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DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.231 Q&A

§§40.229; 40.231                                                    01/02


Is an employer considered to be in compliance with Part 40 if EBTs are not available within 30 minutes of an alcohol screening test location?


• An employer is not considered to be in compliance if an EBT is not available for use within 30 minutes to confirm the screening test.

• However, there may exist unusual circumstances (e.g., post-accident testing) in which an EBT is not available within the appropriate time frame. In such a case, the employer would not be considered out of compliance with the regulation if documentation exists showing a “good faith” effort to get an EBT. [It is important to note that most operating administrations give employers up to 8 hours to administer the appropriate alcohol test following a qualifying accident.]

Updated: Friday, May 27, 2016
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