operate above the law and interfere with our transition to a clean energy future.
After years of grassroots activism, President Obama made the right decision and rejected the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline to protect our climate, and communities along the pipeline's path.
Canadian pipeline company Enbridge has increased the capacity of its cross-border Alberta Clipper tar sands pipeline without environmental review or permits from the government. Will the State Department look the other way while Big Oil circumvents the law?
Raise and defend strong fuel-efficiency and pollution standards, increase access to oil-free transportation choices, and promote electric vehicles.

Latest News

Tuesday December 6, 2016
 This past Saturday night, Dispatch singer Brad Corrigan called photographer Brian Nevins and told him he wanted to go to Standing Rock. Nevins was on a flight six hours later from Boston. At the... Read More
Tuesday December 6, 2016
Looking out over Louisiana’s salt marshes today, there’s little evidence that six years ago large stretches of the coastline were washed in black, sticky oil. Since then, the vegetation has crept... Read More
Sunday December 4, 2016
History made! The Obama administration just announced that it will not grant the final easement for the Dakota Access Pipeline! Instead, the Army Corps of Engineers will conduct an environmental... Read More
Monday November 21, 2016
Around 6 P.M. on Sunday, November 20, Elizabeth Hoover, 38, was preparing a wild rice and hominy salad in Grandma’s Kitchen, one of 10 canteens set up to feed the approximately 3,000 activists based... Read More
Wednesday November 16, 2016
[View the story "Tens of thousands #StandWithStandingRock" on Storify] From The Planet Read More
Friday November 4, 2016
Dan Chu, Navajo councilman and community leader Daniel Tso, Kendra Pinto local Navajo activist, and Sierra Club organizer Robert Tohe.Like many of you, I am filled with shame and outrage as I watch... Read More