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Highway Statistics 2014

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Motor Fuel Tax Rates for Selected Countries (1)
  As of December 2014

Table IN-1
August 2015

(Cost per Gallon)

Country Gasoline Diesel
Belgium $4.06 $3.04
France $4.00 $3.04
Germany $4.19 $3.19
Italy $4.83 $4.23
Japan $2.22 $1.43
Netherlands $4.95 $3.39
United Kingdom $4.66 $4.71
United States (2) $0.42 $0.47

(1) Source for foreign rates is data collected by the U.S. Department of Energy from various sources. Rates were converted to U.S. currency using current exchange rates. Data shown as of December 2014.

(2) Includes the weighted average of State taxes as shown on table MF-121T, plus the Federal tax.

Page last modified on December 18, 2015
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000