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Highway Statistics 2014

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State Motor-Vehicle Registrations - 2014


Alabama 2,506,496 17,649 2,524,145 1,261 4,136 5,397 2,698,310 23,224 2,721,534 114,843 925 115,768 5,320,910 45,934 5,366,844
Alaska 191,706 3,683 195,389 2,124 1,374 3,498 558,874 10,582 569,456 32,082 8 32,090 784,786 15,647 800,433
Arizona 2,298,039 22,625 2,320,664 16,034 5,008 21,042 3,025,292 40,100 3,065,391 180,913 4 180,917 5,520,278 67,737 5,588,014
Arkansas 954,536 34,755 989,291 10,847 689 11,536 1,671,001 13,911 1,684,913 92,921 0.0 92,921 2,729,305 49,355 2,778,660
California 13,789,501 276,488 14,065,989 33,934 59,130 93,064 13,320,923 392,899 13,713,822 799,006 14,765 813,771 27,943,364 743,282 28,686,646
Colorado 1,786,643 19,842 1,806,485 6,025 6,008 12,033 2,782,392 31,520 2,813,912 188,136 56 188,192 4,763,196 57,426 4,820,622
Connecticut 1,414,217 16,683 1,430,900 12,444 163 12,607 1,309,198 24,423 1,333,621 89,332 0.0 89,332 2,825,191 41,269 2,866,460
Delaware 440,929 816 441,745 4,036 469 4,505 478,091 2,935 481,026 30,393 0.0 30,393 953,449 4,220 957,669
Dist. of Col. 202,636 13,520 216,156 1,340 1,318 2,658 106,303 4,763 111,066 4,137 313 4,450 314,417 19,914 334,331
Florida 7,426,955 116,935 7,543,890 26,657 33,321 59,978 7,225,075 117,748 7,342,823 555,602 2,521 558,123 15,234,289 270,525 15,504,814
Georgia 3,509,347 58,541 3,567,888 21,079 20,364 41,443 4,276,140 70,061 4,346,201 199,445 130 199,575 8,006,011 149,096 8,155,107
Hawaii 580,384 11,587 591,971 2,097 833 2,930 745,078 10,459 755,537 42,450 371 42,821 1,370,009 23,250 1,393,259
Idaho 604,193 4,478 608,671 2,880 524 3,404 1,079,351 5,070 1,084,421 66,149 42 66,191 1,752,573 10,114 1,762,687
Illinois 4,748,735 46,645 4,795,380 30,666 216 30,882 5,164,160 51,783 5,215,943 351,277 21 351,298 10,294,838 98,665 10,393,503
Indiana 2,390,631 5,128 2,395,759 8,320 755 9,075 3,378,592 6,514 3,385,106 222,634 21 222,655 6,000,177 12,418 6,012,595
Iowa 1,339,065 10,228 1,349,293 3,501 5,339 8,840 2,026,560 24,586 2,051,146 186,921 330 187,251 3,556,047 40,483 3,596,530
Kansas 964,102 14,509 978,612 1,428 1,998 3,426 1,443,946 19,878 1,463,824 96,817 0.0 96,817 2,506,293 36,385 2,542,678
Kentucky 1,733,912 16,067 1,749,979 1,992 7,698 9,690 2,258,038 19,917 2,277,955 111,096 0.0 111,096 4,105,038 43,682 4,148,721
Louisiana 1,420,906 38,434 1,459,340 26,166 6,903 33,069 2,239,788 40,495 2,280,283 113,778 464 114,242 3,800,638 86,296 3,886,934
Maine (2) 466,377 5,339 471,717 1,940 1,922 3,862 660,479 6,980 667,459 51,622 1 51,623 1,180,418 14,243 1,194,661
Maryland 1,945,895 43,921 1,989,816 7,314 4,078 11,392 1,879,645 45,954 1,925,599 125,207 76 125,283 3,958,061 94,029 4,052,090
Massachusetts 2,409,923 28,331 2,438,254 10,380 2,844 13,224 2,389,263 28,429 2,417,692 125,157 113 125,270 4,934,722 59,717 4,994,439
Michigan 3,414,399 31,408 3,445,807 3,368 5,273 8,640 4,373,940 39,537 4,413,477 258,413 0.0 258,413 8,050,120 76,218 8,126,337
Minnesota (3) 2,141,437 20,967 2,162,403 5,397 7,303 12,700 2,784,682 25,997 2,810,679 237,408 0.0 237,408 5,168,923 54,266 5,223,189
Mississippi 853,699 3,968 857,667 1,831 6,079 7,910 1,167,660 6,095 1,173,755 28,474 0.0 28,474 2,051,664 16,142 2,067,806
Missouri 2,208,671 22,623 2,231,294 3,543 2,358 5,901 2,912,386 29,521 2,941,907 153,799 0.0 153,799 5,278,399 54,502 5,332,901
Montana 433,476 3,105 436,581 4,339 155 4,494 956,517 4,344 960,861 183,892 2 183,894 1,578,224 7,606 1,585,830
Nebraska 723,979 27,565 751,544 3,859 72 3,931 1,124,356 15,279 1,139,635 52,517 0.0 52,517 1,904,711 42,916 1,947,627
