Federal Regulation

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DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.347

Subpart Q - Roles and Responsibilities of Service Agents

§ 40.347 What functions may C/TPAs perform with respect to administering testing?
As a C/TPA, except as otherwise specified in this part, you may perform the following functions for employers concerning random selection and other selections for testing.
(a) You may operate random testing programs for employers and may assist (i.e., through contracting with laboratories or collection sites, conducting collections) employers with other types of testing (e.g., pre-employment, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, return-to-duty, and follow-up).
(b) You may combine employees from more than one employer or one transportation industry in a random pool if permitted by all the DOT agency drug and alcohol testing regulations involved.
(1) If you combine employees from more than one transportation industry, you must ensure that the random testing rate is at least equal to the highest rate required by each DOT agency.
(2) Employees not covered by DOT agency regulations may not be part of the same random pool with DOT covered employees.
(c) You may assist employers in ensuring that follow-up testing is conducted in accordance with the plan established by the SAP. However, neither you nor the employer are permitted to randomly select employees from a “follow-up pool” for follow-up testing.
Updated: Friday, April 8, 2016
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