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Highway Statistics 2014

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October 2015


Alabama 9,347 - 8,470 6,951 6,793 2,118 10,825 44,503 13,542 759 14,944 11,120 6,739 97 13,975 61,177 105,680
Alaska 1,293 - 493 188 475 227 569 3,245 1,184 - 1,492 859 381 204 451 4,571 7,816
Arizona 9,625 81 5,101 2,220 4,322 1,329 2,334 25,011 11,263 12,303 11,037 22,171 8,213 324 10,471 75,783 100,794
Arkansas 5,982 555 5,662 4,332 5,421 1,042 3,460 26,454 8,072 1,673 5,895 6,775 2,790 96 3,002 28,302 54,756
California 24,755 1,403 20,934 13,691 14,162 3,548 5,902 84,394 115,222 88,782 97,169 80,450 34,334 219 35,110 451,287 535,682
Colorado 6,816 379 6,478 3,250 2,797 1,160 2,320 23,201 13,934 8,053 14,155 9,703 4,164 60 5,563 55,633 78,834
Connecticut 754 462 676 650 1,334 201 943 5,021 15,774 6,396 6,092 8,283 4,320 92 4,219 45,175 50,196
Delaware - 898 1,364 505 947 256 654 4,624 2,007 950 3,352 1,693 1,247 85 1,485 10,820 15,444
Dist. of Columbia - - - - - - - - 690 583 1,631 1,113 414 - 1,245 5,677 5,677
Florida 14,700 2,780 11,765 5,346 5,392 2,197 9,006 51,185 44,408 20,323 67,988 43,229 28,289 5,327 62,793 272,358 323,543
Georgia 11,265 - 8,210 7,734 7,237 1,417 5,683 41,546 36,887 5,366 25,716 24,901 10,067 394 34,621 137,952 179,498
Hawaii - - 494 820 238 56 1,150 2,758 3,015 794 3,363 1,547 1,117 425 3,356 13,616 16,374
Idaho 3,744 - 3,727 1,532 2,120 367 3,622 15,111 2,281 - 3,485 2,665 1,069 2 1,383 10,886 25,997
Illinois 13,496 167 5,785 7,122 7,150 629 5,408 39,757 37,184 1,904 33,669 24,698 12,773 123 18,722 129,072 168,829
Indiana 11,315 1,048 7,363 6,307 9,919 3,594 7,561 47,107 16,523 2,109 16,294 14,445 7,212 90 23,685 80,358 127,466
Iowa 7,664 - 9,062 4,037 5,283 1,310 2,391 29,747 4,884 - 6,120 5,236 1,686 1 2,882 20,808 50,555
Kansas 5,398 2,010 5,105 3,646 4,391 571 2,790 23,912 6,266 2,929 2,734 6,266 3,242 337 3,738 25,511 49,422
Kentucky 11,682 3,245 5,495 5,719 6,555 3,604 5,071 41,370 10,200 1,467 7,377 9,059 3,385 222 4,073 35,783 77,153
Louisiana 9,868 127 4,889 4,615 6,345 2,215 4,190 32,249 13,968 815 13,099 9,996 4,847 - 2,679 45,405 77,654
Maine 3,587 - 2,997 2,778 3,598 1,325 2,335 16,621 1,330 220 1,073 1,547 1,533 0 692 6,395 23,016
Maryland 3,412 - 3,440 2,916 2,498 1,459 2,634 16,359 24,039 9,762 18,071 10,916 6,532 208 4,931 74,459 90,818
Massachusetts 1,277 160 430 648 698 138 849 4,200 25,707 9,475 19,284 15,901 5,238 - 12,816 88,422 92,622
Michigan 7,871 3,697 6,242 10,311 12,289 1,505 3,664 45,579 27,372 10,018 28,367 24,969 7,944 23 12,452 111,145 156,724
Minnesota 6,196 15 11,023 7,656 6,596 2,088 4,170 37,743 14,174 5,743 8,487 14,311 4,476 66 7,368 54,625 92,368
Mississippi 5,723 - 9,104 5,350 6,347 747 8,879 36,151 6,039 902 8,306 4,201 2,720 - 5,248 27,417 63,568
Missouri 10,985 5,788 6,312 5,405 8,145 1,037 9,011 46,684 22,497 7,764 9,427 9,753 5,035 61 12,897 67,433 114,117
Montana 4,013 - 3,821 1,688 1,452 709 1,878 13,561 901 - 1,971 1,036 642 42 1,412 6,004 19,565
Nebraska 4,310 1,760 3,809 3,788 2,514 384 1,808 18,372 2,291 1,555 3,529 3,105 887 - 1,824 13,191 31,563
Nevada 3,197 - 2,303 595 621 367 694 7,776 6,330 2,585 4,869 7,365 70 3,200 8,524 32,943 40,719
New Hampshire 1,669 213 1,634 1,744 1,597 780 575 8,211 3,137 2,063 2,099 2,696 1,402 - 1,266 12,662 20,874
New Jersey 1,806 778 1,127 1,081 1,320 326 1,117 7,555 22,789 20,729 26,495 17,959 7,340 1,204 16,399 112,915 120,470