Nevada 980,445 9,668 990,113 696 3,274 3,970 1,161,393 13,141 1,174,534 71,875 5 71,880 2,214,410 26,088 2,240,498
New Hampshire 553,375 5,799 559,174 653 2,165 2,818 666,745 5,361 672,105 76,093 0.0 76,093 1,296,866 13,325 1,310,191
New Jersey 3,419,992 56,354 3,476,346 23,718 111 23,829 3,183,877 40,085 3,223,962 149,963 0.0 149,963 6,777,550 96,550 6,874,100
New Mexico 712,265 11,834 724,099 5,912 1,136 7,048 1,116,904 18,057 1,134,961 64,598 0.0 64,598 1,899,679 31,027 1,930,706
New York 5,132,288 27,408 5,159,696 21,220 4,952 26,172 5,351,168 20,374 5,371,542 345,116 1,094 346,210 10,849,792 53,828 10,903,620
North Carolina 3,403,864 70,904 3,474,768 11,578 19,740 31,318 4,132,194 44,107 4,176,301 193,386 257 193,643 7,741,022 135,008 7,876,030
North Dakota 244,548 6,451 250,998 935 1,757 2,692 569,188 10,605 579,794 37,234 13 37,247 851,905 18,826 870,731
Ohio 4,751,891 54,868 4,806,759 32,232 7,549 39,781 5,143,010 59,038 5,202,048 404,749 21 404,770 10,331,882 121,476 10,453,358
Oklahoma 1,381,866 9,936 1,391,802 908 1,275 2,183 1,983,697 10,719 1,994,416 129,404 1 129,405 3,495,875 21,931 3,517,806
Oregon 1,387,492 16,025 1,403,517 4,556 3,063 7,619 1,895,949 22,627 1,918,576 88,247 0.0 88,247 3,376,244 41,715 3,417,959
Pennsylvania 4,664,083 47,036 4,711,119 52,148 2,618 54,766 5,270,712 71,845 5,342,557 395,575 740 396,315 10,382,518 122,239 10,504,757
Rhode Island 447,220 8,301 455,520 1,754 364 2,118 368,412 6,841 375,254 31,772 98 31,870 849,158 15,604 864,762
South Carolina 1,711,960 42,122 1,754,081 5,389 12,469 17,858 2,088,878 42,127 2,131,005 114,198 468 114,666 3,920,425 97,186 4,017,611
South Dakota 317,977 6,183 324,160 0.0 2,664 2,664 599,153 17,268 616,421 88,889 571 89,460 1,006,019 26,686 1,032,705
Tennessee 2,236,150 37,362 2,273,513 2,069 23,960 26,029 2,945,617 85,779 3,031,395 162,396 2,314 164,710 5,346,232 149,415 5,495,647
Texas 7,991,684 148,637 8,140,321 18,931 82,914 101,845 11,901,074 288,391 12,189,465 441,291 4,104 445,395 20,352,980 524,046 20,877,026
Utah 884,802 10,916 895,718 2,665 2,140 4,805 1,162,465 13,494 1,175,959 73,950 141 74,091 2,123,882 26,691 2,150,573
Vermont 240,726 3,300 244,027 183 1,815 1,998 332,580 3,727 336,307 30,106 0.0 30,106 603,595 8,842 612,437
Virginia 3,236,043 73,436 3,309,479 7,555 24,652 32,207 3,583,987 39,194 3,623,181 194,585 645 195,230 7,022,170 137,927 7,160,097
Washington 2,720,628 28,310 2,748,938 4,528 16,866 21,394 3,369,443 35,886 3,405,328 229,822 1 229,823 6,324,421 81,062 6,405,483
West Virginia 548,653 28,169 576,821 253 3,174 3,427 905,004 10,661 915,666 55,925 1,353 57,278 1,509,835 43,357 1,553,192
Wisconsin 2,178,000 16,650 2,194,650 12,989 48 13,037 2,784,768 66,549 2,851,317 280,754 397 281,151 5,256,511 83,644 5,340,155
Wyoming (3) 214,402 2,192 216,594 1,161 158 1,319 568,813 2,398 571,211 30,978 5 30,983 815,354 4,753 820,107
Total 112,261,143 1,637,701 113,898,845 466,834 405,193 872,027 135,121,071 2,041,278 137,162,349 8,385,327 32,391 8,417,718 256,234,375 4,116,563 260,350,938

Sums may not equal to totals due to rounding.

(1) Many states do not maintain records on publicly owned motorcycles. A blank cell means the counts are not known rather than zero vehicles registered. Accordingly, the total may not represent an accurate count of the total number of publicly-owned motorcycles.

(2) State did not report active registrations and registers vehicles annually. Annual transaction data shown.

(3) State did not provide data. Estimated by FHWA.


Page last modified on July 6, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000