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Controlled Substances and Alcohol Testing Management Information System (MIS) Statistical Data

The FMCSA is announcing the motor carrier industry's 1997 and 1998 controlled substances and alcohol usage rates based on random testing. The positive rate for controlled substances was 1.3 percent in calendar year 1997, and 1.5 percent in 1998. The alcohol ``violation'' rate was 0.2 percent in 1997, and 0.4 percent in 1998. Because the alcohol ``violation'' rate has remained below 0.5 percent for these two years, the FMCSA is announcing that it is maintaining the random alcohol testing rate for calendar year 2000 at 10 percent, in accordance with the provisions of the testing regulations. This lowered rate continues the DOT policy set in 1998 when data supported the same policy decision. Because the positive rate from controlled substances testing has remained above 1.0 percent during this same period, the FMCSA is maintaining the random controlled substances testing rate for calendar year 2000 at 50 percent, in accordance with FMCSA regulations. This notice serves to continue the existing policy and provides that it is effective until further notice.
65 FR 34246


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