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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

The Pedestrian and Bicycle Program of the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Planning

MAP-21 requires both Statewide and Metropolitan Plans and Statewide/Transportation Improvement Programs to provide for the development and integrated management and operation transportation systems and facilities including accessible pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities. It is also federally required to solicit and consider the participation of representative users of pedestrian and bicycle transportation facilities in the development of Plans and S/TIPs. Furthermore, the publication of an annual listing of projects, including investments in pedestrian walkways and bicycle transportation facilities for which Federal funds have been obligated in the preceding year shall be published or otherwise made available by the cooperative effort of the State, transit operator, and metropolitan planning organization for public review.

Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning Handbook

The Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle Planning Handbook is designed to help State departments of transportation (DOTs) develop or update State pedestrian and bicycle plans. Based on research including interviews with nine State DOTs and critical evaluations of documents from 15 States, this handbook covers statewide planning from plan inception and scoping to engaging stakeholders and the general public; developing goals, objectives and strategies; collecting and analyzing data; linking to the larger statewide transportation planning process; and implementation. For each stage of the planning process, this handbook uses recent experiences and noteworthy practices from DOTs around the country, helping inform a new generation of statewide nonmotorized planning and implementation.


Updated: 10/29/2014
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