New Mexico 6,866 - 5,088 2,276 1,827 863 6,210 23,130 4,153 - 6,776 2,486 350 1,308 2,589 17,662 40,792
New York 9,316 873 6,289 5,561 6,015 14,904 7,195 50,153 34,160 28,143 30,695 28,855 12,171 268 23,583 157,875 208,029
North Carolina 9,167 3,592 8,649 8,960 10,800 4,428 13,249 58,844 28,282 8,667 23,377 21,254 10,670 915 21,821 114,985 173,829
North Dakota 2,684 - 4,496 1,479 2,056 - 1,950 12,665 777 - 1,377 957 455 - 686 4,251 16,916
Ohio 13,401 2,681 6,848 6,790 12,438 2,630 8,812 53,600 37,410 10,216 21,649 21,641 15,843 661 20,459 127,879 181,480
Oklahoma 7,911 - 7,912 4,489 8,825 284 4,140 33,561 8,663 4,796 9,539 8,455 2,328 98 9,324 43,203 76,764
Oregon 5,632 - 6,254 2,709 2,763 869 3,476 21,703 8,517 2,113 8,614 6,763 4,137 363 3,489 33,996 55,700
Pennsylvania 17,102 3,440 6,738 10,728 6,925 3,225 9,635 57,794 22,786 10,347 25,428 19,204 11,976 - 13,209 102,950 160,744
Rhode Island 474 - 366 230 272 33 35 1,410 2,849 1,764 3,006 1,570 1,135 0 620 10,945 12,355
South Carolina 11,745 356 6,232 6,104 6,834 386 4,771 36,429 11,146 1,096 12,080 10,525 5,805 51 3,224 43,927 80,357
South Dakota 3,071 11 3,017 1,572 1,710 233 739 10,353 1,188 90 782 1,539 461 - 434 4,494 14,846
Tennessee 12,756 - 8,025 7,209 4,529 3,887 4,433 40,839 20,793 3,492 18,680 13,959 5,393 440 12,818 75,574 116,413
Texas (2) 25,461 0 34,720 18,691 19,523 2,897 7,979 109,272 72,685 46,469 61,334 46,538 39,191 731 14,974 281,921 391,193
Utah 4,635 115 2,678 1,153 1,331 284 1,591 11,786 11,341 626 8,047 3,617 2,505 80 6,343 32,559 44,345
Vermont 1,803 7 1,087 1,522 1,797 332 1,456 8,006 829 90 782 581 447 15 611 3,355 11,361
Virginia 15,084 807 10,149 9,255 7,037 1,438 4,827 48,598 24,319 5,259 19,736 16,626 7,001 686 8,109 81,734 130,332
Washington 7,089 2,688 3,388 3,471 5,474 1,675 1,790 25,577 18,505 8,820 14,982 12,397 5,526 167 7,465 67,861 93,438
West Virginia 4,567 - 4,260 2,483 4,333 618 1,723 17,984 4,610 135 3,245 3,270 1,105 - 417 12,782 30,767
Wisconsin 7,886 2,380 10,758 8,025 11,866 3,090 5,852 49,858 8,832 7,995 13,809 8,332 4,016 - 3,805 46,789 96,647
Wyoming 3,958 - 2,539 852 967 1,189 1,017 10,523 851 19 1,262 708 649 42 1,167 4,697 15,220
U.S. Total 372,357   302,808 226,185 255,876 79,977 202,370 1,482,089 836,607 366,158 752,793 627,246 311,271   474,428 3,387,232 4,869,321
Puerto Rico 700 - 289 426 240 0 0 1,657 7,602 1,452 5,179 4,915 2,629 0 5 21,783 23,439
Grand Total 373,058   303,097 226,611 256,116 79,978 202,371 1,483,746 844,209 367,610 757,972 632,161 313,900   474,434 3,409,014 4,892,760

(1) Travel for the rural minor collector and rural/urban local functional systems is estimated by the States based on a model or other means and provided to the FHWA on a summary basis. Travel for all other systems are estimated from State-provided data in the Highway Performance Monitoring System. Due to conversion from English to metric units and to rounding, individual cell values may not agree with corresponding vehicle-miles table cell values.

(2) This data was the result of a new TxDOT data system. Based on this information, Statewide vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) decreased 1.48% when compared to the 2013 data, contrary to an expected increase based on other economic indicators which suggest traffic growth in Texas.


Page last modified on February 2, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000