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Funding Our Nation's Highway Programs and Leveling the Playing Field – Heavy Vehicle Use Tax –Office of Highway Policy Information (OHPI)

Heavy Vehicle Use Tax

Funding Our Nation's Highway Programs and Leveling the Playing Field

Collage: Capitol, People Viewing Monitor, Trucks

What Is Being Done at the Federal
  Level to Enhance HVUT

Screen shot of The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax Brochure

There is a renewed commitment to the HVUT program at the national level. Federal and state agents are recognizing the importance of the program in light of current funding limitations and are taking steps to enhance compliance. FHWA has prepared several instructional tools that are collectively designed to enhance HVUT enforcement. In addition to this training module, FHWA has recently developed:

In SAFETEA-LU, Congress took action to enhance HVUT enforcement through several provisions:

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Page last modified on November 7, 2014.
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000