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Highway Statistics 2014

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Public Road Length - 2014 (1)
    Miles by Ownership and Federal-Aid Highways
    National Summary

October 2015
Table HM-16

   State Highway Agency 27,811 99,735 127,546 302,938 430,485 184,259 614,743
   County 0 383 383 212,946 213,329 1,383,790 1,597,119
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) 1 60 60 10,997 11,057 548,232 559,289
   Other Jurisdictions (3) 1,283 399 1,683 3,172 4,855 45,858 50,713
   Federal Agency - 191 191 7,930 8,121 145,369 153,490
Total Rural 29,095 100,768 129,863 537,984 667,846 2,307,508 2,975,354
Small Urban Areas:              
   State Highway Agency 2,658 14,184 16,842 18,218 35,060 6,166 41,226
   County - 190 190 11,475 11,664 34,804 46,469
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) - 731 731 23,429 24,160 110,465 134,625
   Other Jurisdictions (3) 105 29 135 169 303 940 1,244
   Federal Agency - 7 7 123 131 901 1,031
Total Small Urban Area 2,763 15,142 17,905 53,414 71,319 153,276 224,595
Urbanized Areas:              
   State Highway Agency 14,698 43,068 57,766 43,944 101,709 25,124 126,833
   County - 4,370 4,370 47,667 52,037 144,971 197,008
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) 11 14,145 14,155 106,253 120,409 520,818 641,226
   Other Jurisdictions (3) 1,096 1,041 2,137 991 3,128 2,319 5,447
   Federal Agency 0 159 159 355 515 6,095 6,610
Total Urbanized Area 15,804 62,783 78,587 199,210 277,798 699,327 977,124
Total Urban:              
   State Highway Agency 17,355 57,253 74,608 62,162 136,770 31,290 168,060
   County - 4,560 4,560 59,142 63,702 179,775 243,477
   Town, Township, Municipal (2) 11 14,876 14,886 129,682 144,569 631,283 775,851
   Other Jurisdictions (3) 1,201 1,070 2,272 1,159 3,431 3,260 6,691
   Federal Agency 0 167 167 479 645 6,995 7,641
Total Urban 18,567 77,925 96,493 252,624 349,117 852,603 1,201,720
Total Rural and Urban 47,662 178,693 226,355 790,608 1,016,963 3,160,110 4,177,074

(1) Includes the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

(2) Prior to 1999, municipal was included with other jurisdictions.

(3) Includes State park, State toll, other State agency, other local agency, and other roadways not identified by ownership.


Page last modified on March 15, 2016
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000